Foods Market Research, Beverages Business, Groceries, Supermarkets, Stores, Food Products, Specialty Foods, Organics, Natural, Health Foods, Snacks, Wine, Beer, Agricultural Biotechnology, GM Genetically Modified, Business Trends, Analysis & Statistics

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Plunkett's Food, Beverage & Tobacco Industry Almanac
2008 Edition, 576 Pages
ISBN: 1-59392-106-3
Price: $299.99
Published Date: February 2008
(Next Edition: February 2009
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Food, Beverage & Tobacco business trends analyzed

The following trends are provided in our research products:
  1. Introduction to the Food Industry > (View Sample Data)
  2. The Globalization of the Food Industry
  3. Retail Technologies Leap Ahead
  4. Wal-Mart Dominates as the World’s Biggest Retailer (and now America’s Biggest Grocer)
  5. Hard Discounters Target Low Income Grocery Shoppers
  6. Agricultural Biotechnology Scores Breakthroughs but Causes Controversy/Selective Breeding Offers a Compromise
  7. Ethanol Production Soared, But a Market Glut May Slow Expansion
  8. Obesity Sparks Government Action
  9. Childhood Obesity Brings About Changes in Marketing/Soft Drinks Restricted in Schools
  10. Dietary Fats Are Under Scrutiny
  11. Exacting Organic Standards Create Consumer Demand for Products
  12. Functional Foods Promise Health Benefits
  13. Food Labeling Gets Further Federal Backing
  14. McDonald’s Dominates the U.S. Fast Food Market
  15. Wine Markets Evolve/Old World Loses Market Share
  16. Manhattan’s FreshDirect sets the Pace in Grocery Sales Over the Internet
  17. Food Safety Becomes a Massive Consumer & Industry Issue
  18. Food & Commodity Prices Are a Major Global Problem for Consumers & the Food Industry Overall


Food, Beverage & Tobacco business statistics analyzed

The following statistical tables are provided in our research products:
  1. U.S. Food Industry Overview > (View Sample Data)
  2. Food Sales, U.S.: 2004-2007
  3. Estimated Annual Food & Beverage Store & Establishment Sales, U.S.: 1992-2007
  4. Food & Beverage Stores Inventories, Purchases, Gross Margins, Accounts Receivable & Sales per Capita, U.S.: 1996-2006
  5. U.S. Grocery & Consumables Stores: 2006 & 2011
  6. Alphabetical List of U.S. Supermarkets: February 2007
  7. How 100 Grocery Dollars Are Spent, U.S.: 2006
  8. Restaurant Industry Statistics, U.S.: 1970-2008
  9. Consumer Food Price Indexes, Baseline Projections, U.S.: 2006-2016
  10. U.S. Price Indexes of Food Processing & Marketing Costs: 2004-2007
  11. U.S. Retail Prices for Beef, Pork, Poultry Cuts, Eggs & Dairy Products: 2007, July-December
  12. U.S. Consumer Expenditures for Meats, Baseline Projections: 2005-2016
  13. U.S. Red Meat Supply & Use: 2004-2008
  14. Number of Meat Animals, Market Price & Commercial Production, U.S.: 2005-2007
  15. Per Capita Meat Consumption, Baseline Projections, U.S.: 2005-2016
  16. U.S. Poultry Supply & Use: 2004-2008
  17. Poultry & Eggs Production & Prices, U.S.: 2004-October 2007
  18. Dairy Production & Prices, U.S.: 2004-November 2007
  19. Horticultural Crops, Baseline Projections, U.S.: 2006-2016
  20. Fruit Production, Per Capita Consumption, Grower Prices & Ending Stocks, U.S.: 1998-2007
  21. Vegetable Production & Shipments, U.S.: 1998-2007
  22. Planted & Harvested Acreage for Major Field Crops, Baseline Projections, U.S.: 2005-2016
  23. Selected Supply, Use & Price Variables for Major Field Crops, Baseline Projections, U.S.: 2005-2017
  24. Cost of Production Forecasts for U.S. Corn, Soybean, Wheat & Cotton Crops: 2007-2009
  25. Cost of Production Forecasts for U.S. Rice, Peanuts, Oats & Barley Crops: 2007-2009
  26. Income Statement for U.S. Farm Sector: 2003-2007
  27. U.S. Farm Sector Cash Receipts from Sales of Agricultural Commodities: 2003-2007
  28. U.S. Farm Sector Production Expenses: 2003-2007
  29. Direct Government Payments to U.S. Farms: 2003-2007
  30. Average Farm Operator Household Income, U.S.: 2002-2007
  31. Farm Receipts, Expenses & Income, Baseline Projections, U.S.: 2005-2016
  32. Value Added to the U.S. Economy by the Agricultural Sector via the Production of Goods & Services: 2003-2007
  33. Summary of U.S. Agricultural Trade Projections: 2005-2016
  34. Total U.S. Agricultural Commodity Exports & Imports, Top Ten Countries: 2002-2007
  35. Value of U.S. Agricultural Exports & Imports by Commodity Group: 2002-2007
  36. Food Industry Employment, U.S.: 2001-2007
  37. Federal R&D & R&D Plant Funding for Agriculture, U.S.: Fiscal Years 2006-2008
  38. World Supply & Utilization of Major Crops & Products: 2003-2008


