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Senior Citizen Longevity & Statistics

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Senior Citizen Longevity & Statistics

More Than Half U.S. Senior Citizens have a Disability; Over 70 Percent of Those over 80

54.4 Million Americans live with a disability says new report by Census Bureau

Dec. 18, 2008 - About one in five U.S. residents - 19 percent - reported some level of disability in 2005, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report released today. But, more than one out of three of all the disabled in the U.S. are senior citizens, age 65 or older. Read more...

Health & Medicine for Senior Citizens

Cancer to Replace Heart Disease as Leading Killer in World by 2010, Says International Study

US cancer organizations unite to push action plan for Obama Administration

Number U.S. deaths 2005 for leading causes of death

  ● Heart disease: 652,091

  ● Cancer: 559,312

More in news report...

Dec. 9, 2008 – Cancer may soon replace heart disease as the leading cause of death in the world according to a report today from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This news that cancer is projected to become the leading cause of death in the year 2010 has moved the nation's leading cancer organizations to join an event called Conquering Cancer: A Global Effort, to focus attention on the growing global cancer burden and discuss efforts needed to address the problem. Read more...

Children of Centenarians Live Longer, Have Less Heart Disease, Stroke Diabetes

Survival rate shows longevity runs in families, results indicate physiological and genetic reasons

Nov. 20, 2008 – Senior citizens, at some point, are no longer in awe of the pretty face or fat pocketbook – their envy turns to the centenarians, those among us who live to be 100 years old. A new study says that if your parents were centenarians, or even as close as age 97, you are probably are going to live a long life, too. Read more...

Senior Citizen Population May Be Near Max for Internet Use; 4 of 5 Adults of All Ages Now Online

184 Million U.S. adults are online from their homes, offices, schools or other locations

November 18, 2008 – A new Harris Poll finds the U.S. citizens Online are beginning to look more like the population of the country. Although senior citizens age 65 and older still lag, they are catching up and the difference is not so dramatic. Read more...

Centenarian Who Rides Electric Scooter to Work at Newspaper Named Oldest Worker

Mildred Health works 30 hours a week at newspaper she helped found in Overton, Nebraska

Oct. 3, 2008 - Mildred Health, a 100-year-old newspaper woman who comes to work on an electric scooter and works 30 hours a week at the Overton Observer in Overton, Nebraska, has been honored at America’s Oldest Worker for 2008 by Experience Works, which says it is the nation’s largest provider of training and employment services for older workers. Read more...

U.S. Senior Citizens in Poverty Jumped to 3.6 Million in 2007, 9.7 Percent of All Seniors

In 2007, the family poverty rate and the number of families in poverty were 9.8 percent and 7.6 million, respectively, both statistically unchanged from 2006

Aug. 25, 2008 – The number of seniors citizens (age 65 and older) in the U.S. living in poverty jumped to 3.6 million in 2007, up from 3.4 million in 2006. The percentage of all seniors living in poverty increased from 9.4 percent to 9.7 percent from 2006 to 2007 – an increase the Census Bureau calls “statistically unchanged.” Read more...

Third Survey of Centenarians Finds Them More Like Younger People Than Many Assume

100-year olds use latest technology, follow elections and think lifestyle choices determine longevity

“If I could leave any message, never stop learning. Period. That's it.”  Centenarian Maurice Eisman

Aug. 8, 2008 – The third annual Evercare 100@100 Survey finds that the keys to longevity are staying connected to family, friends and current events. The poll of 100 centenarians shifts conventional stereotypes on aging by revealing that some of the oldest Americans are using the latest technologies to keep up and stay close – talking on cell phones, sending emails, “Googling” lost acquaintances, surfing Wikipedia and even online dating. Read more...

Institute on Aging Seeks Long-Living Families to Reveal Secrets to Long Healthy Life

Researchers will contact people near study sites - Boston, New York and Pittsburgh

July 8, 2008 – WANTED: A few families that have a record of living a long, long time. Although Americans are living longer, “extreme old age” is still unusual and tends to run in some families, according to the National Institute on Aging. The NIA, part of the National Institutes of Health, is seeking long-lived families to help study the secrets to a long healthy life. Read more...

