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Inspection References
Investigations Operations Manual 2008
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Collect samples only on a specific assignment or during inspections when it appears that the firm is not filling the containers to capacity.

  1. INVESTIGATIONAL SAMPLES: Authentic Pack Preparation . Procedure for preparing authentic factory packs.
    1. Remove 72 cans, 3 at a time, from packing line after fruit has been added and before syruping.
    2. Mark 24 cans with the sub numbers A-1, A-2, A-3, etc.; 24 cans with sub numbers B-1, B-2, B-3; and 24 cans with sub numbers C-1, C-2, C-3, etc. See IOM
    3. Drain water from the "B" subs by inverting each can for 10 seconds, holding the fruit so it doesn't fall out.
    4. Obtain gross weight of each can and record data for each series of sub on 3 separate FDA-485 - Field Weight Sheets.
    5. Add additional fruit of the same kind and style to the "C" subs until the cans are filled to capacity. Do not tamp the contents or crush the fruit.
    6. Record the number of fruit pieces added where the size of the fruit makes the procedure reasonable. Do not make time consuming counts of small pieces of fruit or berries.
    7. Obtain the gross weight of the "C" subs after additional fruit is added and record on "C" series Field Weight Sheet.
    8. Return all 72 cans to the filling line for syruping, exhausting, sealing, etc. in normal cannery operation.
    9. Remove cans after cooking and cooling.
    10. Identify cans with a single INV Sample number.
    11. Attach FDA-485 - Field Weight Sheets to C/R.

    See Sample Schedule Chart 2 for sample size.

    1. Report coding of cans and shipping cases.
    2. Obtain label specimen(s) for the slack filled products.
    3. Report shipments made before the inspection or since previous inspection in the same canning season.
    4. Do not prepare Authentic Factory Samples when the cannery is packing for USDA fill-of-container certification unless:
      1. USDA inspection is not continuous.
      2. USDA Certification is for quality only.
      3. USDA recommendations for weights are not being followed.

    Submit samples to your district's designated workplan servicing laboratory

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