AHG Chapters

Our chapter is still active. Although we had a number of meetings last year, we have not had any meetings this year.
Contact: Laurence Layne, llayne@aug.com
Metro Washington, DC
Contact: Michelle Borodinsky, mic2les@starpower.net
North Carolina
During the coming year our focus will be to begin a “practitioner’s circle.” This will help all of us expand our knowledge of the herbs and practice our clinical skills. We’ll begin with volunteers from our group and then expand and invite outsiders. At some point when we get back to having “classes” for the community, we may have a panel discussion and address topics such as: What are people’s needs? What are wildcrafting guidelines? What are GMPs? 
Contact: Sandi Ford, healingsavvy@hotmail.com
San Diego/Southern California
We continue to be a very small core group with a few more who are able to attend once in awhile. We tend to focus our energies on several annual events in order to make the best use of our energies. For the second year we collaborated with other area herbalists to put on a National Herb Day celebration. This was held at the store and parking lot of John Noble, Coastal Sage Gardening and included a series of short presentations about medicinal herbs, a plant sale of herbs, herbal tarot reading, music, tea sampling. Two of our members (Charlotte Tenney and Carole Brown) were invited for the fourth year to help coordinate and lead the herb ID walks in Quail Botanical Gardens for the Scripps Alternative Health's annual "Evidence-based Supplements" Quail Botanical gardens puts on an Herb Festival each year where we give talks, lead herb walks, and assist at the Herb Club information table. The "Trees for Health" medicinal grove in Balboa Park has received another grant to upgrade and expand and is working with park staff to get more trees of medicinal value planted and irrigation systems in place. We will be contacting AHG herbalists for suggestions on additional trees to put on the long-range plan list, as it appears that the park horticulturists want to offer us additional space to expand the garden. In addition, our members are involved in numerous other educational and service projects. In short, we are very busy doing herbal things, even if not having a lot of meetings.
Contact: Charlotte Tenney, info@wilburstincturepress.com
We plan to continue our monthly meetings/activities in 2008. Potential speakers include KP Khalsa, former teacher of many of our members, and Sheila Kingsbury of the Botanical Medicine Department of Bastyr University. A “field trip” to EagleSong’s Ravencroft Gardens is planned for this spring, and there will be an herb walk through the University of Washington’s medicinal herb garden. We will, of course, have a Washington State AHG booth again at the Bastyr Herb Fair in June. In September we plan to support the “Singing Alive” camp-out weekend with herbal wildcrafting opportunities. Our members will be encouraged to participate in the week-long workshops and student presentations at Bastyr, celebrating Herb Day in October. We are looking forward to the AHG annual symposium coming to this area this year (October 24-26) and hope it will bring our herbal community even closer together.  Finally, discussions continue regarding a Community Herbal clinic and a potential site is being investigated.
Contact: Warren Gohl, wcgohl@msn.com