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Visiting the U.S. -- Applying for a Tourist Visa

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Applying for a Tourist Visa

p>Under U.S. law, applicants for visitor visas must qualify on their own for visas to visit the United States.

This is what applicants must do when they apply for visitor visas:

  • Complete and sign the required application forms;
  • Bring evidence that their visit is temporary and that they will leave the United States after their legally authorized stay; and
  • Undergo security clearance procedures

All visa applicants, even babies in their parents' passports, must have these things:

  • Application Form DS-156 (PDF), completed and signed
  • Current, valid passport or travel document
  • Photograph. Requirements are strict for photograph size, type and quality. Please check with your nearest consulate for specifications before you get your picture taken.
  • Application fees. All applicants must pay the application fee. Some applicants, according to nationality and type of visa, must also pay an issuance fee.
  • Evidence of funds to cover your expenses in the United States
  • Evidence of compelling social and economic ties abroad

For men between 16 and 45 years of age:

Contact your nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for specific information on:

  • How to pay fees
  • How to get an appointment for an interview
  • How to get application forms
  • The latest information on visa requirements

Consular officers do security checks for all visa applicants. They will make special security clearances for some applicants as required by law. These clearances may take several weeks or longer. Please plan for the possibility of a delay in the issuance of a visa. Make your visa application well in advance of your intended travel.


Hosting Visitors to the U.S.

People often ask how they can help a family member, relative or friend get a visa to visit them in the United States. We appreciate their desire to help and do understand that sometimes the need for a visit can be urgent.

Under U.S. law, however, applicants for visitor visas must qualify on their own for visas to visit the United States.

This is what applicants must do to qualify for visitor visas:

  • Complete and sign the required application forms;
  • Bring evidence that their visit is temporary and that they will return home after their legally authorized stay; and
  • Undergo security clearance procedures

We understand that you may want to help with the visa process. However, it does not help the applicant if you write a letter of invitation or personally guarantee his or her departure from the United States after the visit is over. The consular officer evaluates each visa application on its own merits according to visa law and procedures. You can be most helpful by making sure the applicant has all the information they need to submit a correct application and by explaining fully the standards for visa issuance.

Doing Business and Working in the U.S.
Visas for Temporary Work in the U.S.

Studying in the U.S.

Visiting the U.S.
Tourist Visas | Medical Treatment in the U.S.

Coming Permanently to the U.S.

What is a Visa?
Nonimmigrant Visas | Immigrant Visas | Visa Classifications and Categories | Visa Application Forms | Frequently Asked Questions

U.S. Visa Policy
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