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I am Water

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I Am Water


An International Multimedia Campaign aiming at drawing attention to the global water crisis. Because Care for Water, is Care for You!



What is being done?

A vast number of organisations are working towards the improvement of our planet' water resources management. Please visit the World Water Council Members list.


The "I am water" campaign has been realised in partnership with :


Contact us


To join the “I Am Water” Campaign, please contact:


Melanie Giard
Communications Officer
World Water Council
2-4 place d'Arvieux
13002 Marseilles, France
Tel:  +33 4 91 99 41 00 
Fax: + 33 4 91 99 41 01



What can you do?


25 ways to save water at home



Global Water Tool - WBCSD

The Water Tool of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development is available at no cost to companies and organisations to map their water use and assess risks relative to their global operations and supply chains.



Healthy Water, Healthy People

an innovative water quality education programme offering hands-on activity guide, testing kits, trainings


World Water Monitoring Day - Get involved in an international outreach program that builds public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world



"Water & Education" wepages of the World Water Council, where you will find general information on water education as well as a many links to projects underway and to water education websites, specific educational material, games, quizzes, tips, etc.



Water for Schools - The Water for Schools Campaign aims to bring together a network of organizations and partners that deliver safe water and sanitation to schools and assist in bringing basic water and hygiene education to teachers. Its target is to provide all schools with safe drinking water by 2015 as part of helping reach the UN Millennium Development Goals.


World Water Fora

 Istanbul 2009


 Mexico 2006


Kyoto 2003


The Hague 2000


Marrakech 1997

Facts and Figures

1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water


2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation (2002, UNICEF/WHO JMP 2004)


1.8 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases.


3 900 children die every day from water borne diseases (WHO 2004)


Daily per capita use of water in residential areas:
- 350 litres in North America and Japan
- 200 litres in Europe
- 10-20 litres in sub-Saharan Africa


Quantity of water needed to produce 1 kg of:
- wheat: 1 000 L
- rice: 1 400 L
- beef: 13 000 L
(D.Zimmer,and D.Renault, 2003)


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