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  Quarterly Workforce System Results  
   Glossary of Performance Measures  
  (Used by Workforce Investment Act, Wagner-Peyser, TAA, SCSEP, PRI, and NFJP)

Adult Measures
Entered Employment
Of those who are not employed at the date of participation:
The number of adult participants who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of adult participants who exit during the quarter.

Employment Retention

Of those who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter:
The number of adult participants who are employed in both the second and third quarters after the exit quarter divided by the number of adult participants who exit during the quarter.

Average Earnings
Of those adult participants who are employed in the first, second, and third quarters after the exit quarter:
Total earnings in the second quarter plus the total earnings in the third quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of adult participants who exit during the quarter.

Average Earnings Change in Six Months 1
Of those who are employed in Q1 after exit: the total post-program earnings (earnings in Q2 + Q3 after exit) minus pre-program earnings (earnings in Q2 + Q3 prior to registration) divided by the number of adults who exit during the quarter.
Youth Measures

Attainment of a Degree or Certificate
Of those enrolled in education (at the date of participation or at any point during the program): the number of youth participants who attain a diploma, GED, or certificate by the end of the third quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of youth participants who exit during the quarter.

Literacy and Numeracy Gains
Of those out-of-school youth who are basic skills deficient: the number of youth participants who increase one or more educational functioning levels divided by the number of youth participants who have completed a year in the program
(i.e., one year from the date of first youth program service) plus the number of youth participants who exit before completing a year in the program.

Placement in Employment or Education

Of those who are not in postsecondary education or employment (including the military) at the date of participation: the number of youth participants who are in employment (including the military) or enrolled in postsecondary education and/or
advanced training/occupational skills training in the first quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of youth participants who exit during the quarter.
   Program Specific Performance Measures  
Foreign Labor Certification

Percent of H-1B Applications Processed Within Seven Days of the Filing Date for Which No Prevailing Wage Issues are Identified
This estimate is based on the difference between the date an application is received and the date it is processed by ETA divided by the total number of applications received for a given reporting period for which no prevailing wage issues are identified. An application is considered processed if the last significant event is (1) certified (2) denied or (3) withdrawn.

Percent of Employer Applications for Labor Certification under the Streamlined System that Are Resolved Within Six Months of Filing
This estimate is based on the difference between the date an application is received by ETA and the date it is processed by ETA divided by the total number of applications received for a given reporting period. An application is considered
processed if the last significant event is: (1) certified (2) denied or (3) withdrawn.

The Average Cost for Processing a New PERM Application
This calculation is part of DOL’s Cost Analysis Manager (CAM) initiative.

Percent of the H-2B Applications Processed Within 60 Days of Receipt
This estimate is based on the difference between the date an application is received by a State Workforce Agency and the date it is processed by ETA divided by the total number of applications received for a given reporting period. An application is considered processed if the last significant event is: (1) certified, (2) denied, (3) withdrawn, (4) remand issued to the employer, or (5) remand issued to the State Workforce Agency.
  1 This definition was used for earnings in Program Year 2005.   Q=Quarter  
Indian and Native American Adults

Average Hourly Wage Gain

Measures the INA program’s ability to increase participant earnings by comparing “preprogram” wages with “post-program” wages.  As a dollar amount, the post-program wages minus pre-program wages for those participants that obtained employment after exiting the program. The outcome for this measure is an
average of all “pre” and “post” program wages for all participants that obtained employment at exit.

Employability Enhancement Rate
As a rate, the total number of terminees who obtained an employability enhancement (whether or not they entered employment), divided by the total number of terminees enrolled in the program year.

Entered Employment Rate
The number of terminees who entered unsubsidized employment at termination divided by the total number of terminees.

Positive Termination Rate
As a rate, those who either entered unsubsidized employment at termination or attained an employability enhancement, divided by all terminees enrolled in the program year.

Indian and Native American Youth
Attainment of Two or More Goals
The total number of youth participants enrolled in the Grantee’s Supplemental Youth Services Program who attained at least two of the thirteen goals listed in the legislation divided by the total number of Supplemental Youth Services participants enrolled during the report period.

Educational Attainment for Dropouts
The number of dropouts who have obtained a high school diploma, GED, or increased their literacy and numeracy by two grade levels divided by the total number of dropouts.
Internet-Based Assistance
The Number of Page Views on America’s Career InfoNet

The Dissemination of O*NET Data Measured by Site Visits

The Number of Page Views on Career Voyages

Percent of New Requirements Ratings for O*NET-SOC Occupations
Number of occupations updated and released in database divided by the total number of O*NETSOC occupations during the fiscal year.

Percent of O*NET-SOC Occupations for Which Updated Data Are Released
Number of occupations for which incumbent survey activities have been completed and closed out divided by the total number of O*NET-SOC occupations during the fiscal year.

Website Visits to O*NET
Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI)

Recidivism Rate
The percentage of participants who are rearrested for a new crime or reincarcerated for revocation of a parole or probation violation within one year from release from prison.

Registered Apprenticeship

Employment Retention
The number of apprentices employed nine months after registration divided by the number of apprentices registered in the first quarter of the fiscal year.

Earnings Gain
The difference between the average of the current wage of the total number of entrants still employed nine months later and the average of the starting wage of the total number of entrants registered in the first quarter of the fiscal year.

Average Cost Per Registered Apprentice
Program budget allocation divided by total active federal program participants (apprentices).
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Placement Rate
The number of participants during the report period who were placed in unsubsidized employment divided by the number of authorized grantee community service positions. Placement in unsubsidized employment may be either part-time or full-time.

Service Level
The count of participants during the report period divided by the total number of authorized grantee community service positions.
Unemployment Insurance (UI)

Percent of Intrastate Payments Made Timely
The percentage of intrastate UI benefit first payments for full weeks of unemployment issued within 14 days following the first compensable week in states with a waiting week, and 21 days in non-waiting week states.

Detection of Recoverable Overpayments

The amount of overpayments (dollars) established through state operations as a percent of the estimated amount states can detect and establish for recovery.

Entered Employment Rate

The percent of persons receiving an intrastate first payment in a given quarter who had earnings in the next quarter.

Percent of Employer Tax Liability Determinations Made Timely
The percent of new employer determinations made within 90 days of the end of the quarter in which employers became liable to pay unemployment taxes.
  1 This definition was used for earnings in Fiscal Year 2006.   Q=Quarter  
Created: January 23, 2008
Updated: January 13, 2009