Life Expectancy Passes 78 Years, Death Rates Drastically Decline, Says New CDC Report

Death rates for 8 of the 10 leading causes of death in U.S. all dropped significantly in 2006; Alzheimer’s passed diabetes becoming the sixth leading cause of death

June 11, 2008 - Age-adjusted death rates in the United States declined significantly between 2005 and 2006 and life expectancy hit another record high – 78.1 years, according to preliminary death statistics released today by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. Read more...

Aging News & Information

Study of Former World’s Oldest Woman Proves Dementia Not Inevitable with Aging

Woman, 115, had normal brain and remained mentally alert throughout life

June 9, 2008 – The theory that proposes dementia is an inevitable result of a long life was refuted by a reality test reported in the August issue of Neurobiology of Aging. Researchers that interviewed the world’s oldest living person and examined her brain after death have found she had a normal brain with little or no evidence of Alzheimer’s disease, and say she remained mentally alert throughout her life. Read more....


Senior Citizen Longevity & Statistics

Insulin-Like Hormone May Hold Key to Longer Life for Elderly Men

New way of testing opens the possibility to new insights about IGF-1

May 27, 2008 - A new study of elderly men with higher activity of the hormone IGF-1 - insulin-growth factor 1 - appear to have greater life expectancy and reduced cardiovascular risk, according to a report on research that used a new method of testing for IGF-bioactivity. Read more...

Study of Centenarian Suggests Genes May Not Hold the Secret to Longevity

Researchers credit Mediterranean diet, physical activity, mild climate

May 5, 2008 - A study of the bones of a 113-year-old man, who has recently died at 114, reveals his longevity was due to a healthy lifestyle, a Mediterranean diet, a temperate climate and regular physical activity, rather than any genetic modifications. Read more...

Rich White Men Doing the Best in Fight to Extend Longevity in U.S.

For poor, women and minorities the picture not so rosy

April 22, 2008 - Life expectancy in the U.S. is on a continual increase, at least for financially comfortable white men. For the poor, women and minorities the picture is not so rosy, according a research published in PloS Medicine. Overall life expectancy in the U.S. increased more than seven years for men and more than six years for women between 1960 and 2000. Over the same four decades, however, this report finds the gains not reaching many parts of the country; rather, the life expectancy of a significant segment of the population is actually declining or at best stagnating. Read more....

NBC Today Show Features Couple Married for 83 Years

Minnesota duo’s longevity earns place in ‘Guinness World Records’

March 17, 2008 - “The year was 1925. Calvin Coolidge was president, Adolf Hitler released the first part of his book, “Mein Kampf,” Charlie Chaplin’s big movie was “The Gold Rush,” flappers were singing and dancing to “Sweet Georgia Brown” and “I’m Sitting on Top of the World,” the Scopes Trial played out in Tennessee, the first television images were broadcast, Al Capone ruled the streets of Chicago... Read more and link to video in story.

Aging News & Information

U.S. Life Expectancy Not Increasing for Everyone – Just Best Educated, Males

Those with less than high school education and females don’t age so well in Harvard study

March 11, 2008 – Yes, we are living longer in the U.S. but if you thought that applied to everyone, you are in for a surprise. Now we learn this expanse in life expectancy only applies to those with more than a high school education. And, women fare worse than men – the less educated women actually show a slight decline in life expectancy at age 25. Read more...

Long Life Mostly Determined by Choices We Make as Senior Citizens, Study Finds

People living passed 100 even with chronic diseases they battle for many years

Feb. 11, 2008 – Only about a fourth of the variations that determine how long we live can be blamed on genetics. The other 75 percent appear to be associated with risk factors we can control. For example, a new study says lifestyle choices by men in the early elderly years – including weight control, regular exercise and not smoking – go a long way in determining those that will live to reach age 90. Read more...

