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Scopus in Detail: What does it cover?

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database. It covers:

  • Over 16,000 peer-reviewed journals from more than 4,000 international publishers, including coverage of:
    • Over 1200 Open Access journals
    • 520 Conference Proceedings
    • 650 Trade Publications
    • 315 book series

  • 36 million records, of which:
    • 18 million records include references going back to 1996 (75% include references)
    • 18 million pre-1996 records go back as far as 1823

Scopus also covers 431 million quality web sources, including 23 million patents. Web sources are searched via Scirus, and include author homepages, university sites and resources such as the preprint servers CogPrints and ArXiv.org, and OAI compliant resources.

Quick facts about the content coverage

  • Broadest coverage available of Scientific, Technical, Medical and Social Sciences literature
  • Worldwide coverage; more than half of Scopus content originates from Europe, Latin America and the Asia Pacific region
  • References go back to 1996. 70% of all Scopus records, back to 1823, have an abstract
  • Scopus also includes the historical material published by American Chemical Society, the Springer / Kluwer archive, Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry and the journals Nature and Science. Scopus has loaded the archives of Elsevier (back to 1823) and the journals Science (back to 1880) and Nature (back to 1869)
  • Over 57 million additional cited references that are not covered by Scopus as such (e.g. books)
  • “Articles-in-Press”from over 3,000 journals. These articles are available in Scopus prior to their official publication date, from Elsevier, Springer / Kluwer, Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The AIP articles from BioMed Central will be available shortly
  • Coverage is over 99% complete as of 1996 - issue level

Subject areas covered

  • Life Sciences >3,400 titles
  • Health Sciences > 5,300 titles (including 100% coverage of Medline titles)
  • Physical Sciences > 5,500 titles
  • Social Sciences > 2,850 titles

Content coverage policy

The content that Scopus covers is driven by user demand. A Content Selection and Advisory Board comprising researchers and librarians reviews new sources for inclusion. This helps to ensure relevant information is not omitted. All titles that conform to academic quality norms, specifically peer-review, and are published in a timely manner are accepted for consideration. Scopus covers titles from all geographical regions including non-English titles as long as English abstracts can be provided.

To learn more about the content in Scopus including coverage, content processing, overlap with other databases, the Content Selection and Advisory Board and the pillars of Scopus content strategy, read the Scopus Content Coverage Guide and Julie Arnheim's Assessment of Scopus Content & Coverage.

Suggestions for additional sources are welcomed. Simply complete this form to suggest a title for inclusion.

New titles are added to Scopus once a year. Approved titles submitted before 1 September will be added in the first quarter of the subsequent year.

Best of both worlds: Cross-searching Scopus & CSA Illumina

Scopus and ProQuest have established a unique reciprocal searching and linking partnership, allowing mutual users to search selected content in important areas on both Scopus and CSA Illumina. Additional search results are seamlessly integrated into the results set with a direct link to the original record on the native product and to full text if available. Read more...