
May 21, 2008, 9:36 am

One Man’s Advice From Four Cancer Battles

Hamilton Jordan, the former White House chief of staff for President Jimmy Carter, was a well-known force in the health community. During the past 24 years he battled four different forms of cancer and urged cancer patients to empower themselves with information.

INSERT DESCRIPTIONHamilton Jordan, left, walked the White House grounds with President Jimmy Carter in this undated photo. (Ruth Fremson/The New York Times)

After bouts with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, prostate cancer and skin cancer, Mr. Jordan, 63, yesterday died as a result of mesothelioma, another form of cancer. Mr. Jordan often speculated that his lymphoma may have resulted from exposure to the chemical Agent Orange while serving as a volunteer during the Vietnam War. Mesothelioma also has been linked to the chemical.

In his 2001 memoir, “No Such Thing as a Bad Day,” Mr. Jordan outlined his “Top 10 Tips for Cancer Patients.” He spoke about them during this undated interview with WebMD. Here they are:

No. 1: Be an active partner in the medical decisions that are made about your life.

Don’t be passive. Learn about your disease, and participate in the decisions that are made….For example with my lymphoma, if I would have accepted the first treatment offered, I’d be dead today. It was assumed that I only had a mass in my chest. I later learned that the lymphoma was all through my body.

No. 2: Seek and know the truth about your illness, and prognosis.

If you don’t have the facts, and don’t know the truth, you won’t make good decisions. It takes courage to ask questions about statistics and your prognosis.

No. 3: Get a second opinion.

We wouldn’t buy the first computer or cellphone we looked at. Shop around when your life is at stake….I got second opinions on all of my cancers.

No. 4: Determine upfront how broad or narrow your physicians’ experience is.

If you have something that your doctor says, “I’ve never seen this before,” get another doctor. You want your doctor to be very familiar with your disease.

No. 5: If you have a poor prognosis, or a rare form of cancer, try to get to a center of excellence.

If your doctor doesn’t believe he or she can cure you, you won’t believe you’ll be cured.

No. 6: Do not allow your caregivers to project their values, goals and expectations onto you.

In my book I tell the story of a 68-year-old man who was diagnosed with PCa (prostate cancer). And this man is in very good health other than the PCa. His 35-year-old doctor reasoned that since his life expectancy was only five or six years, that he recommended that the man do nothing for his PCa and told him it would take the PCa four or five years to kill him. This man wanted to live to be 80 or 85. He didn’t accept that. He had his prostate removed, and many years later he’s in good health, and probably will live to be 80 or 85. Don’t let your doctor project his or her expectations in life out on you.

No. 7: Understand the economics of cancer care.

You don’t want to be in a situation where your doctor wants to run a $150 test that your insurance doesn’t cover, but it contains critical information for making your diagnosis or deciding treatment. You need to understand what your insurance covers, and let your doctor know what you’re willing to do to supplement that coverage to get a good diagnosis, and the best possible treatment. If your doctor says that he wants to run another test, but insurance won’t pay for it, find out what it is. Why does he want to run it? Find out the cost, and determine whether you should pay it yourself. It might save your life.

No. 8: Ultimately, find a doctor that you trust and believe in.

Find a doctor with a fighting spirit, and who thinks that they can cure you. You tend to find doctors that reflect your own attitude. I always found doctors that liked the fact I was aggressive and going to fight for my life. They didn’t object to my asking a lot of questions.

No. 9: Treat your mind as well as your body.

Just because we can’t quantify, and don’t understand the power of the mind, to deal with disease, it doesn’t mean that attitude and the will to live is not a powerful, powerful force in the course of an illness.

No. 10: Your attitude and beliefs are your most powerful weapon against cancer.

I believe that deeply. There have been studies that show when you are happy and engaged and positive, your immune system is at its strongest. When you are depressed or unhappy, your immune system is weakened.

To read the full interview, click here.

From 1 to 25 of 71 Comments

  1. 1. May 21, 2008 10:46 am Link

    I have a problem with point #6 about the 68 year old man with prostate cancer. We’d need to know the patient’s Gleason score, cell type and the size of tumor to really understand the quality of the doctor’s advice. In 2001 when this book came out prostate surgery carried far higher risks for impotence and incontinence than today. Hence it was sound clinical judgment to watch and wait rather than aggressively treat a small low grade prostate cancer.

    Otherwise Jordan’s advice is excellent.