Calorie Restriction Prolongs Life and Scientist Find Genes that May Cause It

SIRT3 and SIRT4 may be targets for drug treatments to stimulate fight against aging

Sept. 20, 2007 - For nearly 70 years scientists have known that caloric restriction prolongs life. In everything from yeast to primates, a significant decrease in calories can extend lifespan by as much as one-third. In a new study, however, scientists have focused on two genes they think come out fighting against the diseases of aging, when provoked by something like calorie restriction. Read more...

Oldest Living Man Celebrates 112th Birthday in Japan

Tomoji Tanabe does not drink or smoke but reads his newspaper daily

Sept. 18, 2007 – It was happy birthday yesterday for the world’s oldest man, Tomoji Tanabe, who turned 112. Saying again that he wants to live forever, Tanabe does not drink alcohol or smoke. He does read his newspaper every day and write in his diary. Read more...

New Record Reached in U.S. Life Expectancy but Heart Disease Remains Biggest Killer

Child born in 2005 should live to about 78 years of age, says CDC

Sept. 13, 2007 – The latest government statistics show longevity in the U.S. has reached a new high – a child born in 2005 can expect to live to almost age 78 (77.9). The study also finds that heart disease is still the main reason we are dying, although, the death rate from heart disease dropped significantly from 2004 to 2005 – 3.1%. But the biggest drop in death risk was from cerebrovascular diseases (stroke), where the rate dropped 6.8%. Read more...

Life Expectancy Improves but Premature Death Risk Still Significant

Study finds public perceives death risk much lower that reality

Sept. 4, 2007 - Findings from a new study show that while mortality rates in the United States have decreased since the 1970s, the risk of premature death for those in their typical working years, ages 25-64, is still significant - a greater than 1-in-6 chance for males and a 1-in-9 chance for females of not surviving from age 25 to normal retirement age. These odds are much higher than most Americans perceive. Read more...

Senior Citizens Living in Poverty Decline in 2006 but Not for Younger People

U.S. poverty rate does decline for first time in Bush era

Aug. 28, 2007 – The nation’s poverty rate declined in 2006 for the first time since George W. Bush became president – 12.6% in 2005 down to 12.3% in 2006. Senior citizens (65 and older), however, saw even a bigger drop – 10.1% in 2005 down to 9.4% last year. The new U.S. Census Bureau report also found that median household income in the U.S. climbed between 2005 and 2006, reaching $48,200. This is the second consecutive year that income has risen. Read more...

Health and Retirement Study Highlights Published in New Book by NIA

Premier study of Americans 50-plus by U. Michigan Social Research

Aug. 13, 2007 – Those who follow the news and information on aging are aware of increasing number of studies that reference data from the Health & Retirement Study. The National Institute on Aging, sponsor of this ongoing national survey of Americans age 50 and over, is now making available a comprehensive publication, Growing Older in American: The Health & Retirement Study. Read more...

Senior Citizens Most Likely to Say Bible is Literally True, Gallup Finds

Least educated most likely to believe Bible is actual word of God

May 27, 2007 – Senior citizens are more likely than most other American adults to believe the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally word for word, according to a report from the Gallup News Service released Friday. About one-third of all adults have this belief but those over age 65 lead the age groups slightly at 35%. Read more...

Two Personality Traits Linked to Health and Longevity

Emotional stability and conscientiousness make a healthy personality

April 5, 2007 - Psychologists studying the question of what makes a healthy personality have identified at least two of five major traits as being directly related to physical well being and longevity: emotional stability and conscientiousness. More to the point, wellness is linked to changes in these traits over time. Read more...

Oldest Americans More in Sync with Modern Times Than Many Think

Centenarians credit longevity to 'Faith' over genes, medical care

April 3, 2007 – Centenarians – those who have attained age 100 – are more in tune with current trends than many assume. One out of three has watched a TV reality show and almost that many have watched music videos, according to the second annual survey by Evercare. As was found in the first survey last year, the oldest Americans attribute their longevity to faith and spiritual care more than genes or medical care. Read more...

