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Program Descriptions

SBIR Program Description:

  • Phase I: Offers the opportunity to establish feasibility and technical merit of a proposed innovation. Selected competitively, Phase I contracts last 6 months with a maximum funding of $100,000.
  • Phase II: Encompasses the major R&D effort in SBIR and emphasizes evidence of commercial development. Contracts are usually awarded for a period of 24 months with a maximum funding of $600,000.
  • Phase III: Infuses Phase II results into regular NASA programs and/or the commercial marketplace. Projects are funded with money from a source other than the SBIR Program to carry on further development. Phase III funding is granted based on the merits of Phase I and/or II without further need for competitive bids.
STTR Program Description:
  • Awards contracts to small business concerns (SBC’s) for cooperative research and development with a nonprofit research institution (RI).
  • Phase I: Offers up to $100,000 in funds for a maximum 1-year effort.
  • Phase II: Limited to $600,000 for a maximum of 2 years.

Who Is Eligible for Participation in the Programs?

The recipient of an SBIR or STTR funding award, in accordance with SBA directives, must qualify as a Small Business Concern (SBC), which is
  • Legally established and organized for profit with the place of business located in the U.S.;
  • Operated primarily in the U.S. or makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy;
  • Majority owned and controlled by U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens; and,
  • 500 employees or less, including any affiliates.

For the SBIR program, the Principal Investigator (PI) must be primarily employed by the SBC (equivalent to at least 50% of the PI's work time), and precluding full time employment with another organization. The STTR program permits employment of the PI by either the SBC or the RI.

A complete list of requirements and guidelines can be found on the program site at