Table of contents for the book version 

A Short Food, Beverage & Tobacco Industry Glossary
How To Use This Book
Chapter 1: Major Trends Affecting the Food and Beverage Industry

> List Continues

Individual data profiles of the Food, Beverage & Tobacco Industry for 400 firms are provided in our research products

> View Sample Profile  


> List Continues

Overview of Plunkett's Food, Beverage & Tobacco Industry coverage

The food and beverages industry is among the most competitive and globally-linked of all business sectors. For example, our market research shows that many of America's best-known food packagers, such as Heinz, get 30%, 50% and even higher percentages of their total revenues from outside the U.S. U.S. brand names, such as Coca-Cola and Starbucks are known worldwide, as are European brands such as Nestle. Vast amounts of processed foods and agricultural commodities trade occur on a global basis each year.

On the supermarket side, giant, American supermarket chains like Albertson's and Kroger are battling the ever-increasing market share and incredibly low retail prices offered in the immense discount grocery departments at Wal-Mart Supercenters. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart is taking its retail expertise overseas. At retail, food is over a $500 billion industry in the U.S. alone.

The hottest growth areas in the food business are in natural foods, organic products, health foods, diet foods and nutritionally-enhanced foods. Consumers to a growing extent desire foods that give them a nutritional edge. Ready to eat and home meal replacement foods continue to boom for consumers who want to dine at home but are pressed for time.

Many retailers, including Safeway, are learning how to successfully combine bricks-and-clicks, taking grocery orders online and then fulfilling those orders through existing supermarkets. Moreover, food producers, distributors and retailers are using the latest in e-commerce methods to manage their supply chains and replenish their inventories. And, online-only food retailer FreshDirect is showing true promise in the New York City market with over $120 million in annual revenues.

This exciting new book (with database on CD-ROM) covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis--everything you need to know about the food business, beverages business and tobacco industry, including:

  1. Analysis of major food business trends and markets
  2. Historical food industry, supermarket and agricultural sector statistics and tables
  3. Profiles of major food and snacks producers such as Kraft and Frito-Lay
  4. Profiles of food retailers of all types, from convenience store operators such as 7-11 to giant supermarket chains such as Albertson’s and Safeway
  5. Alternative foods, natural foods, health foods and organic food markets, along with diet foods, nutritionally enhanced foods, functional foods, dietary supplements
  6. Gourmet and specialty foods manufacturers and sellers, such as HEB Central Market
  7. Natural and health foods stores including Whole Foods and Wild Oats
  8. Leading coffee purveyors such a Starbucks and Green Mountain
  9. Leading dairy product firms such as Land O'Lakes and Ben & Jerry’s
  10. Emerging technologies, including genetically-engineered (GM) foods and coverage of agricultural biotechnology (agribio)
  11. Profiles of giant food distributors such as Sysco
  12. Profiles of leading beverage companies such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo
  13. Profiles of leading wine, liquor and beer producers, along with data on wine markets
  14. Profiles of leading manufacturers of tobacco, candy and gum gum
  15. And much, much more about the food industry and beverages business

You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package. This book also includes statistical tables, a food industry glossary, industry contacts and thorough indexes. The corporate profile section of the book includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of the 400 leading companies in all facets of the food and beverage industry. This book is available in printed, eBook and online versions. Purchasers may also receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM.

“The Plunkett series of directories are well known for providing company and industry information on clearly defined subject areas.”
American Reference Books Annual

Key Food, Beverage & Tobacco Topics

Food Business, Beverages Business
Processed Foods Business, Frozen Foods Business
Groceries, Supermarkets, Food Stores
Specialty Foods, Gourmet Foods, Functional Foods
Dietary Supplements
Organic and Natural Foods
Nutritionally Enhanced Foods
Snacks, Dairy

Genetically-Modified GM Foods
Imports, Exports
Profiles of Leading Food Companies Worldwide
Executive Mailing Lists

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