Life Expectancy Gap Narrows Between Blacks and Whites

Gap still substantial: 6.3 years for men and 4.5 years for women


View video


March 21, 2007 - Reductions in the death rate from homicide, HIV disease, unintentional injuries and - among women - heart disease have contributed to narrowing the life expectancy gap between blacks and whites in the United States, although substantial inequalities and challenges remain, according to a study in the March 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Read more...

Nine Trends in Global Aging Present Challenges, Says U.S. Study

Report presented at State Department Summit on Global Aging

March 16, 2007 – While the world has successfully learned to live longer, this longevity presents many new challenges that will require cooperative planning by the world's nations, says a new report, Why Population Aging Matters: A Global Perspective, which was presented yesterday at the Summit on Global Aging, hosted by the U.S. State Department in collaboration with the National Institute on Aging. Read more...

Emma Tillman Dies After Holding Title as Oldest Living Person for Four Days

  Yone, la más vieja del mundo  

Yone Minagawa, 114, world's oldest living person


New oldest living person, Yone Minagawa, 114, of Fukuoka, Japan

Emma Faust Tillman

January 30, 2007 - Emma Faust Tillman, an 114-year-old American, who was once a servant for actress Katharine Hepburn, died on Sunday, January 28, just four days after gaining the title as the world's oldest living person. Her reign was the shortest on record, says Robert Young, senior consultant for gerontology for Guinness World Records. Read more...

Oldest Living Person Dies and American Woman Takes the Title

New oldest living person, Emma Faust Tillman, just became oldest woman on January 18

January 24, 2007 – Emiliano Mercado del Torro, the oldest living person in the world has died at 115 years of age. He was also the oldest living U.S. army veteran. Del Torro had been the world's oldest living man since Nov. 19, 2004, but only gained the title for both sexes on December 11, 2006, when Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bolden of Tennessee died at 116. Read more...

America's Emma Tillman is World's Oldest Living Woman after Death of Canadian

Julie Bertrand, also oldest living Canadian, held title for only weeks


Oldest Woman


Former Title Holder


Oldest Person


Emma Tillman


Julie Bertrand


Del Toro

January 20, 2007 – Julie Winnefred Bertrand, the oldest living woman in the world and oldest living Canadian, died on January 18. The 115-year-old from Quebec held the Guinness World Record as oldest living woman for just a few weeks, attaining the title on December 11, 2006. Emma Faust Tillman, a 114-year-old American, who was once a servant for actress Katharine Hepburn, not takes the title, which was held by another Afro-American woman from the U.S., Elizabeth Bolden, until she died at 116 last December. The oldest person in the world, and oldest man, is Emiliano Mercado del Toro of Puerto Rico. Read more...

Gerald Ford Dies as Oldest Surviving U.S. President

December 27, 2006 – Gerald R. Ford, who turned 93 last July 14 and became the oldest living former U.S. President on November 12, has died. A statement by Ford's office said he "died peacefully" at 6:45 p.m. yesterday at his home in Rancho Mirage, California. His death leaves three surviving former presidents: Bill Clinton, 60, George H. W. Bush, 82, and Carter, 82. Read more with links to key information at CNN, click here.

How Long Can You Expect to Live, How You May Die Projected by Census Bureau

By Tucker Sutherland, editor

December 16, 2006 – "Adults and teens will spend nearly five months (3,518 hours) next year watching television, surfing the Internet, reading daily newspapers and listening to personal music devices," so says the lead paragraph in the news release from the U.S. Census Bureau announcing the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007. But, let's dig down to the important information, like how long are we expected to live now days and how might we meet our end. That information is there, too. Read more...

Bolden was oldest person, again. Photo by Dave Darnell, Commercial Appeal. Click here for latest news.

