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  • FPC Weekly Reports - These summarize the current biological and physical conditions, and river operations affecting the migrations of juvenile and adult salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake river basins.
  • FPC Annual Reports - These summarize the biological and physical conditions, and river operations affecting the migrations of juvenile and adult salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake river basins each year.
  • Annual Fishway Inspection Reports - The FPC coordinates the inspection program of the fish passage facilities at 13 hydroelectric dams located on the Snake and Columbia rivers. This section provides access to the Annual Fishway Inspection Reports.
  • Comparative Survival Study Reports - The CSS is a multi-year program of the fishery agencies and tribes to estimate survival rates over different life stages of hatchery Chinook salmon.

  • FPC Memorandums - he FPC analyzes current and historical salmon and steelhead and river data when requested by federal, state, and tribal agencies. This section provides access to documents on data analysis conducted by FPC.

  • Joint Technical Memorandums - This section provides access to Joint Technical Memorandums authored by state, tribal, and federal agencies.

  • System Operation Requests - SORs are drafted by the Salmon Managers to the COE and BPA in response to river or project-specific operations to provide both juvenile and adult salmon with the most conducive migration conditions and survival opportunities possible.

  • FPC Miscellaneous Documents - This section provides access to miscellaneous documents published by the FPC. This includes access to the FPC Oversight Board Quarterly and Annual Reports.

  • SMP Sites Annual Reports - This section provides access to the Smolt Monitoring Sites Annual Reports.

  • FPC Metadata - This section provides access to FPC metadata describing the information that can be queried and downloaded from this website..

The Fish Passage Center provides current and historic data on salmon and steelhead in the Snake and Columbia river basins. This section provides access to documents on data analysis conducted by The Fish Passage Center. Here you can find FPC Weekly Reports, System Operational Requests, FPC Annual Reports, Comparative Survival Study Reports, FPC Memos, Smolt Monitoring Site Annual Reports, Fishway Inspection Reports, Joint Technical Memos, and other documents.

If you need a hard copy of any of our documents call (503) 230-4099 or email us. As most of our reports are in PDF format, you will need Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later to read them.

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Page last updated on: January 9, 2007

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