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Welcome to the
"Ask Dr. Marc" Archives

Dr. Marc answers good questions asked by visitors to our Space Place community partners. Dr. Marc has recorded many of his answers so you can listen while you read along. Pick your favorite topic:

Dr. Marc in his space room.
Planets and the Solar System
Why do the planets go around the Sun?
Why don't we see planets near the North Star?
What is Dr. Marc's favorite planet?
Is there life on Mars?
Contains audio How do scientists know the distance between the planets?
How do we know the temperature of the cloud tops of Jupiter?
How do we weigh planets?
Contains audio If Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants, could you fly straight through them?
Can a space ship land on the rings of Saturn?
What powers a comet?
How have advances in space technology helped us on Earth?
Contains audio Why is Earth rotating? Did it always have the same rotation period? Will it always have the same rotation period?
Can the aurora borealis be seen in the New York City Area?
Contains audio What can you tell us about the Moon?
Contains audio What protected the Apollo astronauts from meteoroids while they were on the moon?
How long does each phase of the Moon last?
Stars, Galaxies, Black Holes
How hot can a star be? (and other star questions)
How does the Sun make enough energy and light for all the stars we see?
How many solar systems are in our galaxy?
Contains audio How are supernovas formed and are there any getting ready to form now?
Contains audio What is the brightest star?
Contains audio If the Sun became a black hole, would Earth get pulled inside?
Contains audio How can the Hubble Space Telescope look back in time?
Contains audio Do constellations ever break apart or change?
Universe (Cosmology)
Contains audio How do we know dark matter exists if we can't see it?
Contains audio Is it possible to point to a direction in the sky and say "that way is the center of the universe, where the Big Bang started?" If not, why not?
Contains audio Is time travel possible?
Contains audio Why is the sky dark at night?
Space Technology
Contains audio If spacecraft sent to other planets don't come back to Earth, how do we get pictures from them?
Contains audio Why can't an airplane just fly into space? Why do we need rockets?

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Webmaster: Diane Fisher
Last Updated: September 08, 2005
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