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Thomson Reuters does business in 93 countries and our employee base comprises over 100 nationalities, reflecting the different cultures and markets in which we operate. This multifaceted diversity of cultural perspectives, business insights and geography both defines and differentiates the Thomson Reuters environment. Bringing together people with different backgrounds, talents and experiences leads to diverse thinking, to new approaches, strong collaborations and great innovation. It not only helps our employees to thrive and realize their full potential, but it also helps Thomson Reuters as a company to better recognize new business opportunities, adapt in a fast-changing environment and deliver improved products and services to our customers.

We value what makes us different as individuals, and building on our principles of integrity and freedom from bias, we value diversity in our organization.

Employee Resource & Networking Groups

Thomson Reuters offers resources and networks to employees to facilitate peer to peer support, to share common experiences and to raise awareness of issues of concern in our various locations. Examples include, but are not limited to, networks for women, African American, Asian, and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender employees.

Thomson Reuters also maintains relationships with many diversity-related professional organizations including the following:

  • National Black M.B.A. Association
  • National Society of Hispanic M.B.A.s
  • National Society of Black Engineers
  • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • Black Data Processors Association
  • National Lesbian and Gay Law Association

In 2006, Reuters was awarded the Disability "Two Ticks" symbol in the U.K., which recognized a commitment to the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees.

Staff at our Bangalore Business Service Centre established a relationship with Enable India, an organization that helps people with disabilities to find jobs.

Reverse Mentoring

Thomson Reuters offers a mentoring program that matches high-performing staff with senior managers to help them gain knowledge and insights that will enable them to incorporate diversity into their daily business. The objective is to enhance the understanding of diversity issues within the business units; to increase leadership, conflict management and coaching skills of both mentoring partners; and to encourage frank discussion.

Below are comments by a few participants:

"The one-on-one sessions were very rewarding personally. Getting the opportunity to meet someone whom I probably would not have otherwise come into contact with, and to get a sense of Thomson Reuters and the business world generally through his eyes, was a good experience. That the sessions were done informally, on the participants' schedule, contributed to the sense that they were social and encouraged a more open exchange."
Senior Manager/Mentee 

"I think it made us both more aware of possible assumptions we make, and we talked about how to avoid them in circumstances like recruitment."
Senior Manager/Mentee 

"I gained some valuable insights into how senior management is perceived further down the company."
Senior Manager/Mentee 

"I gained a better appreciation of the Thomson Reuters business and management concerns, and the importance of connecting business reasons with diversity issues."

"I have been more open in discussions and voicing opinions with others - common ground I can speak about. It also made me think and update my own thoughts and views on diversity, and made me more sensitive to others."

Meet Matt…

"I covered six wars and many elections, some of them rigged. During that decade I interviewed child soldiers, warlords, militiamen - and Nelson Mandela."



Our software development center, the largest software company in Thailand, was officially opened in Bangkok in 2001.


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Our patent solutions help you to use patent intelligence to make more informed strategic decisions at every step of the research and development process, and beyond.

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