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Solar System Dynamics on-line Tools

The following is a list of on-line tools designed to provide data in support of solar system body observations as well as general scientific research.

Ephemeris Generation

The JPL HORIZONS On-Line Solar System Data and Ephemeris Computation Service provides access to key solar system data and flexible production of highly accurate ephemerides for solar system objects (planets, planetary satellites, comets, asteroids, the Sun, L1, L2, select spacecraft, and system barycenters). Access the HORIZONS web-interface using this link.

Small-Body Database Search Engine and Browser

JPL's small-body database (SBDB) contains orbital elements and physical parameters for all known asteroids and most recent comets.

The Small-Body Database Search Engine can be used to generate custom tables of orbital and/or physical data for all asteroids and comets (or a specified sub-set) in our database. For example, a table of orbital elements for all near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) can be generated using this tool. Or, you could find out how many asteroids have a known mass or perhaps how many asteroids have an orbital eccentricity greater than 0.8. Output can be displayed in your browser or optionally downloaded in CSV-format for use in, for example, a spread-sheet program.

The Small-Body Database Browser can be used to view data for a specified asteroid or comet. For example, if you want to see the orbit diagram for an object, or it's current orbital elements, or the discovery circumstances, or selected known physical parameters, you can use this tool.

Small-Body Identification

Given an observation date, location, and region of sky (and optionally other constraints), find all asteroids and/or comets matching those constraints within that region. This tool is useful if you've obtained an observation containing an unknown object or you're interested in finding an asteroid or comet in a archival observation. Access the small-body identification tool using this link.

SB What's Observable?

Given an observation date, location, and constraints (such as maximum magnitude and maximum zenith distance), find asteroids and/or comets that are optically "observable" on the specified night. Access the small-body what's observable tool using this link.

Date/Time Converter

Given a date/time in one of several different forms, display all other forms of that date/time. For example, given a Gregorian calendar date and time, display the Julian date, day of year, day of week, etc. Access the date/time conversion tool using this link.

FirstGov 2009-Jan-17 07:23 UT 
(server date/time)  
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