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Planetary Sciences

Views of solar system
Planetary scientists work to improve our understanding of the planets, satellites and smaller bodies in the solar system. By studying the atmospheres, surfaces and interiors of planets, researchers can get clues to the origins and mechanics of our own home planet. Examples of these studies focus on understanding the origins of planets, using radar to determine the physical characteristics of asteroids, and searching for asteroids that may pose a hazard to Earth. Research is carried out in the laboratory, from astronomical facilities throughout the world, and from spacecraft and landers.
Astrobiology research at JPL focuses on planetary habitability studies. More details about the seminar 'Astrobiology'

Giant Planets
Scientists characterize distant giant planets in our solar system and also discover new giant planets in distant galaxies. More details about the seminar 'Giant Planets'

Planetary Atmospheres
Planetary atmosphere studies are conducted on most planets and planetary bodies in the solar system. More details about the seminar 'Planetary Atmospheres'

Planetary Geology and Geophysics
Geoscience and geophysics research at JPL focuses on the study of solid bodies in our solar system, such as Venus and Mars. More details about the seminar 'Planetary Geology and Geophysics'

Radio Science
Efforts in radio science at JPL have contributed to significant findings in researching planetary rings, atmospheres, and surfaces. More details about the seminar 'Radio Science'

Small Planetary Bodies
Near earth objects and small planetary bodies are important to researchers as the look for clues to planetary formation and as they catalog asteroids and comets close to earth. More details about the seminar 'Small Planetary Bodies'

Solar System Ices and Icy Bodies
Europa, Titan, and Enceladus are some of the icy bodies in our solar system that researchers are currently studying as they search for life. More details about the seminar 'Solar System Ices and Icy Bodies'

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Science Writer:  Samantha Harvey
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