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Exploration & Observational Systems

Rover pod on Mars
JPL has continued to achieve its historical level of success by developing and applying increasingly advanced technologies. These new technologies have, among other things, enabled us to visit other planets and given us the opportunity make observations of our own planet. As these technologies at JPL continue to advance, they will assist missions in meeting science objectives and further exploring the universe.
Deep Space Communications
Deep Space Communications research focuses on optical communications, information processing, and the Deep Space Network More details about the seminar 'Deep Space Communications'

Deep Space Navigation
Deep space navigation applications and research is concerned with finding innovative ways to successfully send both orbiters and landers to different planets in the solar systems. More details about the seminar 'Deep Space Navigation'

Large Aperture Systems
Large aperture system technologies include telescopes and radar systems that are used to help earth and planetary missions collect science data. More details about the seminar 'Large Aperture Systems'

Planetary Protection Systems
Planetary protection is a necessary component of many of JPL's missions. Researchers find ways to prevent forward and backward contamination. More details about the seminar 'Planetary Protection Systems'

Precision Formation Flying
Research in distributed spacecraft technologies, including control, modeling, tethers, ranging, and thrusters. More details about the seminar 'Precision Formation Flying'

Robotic research at JPL consists of both hardware and software elements. JPL has had many successes with robotic missions and is developing new technologies for future missions. More details about the seminar 'Robotics'

Survivable Systems for Extreme Environments
Many planetary science missions must be prepared for encountering environments with very high and low temperatures, high radiation levels, and other extreme conditions. More details about the seminar 'Survivable Systems for Extreme Environments'

Site Manager:  Brian Knosp
Webmasters:  Cornell Lewis, Maryia Davis
Science Writer:  Samantha Harvey
JPL Clearance:  CL#08-4147