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Contact Barrett

Global War on Terror

For years, in fact decades, prior to September 11, 2001 America and American interests were continually attacked by terrorists worldwide. With the tragic death of almost 3,000 America citizens on 9/11, the country was faced with a choice: continue the naïve policies of the past or take the fight to the terrorists wherever they live, train, obtain safe harbor and funding. President Bush made it immediately clear his top priority from that day forward would be to protect American citizens and the homeland from future attacks.

This war is not unlike wars of the past. It is taking place in many countries, on many fronts: through diplomatic and political means, by stopping the money being funneled to terrorist organizations, and where necessary, with military force. Americans are understandably uncertain and unsettled, but when the future security of the country is at stake, elected leaders have a responsibility to think beyond today. Representative Barrett will not support policies that take the country toward defeat. A former Captain in the United States Army, he believes the best strategy to pursue is Victory. He is eternally grateful to those who have died defending America, and keeps those fighting today in his prayers.