America's Lizzie Bolden Dies at 116 as World's Oldest Person

Oldest person now Puerto Rican man who is also oldest living U.S. veteran

December 12, 2006 – Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bolden, maybe the only person ever to be declared the "oldest living person" in the world on two occasions, died yesterday in a Tennessee nursing home at the age of 116. The new title holder is Emiliano Mercado del Toro of Puerto Rico, already recognized as the oldest living man in the world, who was listed yesterday by the Gerontology Research Group as being 115 years and 112 days old. Del Toro is also the oldest living U.S. veteran. (Read more below this news story.) Read more...

Gerald Ford Becomes Oldest Living Former President

November 13, 2006 – As further evidence that we are living longer, it should be noted that Gerald R. Ford passed a milestone on Sunday, November 12. He became the oldest living U.S. President ever. Ford turned 93 on July 14 and took the honor held by Ronald Reagan at 93 years and 121 days.

Lady Bird Johnson, who will be 94 next month, is the oldest living former first lady. She has awhile to go, however, before catching up with the longest living first lady, Bess Truman, who died at age 97 in 1982.

Just Three Percent of Senior Citizens have Proficient Health Literacy

Do not understand medical instructions, 29% lack basic literacy

September 12, 2006 - Senior citizens have much lower literacy skills than younger Americans and it is identified as a particular problem when in comes to understanding medical instructions, according to a recent report by the National Center for Education Statistics on a study of 2003. Read more...

Senior Citizens Becoming More Interested in Labor Day Break

Older Americans leading growth in American workforce

September 4, 2006 – Labor Day is becoming a more important holiday for senior citizens, as a larger percentage of Americans age 65 and older are joining the workforce. Older Americans are the fastest growing age group of American workers and this is expected to continue. Read more...

American Becomes Oldest Living Person in the World for Second Time

Replaces woman from Ecuador who died days short of 117th birthday

August 29, 2006 – An American woman, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bolden, has become the oldest living woman and person in the world - for the second time. This time she was given the title as the result of the death on August 27 of Maria Esther Capovilla of Ecuador, who was found to be older than Bolden last December and given the recognition Bolden had held since last August. Read more...

Senior Citizens Most Concerned about Health; Get News from Doctor and Internet

Primarily want to maintain mental ability – fear Alzheimer's the most

August 23, 2006 – About seven out of ten senior citizens are concerned about their health and wellbeing and 80 percent try to keep up with health news – mostly from their doctor, but secondly on the Internet. Preserving their mental function is the biggest health concern and Alzheimer's is the disease they fear most. These are part of the findings in a survey of American ages 63 to 80 for UnitedHealthcare's SecureHorizons. Read more...

Senior Citizens Now 12.1 Percent of  Population; New Census Report Highlights Cities Since 2000

San Francisco has highest percent of seniors and highest median age, Phoenix the lowest

August 21, 2006 – Cities with the highest and lowest percentage of senior citizens were identified by the U.S. Census Bureau last week in a report the agency says is the first time it has released key demographic and social data for areas with populations of 65,000 or more. It is an updated look at how the population has changed since Census 2000. The report says over 12 percent of Americans are now senior citizens and the median age has reached 36.4 years. Read more...

Boomers May Feel Burdened by Aging Parents but Seniors See it Differently

Assisting children doesn't end with empty nest – or even when you retire

August 18, 2006 – There are many articles and studies showing how Baby Boomers are burdened by their aging parents. There is, however, a flip-side to this. Senior citizens are finding that providing assistance to their children doesn’t end when they leave the nest – or even when you retire. Read more...

Senior Citizens Most Likely to say Public did not Need to Know about Feds Checking Bank Accounts

Seniors Most Concerned

In reporting this story, did news organizations help or hurt the interests of the American people?





















No effect/DK





The 65 and over group again out of step with younger Americans

August 8, 2006 – A new survey today again proves that senior citizens are out of sync with younger Americans. The new study found that most Americans feel the news media told the public something they needed to know about, when reporting on the government secretly examining the bank records of American citizens who may have ties to terrorist groups. But, about half think it hurt rather than helped. Senior citizens were be far the most likely to think it hurt and to say it is something Americans did not need to know about. Read more...

