Oddly Enough

You can't fire me, I'm drunk! 2:36pm EST

LIMA (Reuters) - Peru's top court has ruled that workers cannot be fired for being drunk on the job, a decision that was criticized by the government on Wednesday for setting a dangerous precedent.  Full Article

Police use Facebook to nab burglar 2:36pm EST 

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand police have arrested a safe burglar by using the popular social networking website Facebook to identify and track him down.  Full Article 

Waxy Obama a hit in New York

Jan 15 - His presidential inauguration may be a few days away but president-elect Barack Obama received an early wax inauguration at Madame Tussauds in New York City.   Play Video

Strange and unusual

Our photographers sometimes capture moments that are strange and offbeat. Here's a recent sampling.  Slideshow 

Death, drugs tarnish Motown's legacy

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Some time during the 1970s, Marvin Gaye reflected on his turbulent career in an obscure tune called "Dream of a Lifetime."  Full Article