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HEASARC: Software


CFITSIO - A FITS File Subroutine Library

Quick Start Guide C Reference Guide

CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. CFITSIO provides simple high-level routines for reading and writing FITS files that insulate the programmer from the internal complexities of the FITS format. CFITSIO also provides many advanced features for manipulating and filtering the information in FITS files.

What's New:

  • 20 August 2008 - CFITSIO Version 3.10 released, containing substantial enhancements over the previous version. This fixes some potential buffer overflows, which could cause applications to crash and, theoretically, could be maliciously exploited. For a complete list of changes, see What's New in this release. This release includes the latest 1.1 version of the fpack and funpack image compression utilities.

  • 20 August 2008 - new release of the fpack and funpack FITS image compression utility programs, version 1.1, is now available. The default Rice compression algorithm typically provides 30% better compression and is faster than using GZIP to compress a FITS image file.

  • July 2009 - New version 5.2.1 of the Fv FITS file viewer and editor is available .

  • New version 2.0 of CCFITS has been released. CCfits is an objected oriented interface to the CFITSIO library written in C++.

Download the CFITSIO Software Library:


Related Software Tools:

  • NEW!  fpack and funpack FITS image compression utility programs.
  • Instantly verify any FITS file over the Web.
  • FITS Toolkit - Suite of simple C programs illustrating how to use CFITSIO
  • cookbook.f - Fortran example program that calls CFITSIO subroutines
  • Fv - The FITS file viewer and editor and portal to the NEW  Hera data analysis service.
  • fitsverify - Program that tests whether a FITS file conforms to all the format requirements

Interfaces for calling CFITSIO from Other Programming Languages:

E-mail Notification List

    To receive e-mail notification about new releases of CFITSIO, subscribe to the fitsionews mailing list by sending mail to with the body (not the subject) of your message comprising the line

      subscribe fitsionews <your-email-address>

The latest reference to CFITSIO is: Pence, W. 1999, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 172, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII, ed. D. Mehringer, R. Plante, and D. Roberts (San Francisco: ASP), 487

FITSIO is maintained by: Dr. William D. Pence, (email: pence 'at'

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Last modified: Thursday, 18-Sep-2008 10:56:09 EDT