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The Discovery and Systems Health (DaSH) technical area focuses on challenges in understanding engineering and science data. The engineering data understanding work is centered around the emerging systems engineering discipline of Integrated Systems Health Management (ISHM). Ames is NASA's premier ISHM research and development facility, with strengths in design of health management systems, ISHM systems engineering, sensor selection and optimization, monitoring, data analysis, prognostics, diagnostics, failure recovery, diagnostic decision aids, data and knowledge management, and ISHM human factors.

Scientific data understanding work targets large-scale data analysis problems in data-rich domains such as earth science and cosmology. In addition, DaSH is involved in data analysis and mining for a variety of other NASA missions including aviation safety and security, the Space Shuttle program, and the NASA Engineering Safety Center. Resident expertise includes machine learning, data mining, text mining, statistical pattern recognition, and exploratory data analysis.


Division Researcher to Chair Prognostics Conference
Kai Goebel will chair the International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM’09), to be held in Boston Sept. 28-Oct. 1, 2009. Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) is a system ...
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Framework Paper Presented at Prognostics And Health Management Conference
Tolga Kurtoglu presented a paper at the 2008 International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management October 6-9, 2008. The paper titled “A Systematic Framework for Benchmarking Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems” ...
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Best Professional Paper Award at Prognostics And Health Management Conference
“Integrating SHM to the Early Design of Aerospace Systems using Functional Fault Analysis” by T. Kurtoglu, S. Johnson, E. Barszcz, J. Johnson, and P. Robinson won the PHM 2008 Best ...
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Division Researcher Listed in Who’s Who in America
Dr. Sorin Dusan has been invited and his biography has recently been selected to be included in the Who’s Who in America 2009 Edition by Marquis for his work in ...
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Technical Area Lead

Ann Patterson-Hine, Ph.D, P.E. (Acting)


Prognostics Center of Excellence

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