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Speark on the Mars rovers
JPL sponsors many different seminar and lecuture series, including the von Karman Lectures Series, the Earth and Space Science Colloquium, Science 101, and many other events -- some of which are open to the public.
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, or Aster
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, or Aster'

Taking a Closer Look at Exoplanet Atmospheres
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Taking a Closer Look at Exoplanet Atmospheres'

How to Drive a Robot
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'How to Drive a Robot'

Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide From Space: The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory Mission
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide From Space: The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory Mission'

From Legs to Wheels
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'From Legs to Wheels'

Exploring the Moon
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Exploring the Moon'

The Really Big Picture: Things We Know About the Universe, and How We Know Them
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'The Really Big Picture: Things We Know About the Universe, and How We Know Them'

Kepler, a Planet-Hunting Mission
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Kepler, a Planet-Hunting Mission'

Rainbows, Red Sunsets and Rocket Science Revisited
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Rainbows, Red Sunsets and Rocket Science Revisited'

Advanced Propulsion for JPL Deep Space Missions
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Advanced Propulsion for JPL Deep Space Missions'

Galileo's Dream: The International Year of Astronomy 2009
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Galileo's Dream: The International Year of Astronomy 2009'

The Mysteries of the Cosmos
Caltech Public Events More details about the seminar 'The Mysteries of the Cosmos'

Spirit and Opportunity: The Corps of Discovery for Mars Rolls On
The von Kármán Lecture Series More details about the seminar 'Spirit and Opportunity: The Corps of Discovery for Mars Rolls On'

Space and the Mystery of Dark Energy
Evidence that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating points to "Dark Energy" as the cause of this rapid expansion. More details about the seminar 'Space and the Mystery of Dark Energy'

Recent Advances in High-Temperature Superconductivity of the Cuprates and Iron Pnictides
KNI - MDL Monthly Seminar More details about the seminar 'Recent Advances in High-Temperature Superconductivity of the Cuprates and Iron Pnictides'

Low-Temperature Superconductor Technology and Applications at JPLs Micro-devices Laboratory
KNI - MDL Monthly Seminar Series More details about the seminar 'Low-Temperature Superconductor Technology and Applications at JPLs Micro-devices Laboratory'

New Worlds: Exoplanet Discoveries from the Spitzer Space Telescope
New discoveries streaming back from the Spitzer Space Telescope continue to surprise and amaze everyone. More details about the seminar 'New Worlds: Exoplanet Discoveries from the Spitzer Space Telescope'

The Phoenix Mission
Caltech Public Event More details about the seminar 'The Phoenix Mission'

Earthwatch: A Mission for Our Time
Caltech Public Event More details about the seminar 'Earthwatch: A Mission for Our Time'

Applications of Carbon Nanotubes to Miniature Spectroscopic Instruments and Vacuum Microelectronics
KNI - MDL Monthly Seminar More details about the seminar 'Applications of Carbon Nanotubes to Miniature Spectroscopic Instruments and Vacuum Microelectronics'

Correlated Electron Phenomena in Carbon Nanotubes
KNI - MDL Monthly Seminar More details about the seminar 'Correlated Electron Phenomena in Carbon Nanotubes'

Life in a Changing Climate
Jörg Imberger, director of the Centre for Water Research and professor of environmental engineering at the University of Western Australia, will speak at 8 p.m. in Caltech’s Beckman Auditorium. He will discuss the unintended effects of technological advan More details about the seminar 'Life in a Changing Climate'

Titan and Enceladus:  What now beyond Cassini-Huygens?
I will describe the discoveries of Cassini-Huygens, how they influence the design of the next mission to Titan and Enceladus, and why such a mission should be our highest priority for solar system exploration. More details about the seminar 'Titan and Enceladus:  What now beyond Cassini-Huygens?'

Implementation of a Titan Saturn Mission: One Giant Leap Beyond Cassini-Hyugens
Caltech E&AS Special Seminar More details about the seminar 'Implementation of a Titan Saturn Mission: One Giant Leap Beyond Cassini-Hyugens'

New Wheels on Mars: The Mars Science Laboratory
NASA's next rover mission to Mars will be twice as long and five times as heavy as the Mars Exploration Rovers. More details about the seminar 'New Wheels on Mars: The Mars Science Laboratory'

California's future includes preparation for a great earthquake that could hit southern California on the southern San Andreas Fault. More details about the seminar 'California's

Postdoc Lectures and Award Ceremony
Winners of the 2008 Postdoc Research Day will present lectures on their research. More details about the seminar 'Postdoc Lectures and Award Ceremony'

Site Manager:  Brian Knosp
Webmasters:  Cornell Lewis, Maryia Davis
Science Writer:  Samantha Harvey
JPL Clearance:  CL#08-4147