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Microfluidics Development

Micron-scale fluidic channels for biomedical assays

Smaller samples, faster analysis, greater functionality


  • Fabrication technology developed for the semiconductor industry
  • Mature analytical techniques for extraction separation and detection of analytes from complex matrices
Current focus:

Specific biomedical applications that require extensive customization or integration into a measurement system.

Current major projects:

  • Microfluidic flow-through immunoassay
  • Detection system for polymer chip-based electrophoresis of DNA
BIMI Staff Specialists

Contact the following BIMI staff for more information

Paul Smith, Ph.D. - Chief and Research Physicist

Nicole Morgan, Ph.D. - Staff Scientist

Ed Wellner - Biomedical Engineering Technician

Recent presentations
microfluidics diagram


Last reviewed on: 08/26/2008

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