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@LittleLaura What's the project? Don't be so coy! ;)
@michaelnobbs Hey, thanks! (I'm having a busy twitter day today!)
@stephenfry has joned @posterous: http://stephenfry.posterous... - and probably overloaded the place! More servers guys :)
@ninjamonk Oh! I really wasnt thinking of this as being 'newsworthy' in the slightest. Shame Posterous seems to have gone down...
@ninjamonk If I felt I had any rights to the name, and I had a real use for it, it would be a very different matter.
@ninjamonk Truthfully, I've forgotten the password the the email account I used! So, maybe! They certainly didn't make contact tho.
@virginmedia 'Stole' my Twitter account!
Custom Moleskine notebook for Asus Eee PC
Bus was running late... and now a few stops later, the driver has gotten out and fucked off!
I've noticed a couple of Twitter profiles that manage to have a larger avatar, by using a GIF! For example:
@Octane We bought Tesco ready meal Chinese, and the prawn crackers were probably the nicest I've ever had. Boring, but true!
Since all my followers are smart and funny, I'm sure you'll all want to follow my smart and funny girlfriend - @realityminus3 :)
Anyone want to help develop a pixel art app?
Today's photos: Cosmeston Lake
I just installed Chromium on Ubuntu… and then uninstalled it straight away! It looks pretty bodged - I'll wait for the proper Linux version....
@RealityMinus3 Purple is a sexually confused colour!
Thinking about trying #!CrunchBang Linux on my Eee. (I like how the name is a hashtag too) -
Today's fun cemetery pics


Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Dunstan Jason Goldman veen Jason Shellen Grant Shellen Xeni Jardin om Narendra Nick Douglas Mr Messina Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Cristiano Betta Molly E. Holzschlag Chris Brogan drew olanoff Veronica Belmont Jim Long Zadi Diaz fake mat honan Arun russell Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Hickensian Tom Coates Snook Simon Crowley Veerle Pieters
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