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Mission Patch
Image: STS-105 Insignia
Mission Highlights
Mission:International Space Station Flight 7A.1
Launch: Aug. 10, 2001
4:10 p.m. CDT
Window:Less than 5 minutes
Docking:Aug. 12, 2001
1:42 p.m. CDT
EVAs: 2 space walks
Undocking:Aug. 20, 2001
9:52 a.m. CDT
Landing: Aug. 22, 2001
1:23 p.m. CDT

11 days,
21 hours,
13 mins

122 nautical
Related Links
*STS-105 Interactive
(Requires Flash Player)
*Hitchhiker Experiments Advancing Technology (HEAT)
*Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE)
*Multi-Purpose Logistics Module
*STS-105 Videos
*STS-105 Wake-up Calls
*Crew Answers to Internet Questions
*MCC Answers to Internet Questions
IMAGE: Expedition Two crew
From the Gallery: Expedition Two Commander Yury Usachev is flanked by Flight Engineers Susan Helms, left, and Jim Voss.

STS-105 Swaps International Space Station Crews
Space Shuttle Discovery spent 12 days in orbit, with eight of those days docked to the International Space Station. While at the orbital outpost, the STS-105 crew attached the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module, transferred supplies and equipment to the station, completed two space walks and deployed a small spacecraft called Simplesat.

Discovery delivered the Expedition Three crew -- Commander Frank Culbertson, Pilot Vladimir Dezhurov and Flight Engineer Mikhail Tyurin -- for its extended stay aboard the space station. It returned to Earth with Expedition Two crewmembers Commander Yury Usachev and Flight Engineers Jim Voss and Susan Helms who had spent about five months living on the station.

IMAGE: International Space Station
*STS-105 Press Kit
*Mission Status Reports
*Expedition Two Crew
*Expedition Three Crew
*Space Station Science

IMAGE: Space walker Patrick Forrester
Space walker Patrick Forrester installs the Materials International Space Station Experiment, or MISSE, on the station exterior. It will expose 750 material samples to the space environment for about 18 months before being returned home in late 2002.

Two Space Walks Prepare ISS for Future Construction
Mission Specialists Daniel Barry and Patrick Forrester spent a total of 11 hours and 45 minutes outside the International Space Station during two space walks.

The first space walk involved installing the Early Ammonia Servicer and the first external experiment -- The Materials International Space Station Experiment -- onto the station’s hull. The servicer contains spare ammonia that can be used in the space station's cooling systems if needed. During the second space walk, they strung two 13.7-meter, or 45-foot, heater cables and installed handrails down both sides of the Destiny Laboratory.

Leonardo Highlights
Leonardo in payload bay, STS-102
Installed on station:Aug. 13, 2001
10:55 a.m. CDT
Reberthed in shuttle:Aug. 19, 2001
2:15 p.m. CDT
Cargo weight to station:approx. 3073 kg (6,775 lbs.)

Leonardo Delivers the Goods
The Leonardo carrier made its second trip to the International Space Station in Discovery's payload bay. The Multi-Purpose Logistics Module, or MPLM, is one of three supplied by the Italian Space Agency.

Mission Specialist Pat Forrester used the shuttle's robot arm to move the MPLM from the shuttle to the Earth-facing docking port on the station's Unity module. Both crews worked together to haul tons of supplies and equipment from Leonardo to storage places within the station. Then, they filled Leonardo with unneeded station equipment and trash for return to Earth. Forrester once again used the robot arm to reberth the module in Discovery's payload bay for the trip home.

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 12/10/2003
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