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Publications per page: [8] 20 50

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Considering the Consequences: The Development Implications of Initiatives on Taxation, Anti-money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

J C Sharman, Percy Mistry
Publication Date: 05-2008
Stock Status: In stock

ISBN No: 978-0-85092-874-7
Price: £ 20.00     [Currency converter]

This study of three Commonwealth countries – Barbados, Mauritius and Vanuatu – examines the consequences of recent regulatory initiatives on international financial centres in small countries.

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Implementing Computerisation and Information Technology for Tax Administration

Publication Date: 06-2007
Stock Status: In stock

ISBN No: 978-0-9553540-2-1
Price: £ 10.00     [Currency converter]

Offers guidance to revenue agencies thinking of implementing computerisation or information technology to improve the efficiency of their tax administration.

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Implementing Large Taxpayer Units

Publication Date: 09-2006
Stock Status: In stock

ISBN No: 978-0-9553540-0-7
Price: £ 10.00     [Currency converter]

This publication presents the experience of seven Commonwealth country tax administrations that have successfully created specialised departments exclusively to deal with large taxpayers, and identifies good practices in this area.

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Tax Audit Techniques in Cash Based Economies: A Practical Guide

Publication Date: 10-2005
Stock Status: In stock

ISBN No: 978-0-85092-824-2
Price: £ 11.99     [Currency converter]

This practical guide explains, for the benefit of tax collection professionals, how to detect unrecorded cash transactions.

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Tax Evasion and Avoidance: Strategies and Initiatives for Tax Administrators

Viviene Taylor
Publication Date: 09-2006
Stock Status: In stock

ISBN No: 978-0-9553540-1-4
Price: £ 10.00     [Currency converter]

This book summarises the strategies and initiatives used by tax administrations around the world to prevent, detect and deal with tax evasion and avoidance.

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Publications per page: [8] 20 50

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