

Plane downed by birds in NY's Hudson river, all safe 6:32pm EST

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A US Airways jet with more than 150 people on board came down into the frigid Hudson River off Manhattan after apparently hitting a flock of geese on Thursday and officials said everyone was rescued.  Full Article   |  Video

Congress advances emergency economic aid plans 6:44pm EST 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic-led U.S. Congress took steps on Thursday to give President-elect Barack Obama the weapons he wants to fight a worsening economic recession by advancing legislation to provide nearly $1.2 trillion in emergency spending.  Full Article 

Bernd Debusmann
World Affairs:
Lions led by donkeys in Gaza war?

It's not often that a senior member of Washington's usually staid and cautious foreign policy establishment likens Israeli political leaders to donkeys and questions their competence.  Commentary 

Plane crashes into NY's Hudson River

Jan. 15 - A U.S. Airways flight en route to Charlotte, North Carolina crashed into New York's Hudson River immediately after takeoff.  Play Video

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