    — MARK KLEIN, M.D.
  2. 2. May 21, 2008 11:00 am Link

    Thank you for reprinting Jordan’s excellent advice.

    Outside the U.S., patients tend not to have the same consumer-mentality regarding doctors that seems possible in the U.S. Many doctors are quite authoritarian, and many people quite sheep-like in accepting what they’re told.

    This advice, read by people around the world, could well save lives.


    — Carole
  3. 3. May 21, 2008 11:01 am Link

    Dr. Klien:
    You’re missing the point here. Surely you see that doctors and other medical personnel with which a patient consults, can allow their own biases to cloud their advice, unless they are mindful of those? The advice that Mr. Jordan, an man who unfortunately had vast experience in making decisions for his own treatment and care in as sound as can be. Listen to the patient…he knew what he was talking about.

    — SDonnelly
  4. 4. May 21, 2008 11:03 am Link

    During radiation for fibrosarcoma in my arm, I was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer. After removing one of my lobes, it was determined I had carcinoma throughout my lungs, and the cell escaped through the plueral lining. I was told within a year it would be all over my body and there was a possibility a year would be all I had. I got a different doctor…It has been almost 3 years of being stable - no growth. I believed I would be OK, my doctor is positive, and I’ve never enjoyed life so much. Find a doctor that supports your drive to be alive, there is a lot of power in your own belief system, spend your days living, not dying.

    — Karen Kaufman
  5. 5. May 21, 2008 11:04 am Link

    Mr. Jordan’s advice is excellent and well taken. I am a 3-time cancer survivor. The best weapon I had at my disposal was excellent medical insurance. Without that items 3, 4 and 5 and meaningless. Believe me, I understand the economics of cancer and realize that I would be dead without medical insurance. Unfortunately, most UNDER-insured and UN-insured don’t have options. When the U.S. citizenry at large has the same type of insurance and medical coverage as members of the U.S. Senate, then we can start discussing treatment options. Citizens of the U.S. deserve nothing less.

    — S. R. Moritz
  6. 6. May 21, 2008 11:19 am Link

    The next President of the United States should make curing cancer a national (and international)goal, like going to the moon. The effort should be a priority resource-wise. Why does cancer research still have to beg for money? No one is immune. It is a disgrace that in an age when we can do the most amazing things (when there is a profit to be made) that people still die of cancer. We may not be able to cure all forms of cancer immediatetly, but certainly most of the more common cancers that kill us could be rendered non-life-threatening.

    — Pat
  7. 7. May 21, 2008 11:23 am Link

    To Dr. Klein– Impotence and incontinence are not dead. If I wanted to live to 85 I’d take that risk. In my case, though, I’d go with you and the 35-year-old Dr.’s advice, as I have a horror of surgery, and would consider 73 or 74 a more than ripe age!

    — fourtyfiveyearold
  8. 8. May 21, 2008 11:25 am Link

    Excellent tips regarding doctors and positive attitude in fighting illness.

    — bdesai
  9. 9. May 21, 2008 11:26 am Link

    Point #6 is excellent advice. Watch and wait is always bad advice. 68 years old is far too young a patient, regardless of Gleason score, cell type and tumor size. If your doctor want to wait and watch and you don’t (and you shouldn’t) get to Mayo clinic and have the worlds best GI doctors educate about the wide range of treatments available to you

    — Carl
  10. 10. May 21, 2008 11:30 am Link

    To add to Dr. Klein’s comment: the chance of dying from a low-grade prostate cancer may very well be lower for certain individuals than the risk of dying from complications of surgery or chemotherapy.

    — Charlene
  11. 11. May 21, 2008 11:37 am Link

    Many years ago, I was working a contract project in Micronesia.

    On the job, I experienced a swelling in my lower extremities along with a gruesome rash. It looked like some kind of a fungus. I went to a local Naval Surgeon and he immediately recognized the cause, and affected a quick and sure cure. As it is known in the medical community, it was a local allergy - isolated to the island of Guam.

    In a set of tests, I also showed a high PSA level, indicating a biopsy or more. I declined further analysis and went on my merry way. That was 16-years ago.

    Now the fun begins: I returned to Micronesia in 2001 on another project.

    You guessed it! Another skin explosion, and three doctors later no cure. Finally, I went back to the Naval clinic (the original doctor was not there. I told the doctor in charge to just pull my medical records from 10-years ago, and give me the same meds. He reluctantly did this, and 4-hours later the symptoms evaporated.

