Sat 17 Jan 2009 | 2:17 EST

Israel may halt Gaza war 1:33am EST

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli warplanes returned to the attack on the Gaza Strip before first light on Saturday as leaders of the Jewish state weighed a unilateral ceasefire.  Full Article

Middle class key to stimulus plan: Harper Friday, 16 Jan 2009 

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Tax measures for Canada's middle class should be a key part of a stimulus package the government plans to bring forward that would increase spending and create significant deficits, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Friday.  Full Article 

Investors bank on hefty rate cut Friday, 16 Jan 2009 

TORONTO (Reuters) - Investors are counting on the Bank of Canada to deliver a hefty 50 basis point interest rate cut on Tuesday, with anything less likely to knock the country's already fragile stock market lower, analysts say.  Full Article 

Liberals gain but still trail ruling Tories Friday, 16 Jan 2009 

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Liberal Party has gained some ground on Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives, but still would lose if an election were held now, a poll released on Friday showed.  Full Article