Spawning Data Homepage

This section contains spawning information for Chum, Fall Chinook and other salmon species. Data is collected at Ives & Pierce Islands, Hamilton & Hardy Creeks, Lower Columbia rivers, Washington tributaries, Multnomah Falls, and I-205. Data available in navigation is described below broken out by the following categories: Spawning & salmon data; Ives island & emergence data; and Photos & maps.

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  • Seining Data: Fork length distribution of juvenile chinook sampled below Bonneville Dam.

  • Spawning Ground Surveys: Count of live, dead and redds observed in Columbia Basin. This includes the Ives Complex, Hamilton and Hardy Creeks, Lower Columbia River and Washington tributaries.

  • Strandings and Entrapment: Ives and Pierce Island Area and below Bonneville.

  • Trapping Data: Counts of live chum smolt in Hardy and Hamilton Creek.

  • Ives Island: Realtime and historic Columbia River water temperature and river height information for the Ives Island/Pierce/Hamilton Creek complex.

  • Water Temperature and Emergence Dates: Temperature and Emergence dates including Columbia River water temperature, temperature units and emergence dates. Comparision of emergence dates to catch dates.

Data provided by: USFWS, ODFW, WDFW, PSMFC and FPC. Flow and elevation data provided by Army Corp of Engineers and USGS.


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Page last updated on: September 3, 2008

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