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Expedition Three Spacewalks

The Expedition Three crew performed four spacewalks to continue the on-orbit construction and maintenance on the International Space Station. The first three spacewalks focussed on outfitting the Russian Docking Compartment, which is named Pirs. The fourth spacewalk focused on the removal of an obstruction that was blocking the hard docking of the Progress 6 cargo ship to the station. All four space walks were conducted from Pirs. Expedition Three's excursions brought the total number of station-based spacewalks to six and the number of spacewalks in support of station assembly and maintenance to 30.

Learn more about the space walks required to build the International Space Station.

EVA Cosmonauts and Astronauts and Suit ID>
Vladimir Dezhurov: red stripes
Mikhail Tyurin: blue stripes
Frank Culbertson: blue stripes

Spacewalk 1
Vladimir Dezhurov, Mikhail Tyurin
Time: 4 hours, 58 minutes
Start time: 9:23 a.m. CDT (1423 GMT) Oct. 8, 2001
End time: 2:21 p.m. CDT (1921 GMT) Oct. 8, 2001

Dezhurov and Tyurin made connections between Pirs and the station's Zvezda Service Module. The spacewalkers installed a cable that will allow space walk radio communications between the two station sections. They also installed handrails on the new compartment. Then, they installed an exterior ladder that will be used to help spacewalkers leave Pirs' hatch. Tyurin and Dezhurov installed a Strela cargo crane onto the station.

Spacewalk 2
Vladimir Dezhurov, Mikhail Tyurin
Time: 5 hours, 52 minutes
Start time: 4:17 a.m. CDT (0917 GMT) Oct. 15, 2001
End time: 10:09 a.m. CDT (1509 GMT) Oct. 15, 2001

Dezhurov and Tyurin installed Russian commercial experiments on the exterior of Pirs. Among the experiments is a set of investigations of how various materials react to the space environment over a long time. Called MPAC-SEEDS, the investigation is housed in three briefcase-sized containers.

Spacewalk 3
Vladimir Dezhurov, Frank Culbertson
Time: 5 hours, 4 minutes
Start time: 3:41 p.m. CST (2141 GMT) Nov. 12, 2001
End time: 8:45 p.m. CST Nov. 12, 2001 (0245 GMT Nov. 13)

Dezhurov and Culbertson connected cables on the exterior of Pirs for the Kurs automated docking system. They completed checks of the Strela cargo crane, using one space walker at the end of the crane's boom to simulate a cargo. They also inspected and photographed a small panel of one solar array on the Zvezda Service Module that has one portion of a panel not fully unfolded.

Spacewalk 4
Vladimir Dezhurov, Mikhail Tyurin
Time: 2 hours, 46 minutes
Start time: 7:20 a.m. CST (1320 GMT) Dec. 3, 2001
End time: 10:06 a.m. CST (1606 GMT) Dec. 3, 2001

Dezhurov and Tyurin removed an obstruction that prevented a Progress resupply ship from firmly docking with the International Space Station. They also took pictures of the debris, which was a rubberized seal from the previous cargo ship, and of the docking interface.

EVA Details
IMAGE: Russian Cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin  and Vladimir Dezhurov.
As members of Expedition Three, Russian Cosmonauts Mikhail Tyurin and Vladimir Dezhurov prepare for a spacewalk.
Related Links
*ISS: The NASA Research Plan, an Overview
*(Also available as a pdf file - 979k)
*International Space Station Utilization Conference

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 09/04/2002
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