Search Your Heart Train-the-Trainer Model

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(image: American Heart Association Learn and Live logo)

2 Search Your Heart Train-the-Trainer Model

Diane C. McClune BSN, MBA
Senior Regional Director of Heart and Stroke

3 Objectives

  • Possess basic understanding of SYH
  • Identify how the "T-t-T" Model works
  • Name key elements to success
  • Understand mechanisms to evaluate successes and implement alternatives
4 SYH Faith Based


  • Check for Life: BPs, Choles., BS, BMIs
  • Bread of Life: Nutrition
  • Activities for Life: Physical Activity
  • Lift Every Voice: Advocacy
  • Stomp Out Stroke
5 Implementing Train-the-Trainer

  • "Buy-in" of the Minister is key
  • Coordinator
    • Organized
    • Committed
    • Leverage support
    • Healthcare
    • Well connected

(image: photo of woman praying)

6 Implementation cont. - Health Team

  • Leaders in the church
  • Interested members
  • Healthcare Professionals
    • Nurses
    • Physicians
    • Nutritionist
    • Fitness Specialist

(image: photo of businessmen and women talking)

7 Implementation cont. - Delegation of Responsibility

  • Ownership of modules by team members
  • Single module-outcomes
  • Resources-internal/external

(image: photo of handshake)

8 Outcomes-Measurement of Success and Challenges

  • Track participation
  • Keep evaluation tools simple
  • Follow-ups
  • Alternatives
9 Initial Screening Results

7 Churches

  • 67% Hypertension (AHA standards)
    • (29%)
  • 52% Elevated Cholesterol (over 200)
    • (25%)
  • 21% Elevated blood Sugars (over 150)
    • (3%)
  • 38% BMI (over 25%)
    • (24%)

(image: bar graph)

10 Sustainability

  • Ministers' Support
  • Ownership by Health Team
  • Measured Outcomes
  • Evaluations
  • Resources
  • Celebration of Successes
11 Elements for Success

  • Strategic Analysis
    • Strengths of the Church/Community
    • Weaknesses Internal/External
    • Threats-competition
    • Opportunities
      • Partnerships w/other groups
12 Thank You for your attention.

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