NVO - Facilitating Scientific Discovery

NVO's objective is to enable new science by greatly enhancing access to data and computing resources. NVO makes it easy to locate, retrieve, and analyze data from archives and catalogs worldwide.


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Start Using NVO

Browse NVO-Ready Data Collections to locate source catalogs, image archives, and other astronomical resources registered with the NVO

Keyword Search:
(examples: Magnitude redshift
Full Registry Interface

Discover and Explore Data in the Virtual Observatory from archives and data centers around the world.

(examples: 3C273
12 29 06, +02 03 08.6
187.27, 2.05 )

Full DataScope Interface

View Catalog Coverage Maps and Source Inventories for the position or object name you are interested in.

Object Name or Position:
(examples: 3C273
12 29 06, +02 03 08.6
187.27, 2.05)
Full Coverage Maps Interface

Please send any comments or questions to the NVO help desk.



More NVO Services...


Browse and analyze SDSS, 2dF, and your own spectra with the NVO Spectrum Services

Query Databases and Cross-Match Object Lists from some of the largest on-line catalogs in astronomy (Open SkyQuery).

Explore the Multiwavelength Sky in the Vicinity of Transient Events that have recently been observed (VOEventNet).

Make mosaics from 2MASS, DPOSS, or SDSS images (Montage).

Repair Image Coordinates in images with inaccurate or misaligned coordinate systems. NOAO WCS fixer
Pittsburgh WCS fixer

Analyze or visualize your VOTable with VOPlot or TOPCAT

Find, use, store, and edit sky footprints

Perform Source Extraction and Object Identification by detecting objects in your own images and matching them with objects in the major survey catalogs (WESIX).





book thumbnail
The National Virtual Observatory: Tools and Techniques for Astronomical Research, ASP Vol. 382), is NOW AVAILABLE.
Order your copy now! Also available to view online.


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The 4th NVO Summer School will be held 3-11 Sept, 2008 in Santa Fe, NM.