Chronic Diseases are Leading Causes of Death among Senior Citizens

Heart disease and cancer remain top killers of older Americans

  Chronic Disease - Seniors








Doctor's diagnosis of arthritis




Chronic joint symptoms




All types of heart disease




Coronary heart disease




Any cancer







August 7, 2006 - Heart disease and cancer have been the two leading causes of death for senior citizens - persons 65 years of age and older - for the past two decades, accounting for nearly a million deaths in 2002, according to the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here is a quick look at chronic disease among senior citizens and more about the causes of their deaths. Read more...

National Institutes of Health Looking for Families that Live Long, Healthy Lives

July 20, 2006 – Do people in your family live long, healthy lives? If, "Yes," the National Institutes of Health wants to hear from you. They think longevity tends to run in families and they want to learn more about factors that contribute to it. Read more...

Statistics on Senior Citizen

Senior Citizens Not in Step with Younger Americans on Global Warming

Seniors among least likely believers, most likely to say they just don't know

Is The Earth Getting Warmer?









All Ages




















July 15, 2006 – While the vast majority of Americans (70%) think there is solid evidence that the earth is getting warmer, senior citizens are not so easily convinced. Only 66% of senior citizens (age 65 and older) think the evidence is solid, about the same percentage as those under 30. The older Americans, however, who have seen a lot more weather than younger people, were the group most likely to say they just don't know (15%). Read more...

Senior Citizens By Far the Least Likely to Talk on Cell Phone While Driving

Older people are most likely to think it dangerous and least likely to do it

June 9, 2006 - If you encounter a driver talking on a cell phone, it is probably not a senior citizen. Despite knowing that driving and talking on a cell phone at the same time is dangerous, a large majority of drivers with cell phones still talk on the cell phone and drive at the same time. Senior citizens, however, are the most likely to think it is dangerous and the less likely to do it. Read more...

Senior Citizens Least Likely to Think Man Evolved

Almost half of Americans, most seniors believe humans did not evolve

Click for larger viewMay 5, 2006 – A recent Gallup Poll shows that almost half of Americans believe that human beings did not evolve, but were created by God in their present form within the last 10,000 years. The major difference by age in these beliefs is among senior citizens aged 65 and older, who are less likely to believe that humans evolved than those who are younger. Read more...

Senior Citizens at Odds with Young Americans over Gay Rights

Trend toward expanded acceptance stalled in recent years

Click for larger view.May 31, 2006 – The Gallup Poll looked at gay rights today and found – not surprisingly – the youngest adults the most supportive and senior citizens the most negative. Read more...

Almost 14 Million Senior Citizens Now Online

Estimated 172 million U.S. adults Online – 77% of population

May 28, 2006 – A Harris Poll released last week shows there are now 172 million American adults online and almost 14 million of those are senior citizens age 65 and older. Seniors online are eight percent of the total, which has increased by five percent since last year. Read more...

Older Americans Most Pessimistic About Future for Children

The future ain't what it used to be, say senior citizens

May 5, 2006 - The idea that each generation of children will grow up to be better off than the one that preceded it has always been a part of the American dream. But barely a third of adults expect things to work out that way for today's children, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Read more...

Facts about Senior Citizens Packaged by Census Bureau

May is Older Americans Month and here are facts seniors may not know

April 26, 2006 - Older Americans Month originated with a presidential proclamation in May 1963 and has been proclaimed by presidents each year since. Last year, President Bush stated, “Older Americans teach us the timeless lessons of courage, sacrifice and love. By sharing their wisdom and experience, they serve as role models for future generations. During Older Americans Month, we pay tribute to our senior citizens and their contributions to our nation.” Read more...

Americans Living Longer, Men Gain on Women in 2004

CDC releases report shows death rate at record low for 2004

April 20, 2006 – A report released yesterday shows life expectancy continues to increase and the gap between women, who live the longest, and men has narrowed for the second year in a row. Life expectancy for those born in 2004, says the analysis from the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control, was 77.9 years. For females, however, it was 80.4 to 75.2 for men. Read more...

