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Spectrometer | Photomultiplier tube | Fluorometer | Spectrophotofluorometer
The Spectro-Photo-Fluorometer

This research tool combines the technologies of the spectrometer, the photomultiplier tube, and the fluorometer to provide sensitive measurements of the color spread, or spectrum, of fluorescent light in a sample.


This research tool combines the technologies of the spectrometer, the photomultiplier tube, and the fluorometer to provide sensitive measurements of the color spread, or spectrum, of fluorescent light in a sample. The instrument counts the amount of light given off in each color band and can be used to trace and measure tiny components of a sample of blood, body tissue, or other substance.

The early AMINCO-Bowman SPF used two monochromators, one to isolate a narrow band of light for excitation and the other at right angles to the first to analyze the emitted fluorescence by measuring the intensity of the fluorescent light vs. wavelength. For its excitation energy, the SPF used a xenon-arc lamp, which emitted a range of white light emission from the visible well into the ultraviolet.

Photograph of the AMINCO-Bowman SPF

Diagram of the AMINCO-Bowman SPF

Diagram of the spectrophotofluorometer.

Click on the film icon to watch an informative video about the operation of the SPF.

Video link on the operation of the SPF (small format) Small (56k modem)
Video link on the operation of the SPF (large format) Large (ISDN/DSL)


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