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Expedition Three Crew

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Expedition Three crew.
Astronaut Frank L. Culbertson, Jr. (center), commander, is flanked by Cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin (left), flight engineer, and Vladimir Dezhurov, Soyuz commander, representing Rosaviakosmos.

ISS CommanderFrank Culbertson Crew InterviewCrew Menus
Soyuz Commander Vladimir Dezhurov
Crew InterviewCrew Menus
Flight EngineerMikhail Tyurin
Crew InterviewCrew Menus
* Expedition Five Crew served as a backup for this crew.

The Expedition Three crew of the International Space Station enjoyed a unique view of the 2001 Leonid meteor storm.

Check out Expedition Three Commander Frank Culbertson's letter about sights he saw while looking out the station's windows.

Check out Expedition Three Commander Frank Culbertson's letter about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Note: The Expedition Three crew did not keep a ship's log during its stay aboard the International Space Station.

Expedition Two Crew

IMAGE: Expedition Two crew Expedition Two crewmembers (from left) Flight Engineer Susan Helms, Commander Yury Usachev and Flight Engineer Jim Voss handed off their assignments to the Expedition Three crew during space shuttle mission STS-105 in August 2001.

More About Astronauts
*Astronaut Fact Book (pdf)
*Astronaut Selection and Training
*Astronaut Biographies
*Food for Space Flight
*How to become an Astronaut
*General Station Crew Information
*ISS Ham Radio Information
Time in Orbit

How does this work?
Mission Patch
Expedition Three Crew Patch.
Mission Overview

Space Shuttle Discovery
International Space Station Flight 7A.1

Launch: Aug. 10, 2001
Docking:Aug. 12, 2001
Undocking:Dec. 15, 2001
Increment Duration:117 days,
02 hours,
56 minutes

Dec. 17, 2001
ISS Assembly Flight UF-1

Related Links
*Expedition Three Experiments
*One Year of Human Presence on ISS
*Expedition Three Press Kit
(2.0 Mb PDF)
*Soyuz 3 Taxi Crew biographies
*Expedition Three Ask
the ISS Crew answers
*Expedition Three Space Walks
*Expedition Three Preflight Imagery
*Space Station Science Experiments

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 04/23/2003
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