    The lesson here is: take control of your medical care. Doctors are not magicians, just highly trained professional we entrust our well being to.

    I’m in my 8th decade, and knock-on-wood, still at it - enjoying life to the max.

    Don’t forget - we all die. Sooner if you get a flawed physician. Most males die with prostrate cancer, not of it.

    Stay Well,

    D Ross Bangkok

    — Donald Ross
  12. 12. May 21, 2008 11:40 am Link

    Again, not a word above about primary prevention and little advice about what a person could do outside of total dependence on the standard medical model. The only hint in the interview related to research is that we spend too little on cancer research and this lack of funding is making medical docotrs go into other fields of employment. We might assume that the research will be directed to finding a “cure” not primary prevention. Prevention just does not ring a bell on Wall Street. Finding a “cure” is a stock market analyst’s dream.

    His best advice is education empowerment. But that advice is directed to doing so as a patient. Educational empowerment should start before illness and disease, not after. Empowerment should start for all of us as people. A patient is concerned about the diagnosed disease, appointments, tests, treatment, MCR insurance,and medical bills. A person should be focused on a quality, vibrant life and how to maintain it.

    Among his many offerings, two of the best are his thoughts on Points 9 and 10. This advice comes to similar findings of the research of Dr. Grossarth-Maticek and many others over the last 80 years. Dated perhaps, put some truths can last a long time. A more recent version was presented in an article by a Columbia University faculty member of the role of attitude and “normal aging”.

    These Points 9 and 10 are also supported by the story of the man with prostate cancer who wanted to live until his 80’s. How he lived and the actual reality behind the effectiveness of the treatment he received is not explained, but the point is still valid. We need healthy attitudes, a desire to live and the emotional and mental energy ability and belief to make that happen by ourselves as much as possible.

    We are given many rules to follow to make medical care received (MCR) work for us, with lots of advice about how to manipulate that MCR. Do we really have an industry of providing MCR that requires all this manipulation? Could everybody implement this advice? Most Americans aren’t at his educational, economic and social levels. Would most Americans be able to do as he recommends? For instance tell their doctor: “Money is no object!”

    Today, recently we have been made aware of the medical psospects of another another famous political person, Senator Kennedy, now transformed into patient Kennedy. Even with access to the best MCR and having the highest social, economic and education opportunities, he is reduced to deciding to have or not have surgery, being radiated or not and having chemotherapy or not. Not a lot of choices there! None safe, pleasant or inexpensive.

    How could the Senator use the provided advice to live into his 80’s or 90’s? The standard MCR does not look promising. I know the Senator has a powerful attitude and thirst for life. Hopefully, he will put that power to work along with the best MCR and other options to use.

    — healthinfo
  13. 13. May 21, 2008 11:45 am Link

    It is a battle that should be fought with one’s whole spirit and intelligence. getting to the experts who see and care for patients with the specific cancer is very important. I have seen first harnd that the care at M D Anderson , Houston is exceptional and agressive. There are other great Cancer Care Centers to go to and that is my strongest recommendation. DO NOT SETTLE FOR LOCAL CARE WITHOUT GETTING A SECOND OPINION FROM DOCTORS THAT SEE YOUR CANCER DAILY!!!!!

    — chip hider
  14. 14. May 21, 2008 11:46 am Link

    Mark, Some people would rather be impotent and incontinent and alive. And their families would prefer that too.

    — ellie
  15. 15. May 21, 2008 11:51 am Link

    While I think Jordan’s advice is definitely helpful, the idea that a positive attitude can effect the outcome of cancer treatment is erroneous. While it can certainly make the treatment process more bearable, it is irresponsible to suggest that positive thinking can change the course of the disease.

    Unfortunately, I learned first hand that projected survival rates are usually accurate.

    — Ilene Kemerley
  16. 16. May 21, 2008 11:57 am Link

    Hamilton Jordan spoke at Baylor University when I was an undergrad there and he signed a copy of his book, “Crisis” for me.

    He was an amazing person and one of my heroes long before his heroic fight for his life.

    My sympathies to his family on their loss.

    Mr. Jordan’s advice regarding fighting cancer is correct and our friends who have survived it have each undertaken those steps regarding their active, aggressive struggle against cancer. Partner with your medical team, ask questions, get involved with the effort and live well to fight hard.

