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Astro Camp Registration Policy

The Astro Camp staff strives to make the registration process fair, equitable and open to all eligible campers. To this end, the following registration policy has been established:

1) The summer camp schedule will be announced via the Internet every winter before camp takes place, usually in late January or early February. Fall and Spring Saturday camp schedules will usually be announced in August and January respectively. Camp slots are filled on a first come, first serve basis.

2) The schedule will be posted at the official Astro Camp web site, and registration forms will be immediately available for download or printing at the time the summer and Saturday camp schedules are posted. The current web address for the Astro Camp web site is: http://education.ssc.nasa.gov/astrocamp.asp.

3) The Astro Camp web site is the primary portal for registration updates, and will have the most current information regarding schedules and session availability. Mailings and press releases, if they occur, will be sent as a courtesy only, and should not be counted on for notification of summer sessions.

4) To register for a session, parents should print and complete the official Astro Camp registration form and mail it to the address below with the required deposit:

Astro Camp Registration
Building 1200
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529

5) Registration is confirmed when a deposit is received for each camper. The cancelled check will serve as proof of registration until confirmation letters are mailed. Confirmation letters will be mailed in advance of each camp, usually two to three weeks before the start of each session.

6) Registration for each session continues until every slot is filled. Registrations are processed in the order they are received, and Astro Camp staff will not hold or reserve slots for anyone who has not registered and paid a deposit. All Summer camps are normally full by March or early April.

7) Children may be placed on a waiting list for a particular session by calling 1-800-237-1821 (Option 4). When a slot becomes available due to a cancellation, the space will be filled from the waiting list in the order that names were placed on the list.

8) If a child is unable to attend an Astro Camp session, parents should notify the Astro Camp staff by calling 1-800-237-1821 (Option 4). The deposit will be refunded only if there is enough time to fill the slot from the waiting list.

9) Questions, comments or concerns about this policy should be directed to

Randall Hicks,
Education Services Manager
228-688-3653 or randall.t.hicks@nasa.gov

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Responsible NASA Official: Katie V. Wallace
Curator: Ken Christian