Reuters Blogs

Good, Bad, and Ugly

Reader reaction to Reuters news

January 16th, 2009

Not 30 countries…

Posted by: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Editor
Tags: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, , , ,

G30 says broken financial system needs fixing

NEW YORK, Jan 15 (Reuters) - The Group of 30 countries on Thursday called for changes in international financial regulation to help avoid future meltdowns, but its recommendations were vague and non-binding.

Your story incorrectly states that the G30 is a “Group of 30 countries.” It is not. The Group of Thirty is a group of individuals from the private and public sectors and academia from a variety of countries, but not thirty countries.

Please correct it.


We corrected: GBU Editor

Paul Volcker, in a 2008 photo. Volcker, a former Federal Reserve Chairman, chairs the G30’s steering committee. REUTERS/John Gress


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