White Senior Citizens Declining Rapidly as Percent of Older Population

Immigration reform highlights changing population demographics

April 11, 2006 – The large immigration reform marches in the last few days have heightened awareness of the changing demographics of the U.S. population. The changes in racial or place of origin backgrounds are also taking place in the senior citizen age group (65 and over). In 2003, non-Hispanic Whites represented about 83% of the older population but that percentage is projected by the U.S. Census Bureau to drop to 72% by 2030, and even further to only 61% by 2050. Read more...

Fewer Seniors Working but They Are Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

U.S. Census Bureau report on seniors looks at work and retirement

March 11, 2006 – The percent of older men - senior citizens 65 and older - in America's workforce declined dramatically over the past decades from 46 percent in 1950 to only 19 percent in 2003, but for senior women there has been no change. But many seniors continue to work, many part-time, primarily because they enjoy their work. These are some of the findings about older workers in a new report by the U.S. Census Bureau, that also says older workers are relatively healthy, prosperous, and well educated. Read more...

Most Comprehensive Analysis of Aging in America Published by Census Bureau

Report looks at past and future of booming population of senior citizens

March 9, 2006 - The face of aging in the United States is changing dramatically — and rapidly, according to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau. Today’s older Americans are very different from their predecessors, living longer, having lower rates of disability, achieving higher levels of education and less often living in poverty. And the baby boomers, the first of whom celebrated their 60th birthdays in 2006, promise to redefine further what it means to grow older in America. Many of the statistics have been published before but this is the most complete packaging and analysis to-date. Read more...

Simple Test for Seniors, Boomers to Rate Risk of Dying in Four Years

Researches say all 50 or over can do it by answering just 12 questions

Feb. 16, 2006 - Researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center have created an index that is 81 percent accurate in predicting the likelihood of death within four years for Baby Boomers and senior citizens age 50 and older. See charts below for taking test, life expectancy tables, determining body mass index). Read more...

AARP Survey Finds Decline in Health Care, Income for Those 50+

Says outlook more bleak during the most recent years

Jan. 30, 2006 - Compared with a decade ago, the state of 50+ America seems to have improved, but AARP’s third annual “report card” on the quality of life of midlife and older Americans finds that "the picture has become less favorable and the outlook more bleak during the most recent year." As the nation prepares for tomorrow's State of the Union, AARP released its annual "State of 50+ America" report, which finds a one year decline in key health care indicators and lower family income for Americans age 50 and above. Read more...

Ecuador Grabs Oldest Person Crown from U.S.

Guinness confirms 116 year old as oldest but Chicago woman may be 118


Dec. 20, 2005 – Major changes are occurring in the list of supercenternarians and oldest living people of the world, as a 116 year old woman from Ecuador is given the title of "oldest" by Guinness World Records, displacing American Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bolden, who is just 115. The battle is not over, however, as a woman in Chicago is alleged to be 118. Read more...

Fourth Oldest American Dies at 113

M. Gladys Swetland was listed as 9th oldest in the world

Dec. 20, 2005 – M. Gladys Swetland, who celebrated her 113th birthday on April 21, 2005, by playing the piano for family and friends, passed away on December 14 after achieving recognition as the ninth oldest person in the world and the fourth oldest in the U.S. Read more...

Health, United States, 2005

U.S. Has Been Getting Older, But We Haven't Seen Anything, Yet

Starting January 1 a baby boomer will turn 60 every 7.5 seconds

By Tucker Sutherland, editor

Dec. 9, 2005 – On January 1 baby boomers will begin turning 60 at the rate of about one every 7.5 seconds. They will begin to swell the already booming ranks of older Americans. These post-WWII children have long been the focus of America but we have not seen anything yet that will compare with their impact as they begin to draw from Social Security, use Medicare and swamp the healthcare system with the ailments associated with aging. Read more...

