Ives Island

RealTime Ives Island Data (Gauge data is updated hourly)

  • Graph of Ives Island, Bonneville Dam Flows and Tailwater.
  • Real-time water temperature and water elevation data for the Ives Island area.

    Gauge 1 is found at: Lat 45°37'36.24", Long 121°59'09.13", near the upriver terminus of the channel on the north side of Ives Island.  The elevation of this gauge is 13.27 ft.  (Lat. and Long. Datum is NAD 83, error +/- 22 ft for both gauge locations.  The vertical datum used to calculate mean sea level for both gauges is NAVD88).

  • NOTES:
    • The Ives Island gauge and data are currently unavailable due to hardware issues.
    • The ives gauge is missing data from 09/05/05 through 10/5/05 (the gauge was dry during this period), the gauge functions were restored at 11:00 AM on 10/06/05.
    • Ives Gauge #1 is missing data from 5/25/01 to 6/26/01, from 09/10/01 to 10/10/01, and from 11/29/01 to 01/23/02.

RealTime Hamilton Creek [Ives Island Complex] Data
(Gauge data is updated on even hours)

Geographic Data

  • Ives Island is located in Hydrologic Unit Code (4th level or cataloguing unit): 17080001, Lower Columbia-Sandy
  • Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Province: Lower Columbia, Subbasin: Columbia Lower


This study was conducted in March 2000. The slides comprise the preliminary findings of USFWS personnel on the Ives Island study area (See slide 1). The study is a joint U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife study of the effects of flow on chinook spawning below Bonneville Dam.

  • Ives Study Slides in html.
  • Ives Study Slides presented in html/powerpoint (may not work in all browsers).

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