    — Jaye
  17. 17. May 21, 2008 12:03 pm Link

    “If I wanted to live to 85 I’d take that risk. In my case, though, I’d go with you and the 35-year-old Dr.’s advice, as I have a horror of surgery, and would consider 73 or 74 a more than ripe age! — Posted by fourtyfiveyearold”

    Let us know if you feel the same way when you’re 71 or 72.

    — markjay1
  18. 18. May 21, 2008 12:12 pm Link

    As a physician I agree with all of these. I often get on patients when they are reluctant to get a 2nd opinion. If they have ANY doubt, they need to make sure someone else agrees with them. The patient has no obligation to the doctor’s feelings, and if the doctor is miffed by a 2nd opinion, then he/she probably should not be trusted anyhow.

    I prefer my patients to be active and involved. Education is one of the cornerstones of good medical care.

    — Dr. Rob
  19. 19. May 21, 2008 12:24 pm Link

    Positive thinking and an optimistic attitude can certainly change the prognosis, if the patient is responding to it on a deeper psychological level. This has been shown to stimulate the functioning of the immune system, for instance. In other cases, where the patient only superficially tries to apply a method of frenetic repetition of “positive statements” without really believing in it themselves, the effect can be less than impressive.

    — J. Horntvedt
  20. 20. May 21, 2008 12:28 pm Link

    To my mind, No. 2 is debatable. Senator Kennedy has a malignant glioma. As far as I know, the grade has not yet been specified. I was diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor when I was 32. That’s grade IV, the highest and most aggressive glioma, with, correspondingly, the bleakest prognosis.

    I deliberately chose not to learn my prognosis, believing, I think, that knowing I had less than a year to live would result in its being a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ten years later, I’m still here.

    — Eunice
  21. 21. May 21, 2008 12:30 pm Link

    positive attitude and a fighting spirit will not cure you in and of itself. it may, may help your attitude and your view on things duirng the medical treatment and in its own way, help your mental stability and such.

    its sort of like people saying that they pray to cure themselve and than thank a higher power for cures.. that is for the same purpose. to give you comfort and that is all.. it won’t cure you by itself.

    — jay
  22. 22. May 21, 2008 12:37 pm Link

    Our prayers for the Senator’s health, comfort, and strength, and for his family, friends and colleagues.
    We all owe Sen. Kennedy so much. And of course he deserves what he will get, the very best care in the world.
    I’m especially appreciative of the fact that he’s spent so much of his career (and hope that he will continue for many years) fighting to help all of us get access to health care as well.
    Sadly, we can’t say the same for many of the Senators, Representatives, and members of the current administration, who can be relied on to tell us how awful “government health care” is, while enjoying it themselves. If “socialized medicine” is so terrible, why is it good enough for Cheney, Bush, and every Republican Congresscritter — and paid for by your tax dollars?

    — smartalek
  23. 23. May 21, 2008 12:42 pm Link

    Carl #9, even the Mayo Clinic advises watchful waiting in certain cases.

    Jordan’s statement could have been just as well supported by a case of a frail 75 year old being pushed into surgery by an overly aggressive doctor. (who then will likely become incontinent, dumped into a nursing home because of it, and die of pneumonia)

    The MDs advice was completely reasonable, as was the decision to have the surgery. The ponit is that such a medical decision is a PERSONAL CHOICE to be made by a WELL-INFORMED patient who understand the consequence of the decision. Find a doctor who’ll support your decision. Period.

    — Sara
  24. 24. May 21, 2008 1:02 pm Link

    Our son-in-law’s grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago. His doctor told him it was slow growing and he would die of something else before the prostate cancer killed him. He was 88 when the prostate cancer spread to his bones and other organs, and he died in great pain. In the years in between he had a great life, wintering in the south, where he was highly popular with the old widows. The doctor was wrong about him dying of something else, but maybe he was right in that he had an enjoyable life in the interim. 88 is a long life, especially when one is pain free to enjoy it. It’s unfortunate that American society and the Federal government don’t allow euthanasia to eliminate needless suffering as a last resort. Hurray for the Netherlands and Oregon.

    — Bill
  25. 25. May 21, 2008 1:10 pm Link

    To Eunice: “Unfortunately, management of glioblastoma is still mainly palliative.”
    This is from a review article in Lancet 2003Jan 25;361(9354):323-31. Two year survival is unusual, so ten year would be reportable.

    Anyway, the 10 tips are applicable to a curable disease. Patients still die everyday at Sloan Kettering and all the positive attitude in the world cannot cure small cell lung cancer with mets.

    — Realist

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