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EUD's Graviational Wave Astrophysics Lab

Gravitational Astrophysics Missions & Programs

cartoon of LISA in space

Future missions/programs

The Beyond Einstein program has three linked elements which advance science and technology towards two visions: to detect directly gravitational wave signals from the earliest possible moments of the Big Bang, and to image the event horizon of a black hole. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will open a new window on the Universe through the study of low-frequency gravitational waves. LISA consists of three spacecraft orbiting the Sun in a triangular configuration with a baseline of five million kilometers between spacecraft. LISA will detect low-frequency gravitational waves by measuring the changes in the relative velocity of two approximately freely-falling proof masses within each spacecraft.

See the AstroGravS archive for mock-LISA data, liturature and waveform catalogs.