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Champion-Sized Surprise

The League | In a season of the unexpected, what surprises, if any, can we expect for championship weekend? Weigh in.

Kurt Warner

Melissa Etheridge: A New Day for Gays

Champion-Sized Surprise

The League | In a season of the unexpected, what surprises, if any, can we expect for championship weekend? Weigh in.

Kurt Warner

Melissa Etheridge: A New Day for Gays

Do Gays Threaten God?

Melissa Etheridge: Religion should not be threatened by sexuality or love.

Melisssa Etheridge

The League: McNabb, Warner Redeemed

Will the Euro Survive?

Next Europe | The euro looks strong on its 10th anniversary, even in recession - but congratulations are premature.


On Leadership: Obama's Leadership Gap

Eye on the Earth

PHOTOS | A glimpse of our changing natural environment and how humans may be impacting it.
News About the Environment
Obama's Party Planners Strive to Set Right Tone

Inauguration organizers seek to mark historic moment many thought would never come while taking into account the sober economic times.

Alec MacGillis

Inaugural Panel Sells TV Rights

Three networks pay millions for exclusive access to swearing-in events, raising fairness concerns.

Paul Farhi

The Growing Foreclosure Crisis

Mortgage mess now afflicts communities of every income, especially ones created by the prior boom.

Dina ElBoghdady and Sarah Cohen

Toiling to Insure the Unemployed

Obama, Congress envision profound governmental shifts to help the jobless retrieve health benefits.

Amy Goldstein

Iraqi Elections Focus on Maliki

Provincial races pose key test for prime minister's authority, even though he is not on any ballot.

Amit R. Paley

Nonfatal Crash Signals Progress

That no one was killed in Hudson River accident reflects advances in aviation safety, experts say.

Del Quentin Wilber and Sholnn Freeman

Inauguration Merchandise

Get exclusive Washington Post Inauguration collectibles!

Book | Commemorative Editions
Photos | Framed Reprints

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Inauguration Security
Joseph Funk, veteran Secret Service agent for Presidents Bush and Clinton and now president of U.S. Safety and Security, takes questions about procedures on Inauguration Day and during the Obama presidency.
Ask a Question
Inauguration Security
Monday's Sessions
Inauguration: Fashion Tips, 11
Post Politics: Ed O'Keefe, 11
Roads & Rails: Inaug Navigation, 11
Inauguration: Security, 12
Inaug Watch: Nakamura/Stewart, 1
Chat House: Michael Wilbon, 1:15

Weekly Schedule
Recent Discussion Transcripts

Entertainment News
Eye on Entertainment

Get up close and personal with Brendan Fraser, Tom Cruise, Lisa Kudrow, Don Cheadle and more celebrities.

Building Better Businesses

Get leadership advice about management strategy and how to make your company succeed from CEOs of corporations and industry experts.

Voices On
Voices on Green

Environmentalists sound off on their ideas for alternative energy and how to go green.

Left of Boom

A look at the U.S. struggle to defeat improvised explosive devices used by insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Cheney Vice Presidency

Series examines Cheney's largely hidden and little-understood role in crafting policies for War on Terror, economy and the environment.

Sudan: A Country in Crisis

Interactive report examines Darfur, where conflict has left 450,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced.

Inside washingtonpost.com

Inauguration Merchandise

Exclusive Washington Post Inauguration Collectibles

Get historic photos, commemorative print editions, books, gifts and much more!

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