CASU Logo & The CASU Network supports Federal agencies located in over 200 communities throughout the country.  The CASU Network provides an excellent way to reduce operating costs, eliminate duplicate functions, and improve operational efficiences.
Quality, Convenience, & Best Value
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About CASU

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About CASU

CASU Program is an interagency network of Federal entrepreneurial organizations that provides the full range of "best value" support services to Federal agencies on a cost reimbursable basis. Located throughout the United States, the National CASU Network meets customer agency needs by providing high quality, low cost services, with quick turn-around. Through partnering arrangements, the Network is national in scope and can deliver services to Federal government offices and posts of duty anywhere in the country.

The CASU Program is sponsored by the Interagency Council on Administrative Management with oversight by the National CASU Board of Directors, chaired by David Drabkin, GSA Procurement Executive and Acting Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer. Each CASU is chartered by the National CASU Board and is operated by a lead agency with guidance from a local interagency board of directors.

The National CASU Network offers the ideal solution for federal agencies seeking high quality, low cost administrative and operational support services. The Network membership also consists of affiliate members from other federal reimbursable organizations.

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