Destination USA. Secure Borders. Open Doors.

U.S. Visa Policy

New Procedures | What's the Same | What's Different | Processing Time | Arriving in the U.S. | Acts of Congress | Frequently Asked Questions

The U.S. is a free and open society. We welcome citizens from around the world who genuinely want to visit, study, and do business here. We are dedicated to protecting their safety and keeping our doors open to them. Changes in visa procedures reflect our concern for ensuring the safety of U.S. residents and visitors alike, not to make it more difficult for legitimate travelers to enter the United States.

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we made some changes in our laws governing visitor entry and exit.

We now require additional application forms and security clearances. Visa applications take longer to process.

At first, many applicants experienced hardship when applications got backlogged and delays became indefinite. Fortunately, we have improved our visa clearance procedures. Better interagency cooperation and automated procedures have speeded up the clearance process. Our goal is to make the visa process not only thorough, but also respectful and efficient.

There are some new procedures that you will need to become familiar with. We want to educate and inform you about this process.

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Doing Business and Working in the U.S.
Visas for Temporary Work in the U.S.

Studying in the U.S.

Visiting the U.S.
Tourist Visas | Medical Treatment in the U.S.

Coming Permanently to the U.S.

What is a Visa?
Nonimmigrant Visas | Immigrant Visas | Visa Classifications and Categories | Visa Application Forms | Frequently Asked Questions

U.S. Visa Policy
New Procedures | What's the Same | What's Different | Processing Time | Acts of Congress | Frequently Asked Questions

How to Get a Visa

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