Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
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Page Last Updated: 9/25/2007
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Public Information

How do I know if OFHEO has a file on me?
If you think OFHEO has a file pertaining to you, you may write to the Privacy Act Officer. If you ask about a particular system of records, an agency is generally required to inform you if the system of records contains a file pertaining to you. In addition, an agency is required to report publicly the existence of all systems of records it keeps on individuals.

OFHEO’s Privacy Act systems of records notices are available electronically at:

You also can request a copy of the Privacy Act systems of records notices and the OFHEO Privacy Act regulation from the Privacy Act Officer by electronic mail at , by fax at (202) 414-8917, by telephone at (202) 414-6425, or by regular mail to the Privacy Act Officer, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20552

How do I submit a Privacy Act request?
The procedure for requesting access to individual records is described at 12 C.F.R. 1702.3. You should send your written Privacy Act request to OFHEO’s Privacy Act Officer. You can reach the Privacy Act Officer by electronic mail at , or by regular mail at Privacy Act Officer, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20552, or by fax at (202) 414-8917.

How do I write a Privacy Act request?
The request should clearly state that it is being made pursuant to the Privacy Act, (5 U.S.C. § 552a).
The request must be signed by the person making the request, who must be the individual about whom the record is maintained.
The request should identify the designated system of records in which such records may be contained.
Both the envelope and the request itself should be clearly marked “Privacy Act Request.”
The request should reasonably describe the records and provide enough information (i.e. the nature of the record sought, the date of the record or the period in which the record was compiled) to enable us to locate the record with a reasonable amount of effort.

The request must state that you are a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States.

The request must include verification of your identity. Any individual who submits in person a written request, may be required to present two forms of identification, such as an employment identification card, driver’s license, passport, or other document typically used for identification purposes. One of the two forms of identification must contain the individual’s photograph and signature.

Any individual who submits, other than in person, a written request may be required to provide either one or both of the following: (1) Minimal identifying information, such as full name, date and place of birth, or other personal information; (2) At the election of the individual, either a certification of a duly commissioned notary public of any State or territory of the District of Columbia attesting to the requesting individual’s identity, or an unsworn declaration subscribed to as true under penalty of perjury pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746 and including a statement that you understand the penalties provided in 5 U.S.C. 552a (i)(3) for requesting access to records under false pretenses.

The request must set forth an address where the person making the request wants to be notified about whether or not the request will be granted.
The request must state whether the requester wishes to inspect the records or desires to have a copy made and furnished without first inspecting them.
If necessary, provide written consent for release of the information to your authorized representative. If you want OFHEO to release information about you to someone else, such as your attorney or other authorized representative, you will need to provide written consent for the release of the information. The written authorization must contain:
• A description of the record which may be disclosed;
• The name of the person, firm, or agency to which the record will be disclosed;
• A statement that OFHEO is authorized to disclose the record;
• Your signature and the date; and
• Verification of your identity.

Must I use a special form to file a Privacy Act request?

No form is required. Simply send us a letter that includes a clear and specific description of the records or information you want, along with your name, address, telephone number, fax number, and electronic mail address. You should include the notation "Privacy Act Request" on the front of your envelope and also at the beginning of your letter to make sure that the Privacy Act Officer receives your request without delay.

What are the procedures for requesting an amendment to my records?

The procedure for requesting an amendment to your records is described at 12 C.F.R. 1702.7. You may request amendment of any record about yourself that you believe is not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete. To request amendment, you must submit a written request to the Privacy Act Officer. You can reach the Privacy Act Officer by electronic mail at , by fax at (202) 414-8917, by telephone at (202) 414-6425, or by regular mail to the Privacy Act Officer, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20552

Your request should include:

• The reason for requesting amendment;
• A description of the record, or portion thereof, including the name of the appropriate designated system of records; and, if available,
• A copy of the record, or portion thereof, on which the specific portion requested to be amended is notated.

The Privacy Act Officer may also require that the individual making the request for amendment provide specific identifying information.

Is there a fee for filing a Privacy Act request?

OFHEO does not charge any fees for copies of records requested under the Privacy Act.

How long will it take OFHEO to respond to my request?
OFHEO will respond as soon as reasonably possible. Within 10 business days following receipt of a request for amendment of records, the Privay Act Officer shall send a written acknowledgement of receipt to the requesting individual. As soon as reasonably possible, normally within 30 business days following receipt of a request for amendment, the Privacy Act Officer shall send a written notification to the individual that informs him/her of the decision to grant or deny, in whole or in part, the request for amendment.

What rules and regulations govern OFHEO’s Privacy Act activities and how can I get a copy?

OFHEO has a formal rule for making and processing Privacy requests, which you can find at part 1702 of Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The Code of Federal Regulations is available in all law libraries and federal depository libraries.

You can access and download a copy of the Privacy rule electronically at .

You also can request a copy of the Privacy regulation from the Privacy Act Officer by electronic mail at , by fax at (202) 414-8917, by telephone at (202) 414-6425, or by regular mail to the Privacy Act Officer, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20552.

Can OFHEO ever disclose records about me to another individual or agency?

OFHEO may disclose a record to a person or agency other than the individual about whom the record pertains in several circumstances as described in the system of records notice pertaining to that record, the Privacy Act, and the OFHEO Privacy Act regulation, part 1702.11 of Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

OFHEO’s Privacy Act systems of records notices are available electronically at:

You also can request a copy of the OFHEO Privacy Act regulation from the Privacy Act Officer by electronic mail at , by fax at (202) 414-8917, by telephone at (202) 414-6425, or by regular mail to the Privacy Act Officer, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20552.

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the OFHEO’s response to my Privacy Act request?

The Privacy Act Officer will advise you of the right to file an administrative appeal within 30 days of the date of the letter responding to you request. The procedure for filing an appeal is described at 12 C.F.R. 1702.9. and 1702.10. All appeals must be made in writing and addressed to the Privacy Appeals Officer by electronic mail at , by regular mail to the Privacy Appeals Officer, 1700 G Street NW, Washington D.C. 20552, or by fax at (202) 414-6504. No specific form or particular language is required. Simply send us a letter explaining the reasons why you disagree with our action, along with your name, address, telephone number, fax number, and electronic mail address. The appeal should include the information described in 12 C.F.R. 1702.9. You should include the notation "Privacy Act Appeal" on the front of your envelope and also at the beginning of your letter to make sure that the Privacy Act Appeals Officer receives your appeal without delay. Within 30 business days, the Privacy Act Appeals Officer will independently determine whether the Privacy Act Officer properly processed your request and notify you in writing. The Privacy Act Appeals Officer may extend the 30-day notification period for good cause. If you still believe that OFHEO has not handled your request in accordance with the law, you have the right to challenge the agency's action in a lawsuit filed in federal court.

How do I reach the Privacy Act Officer or the person who is handling my request?
OFHEO’s Privacy Act Officer is Jeanne Ratchford. You may contact the Privacy Act Officer by electronic mail at , by regular mail at 1700 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20552, by telephone at (202)414-6425, or by fax at (202) 414-8917.