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  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Programming Tools

A number of tools are available in the ACTS Collection

PackagePlatformVersionModule Docs
cvs bassi 1.12.12 none NERSCVendor
cvs davinci 1.11.14 none NERSCVendor
cvs franklin 1.11.14 none NERSCVendor
cvs jacquard 1.11.14 none NERSCVendor
cvs pdsf 1.11.1p1  Vendor
cvs pdsf 1.11.2 cvs  Vendor
GNU bassi 1.0 GNU, NERSCVendor
GNU davinci 1.0 GNU NERSCVendor
GNU jacquard 1.0 GNU NERSCVendor
modules bassi 3.1.6 none NERSCVendor
modules davinci 3.1.6 not needed NERSCVendor
modules franklin 3.1.6 not needed NERSCVendor
modules jacquard 3.1.6 not needed NERSCVendor
modules pdsf 3.1.6 not needed NERSCVendor
perl bassi 5.8.2 not needed NERSCVendor
perl davinci 5.8.3 not needed NERSCVendor
perl franklin 5.8.3 not needed NERSCVendor
perl jacquard 5.8.3 not needed NERSCVendor
python bassi 2.4.2 python/2.4.2 NERSCVendor
python bassi 2.5.1 python/2.5.1 NERSCVendor
python bassi 2.5.2 python NERSCVendor
python davinci 2.3.3 not needed NERSCVendor
python franklin 2.3.3 none NERSCVendor
python franklin 2.5.2 python NERSCVendor
python jacquard 2.3.3 not needed NERSCVendor
python pdsf 2.2.1 python/2.2.1 NERSCVendor
python pdsf 2.2.2 python/2.2.2  Vendor
rcs jacquard 5.7* rcs  Vendor
subversion bassi 1.3.1 subversion NERSCVendor
subversion bassi 1.4.6 subversion NERSCVendor
subversion franklin 1.3.1 subversion/1.3.1 NERSCVendor
subversion franklin 1.4.5 subversion NERSCVendor
subversion franklin 1.5.0 subversion/1.5.0 NERSCVendor
tcl/tk bassi 8.4.11 tcltk NERSCVendor
(*) Denotes limited support

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