Senior Citizens to be 15 Percent of World Population

Dec. 7, 2005 - This century, the world is expected to experience an unprecedented aging of the human population in countries worldwide. Analysts predict significant implications for economic growth and the well-being of societies. Following is a report by the Voice of America on what the experts say it will mean. Read more...

More People are Living Longer but None Has Reached 123

U.S. leads the world with four oldest people including women and a Puerto Rican man

By Tucker Sutherland, editor


Is he 130?


Dec. 3, 2005 – The Yemen Observer reported last week on a man there that claims to be 130 years old. There is apparently no way to verify his age and Saeed Bin Saeed Al-Humri will most likely disappear among many others, particularly from countries that did little years ago to document births, who have claimed to be the oldest living person. Officially, no person has ever celebrated a 123rd birthday. Read more...

New Picture of Senior, Boomer Populations in Census 2003 Profile

Nov. 11, 2005 – This week the U.S. Census Bureau released the Population Profile of the U.S. for 2003 that looks at changes since the 2000 census. The bureau also produced a unique graphic of the population that provides a clear picture of the baby boomer bulge and the demise of the older population. The population over age 65 did not grow as fast as the rest of the population but the good news is that the 85 and older age group expanded more than three times as fast as the rest of the population. Read more...

Chances of Joining Centenarians Best for First Born Daughters of Farmers

Also helps with birthday in January, raised on farm in the West

Nov. 8, 2005 – Centenarians (people living to age 100) represent one of the fastest-growing age groups in America - increasing by 4.1 percent a year. But, if you want to be a member of this elite group, your chances are best if you are a first born daughter from a large family, have a birthday in January and were raised on a farm in the West. Read more...

Statistical Profile of Hispanic Senior Citizens Published

Sept. 22, 2005 - Over 36.3 million Americans are aged 65 and over. Three in five people in this age group are women. Over the next forty years, the number of people aged 65 and older is expected to double, while the number of people aged 85 and older is expected to triple. All Americans are living longer and the same is true for the Hispanic population, according to a new analysis by the U.S. Administration on Aging. Read more...

International Study

Men Die Younger Due to Systematic Male Dominance - Patriarchy

Female murder rates account for 48.8% of the variation in death rates among men

Sept. 15,2005 - Systematic male dominance - patriarchy - explains half the discrepancy in life expectancy between the sexes, suggests research spanning four continents in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Read more...

Americans Becoming New Longevity Record Setters: 14 of Oldest 30

Twenty of oldest 30 people in the world are from U.S. or Japan

By Tucker Sutherland, editor

Sept. 8, 2005 – Americans have generally not been noted for setting longevity records. The oldest people seem to usually be in Japan or a colder region, like Sweden or Norway. All of a sudden, that appears to be changing with Americans now representing almost half of the 30 oldest people in the world and holding the top three positions in the rankings. Only two men are on the list - one American and one Puerto Rican. Read more...

Seniors Charging Out of Poverty While Nation Sinks

Poverty rate for seniors decreases to 9.8, nation climbs to 12.7

Aug. 31, 2005 – There was good news about senior citizens today in the U.S. Census Bureau report on income, poverty and health insurance in 2004 – the percentage of seniors living in poverty continues to decrease. The news was not so good for the rest of America with the poverty rate increasing over 2003 and household income unchanged. Read more...see charts, graphs.

American Woman Becomes World’s Oldest Living Person

U.S. now holds top three spots on list of oldest people

  Van Andel-Schipper dies at 115

Aug. 31, 2005 – An American woman, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Bolden, 115 years and 14 days old, has officially become the oldest living person and woman in the world, according to an announcement by the Guinness World Records. The previous title holder, Hendrikje Van Andel-Schipper of the Netherlands, died in her sleep at 2 a.m. yesterday. She was 115 years and 62 days old. Read more...

Being Obese Seniors Does Not Effect Longevity, Just Years We Spend Disabled

Aug. 3, 2005 – Being obese at 70 years old doesn’t have much bearing on how long men or women are going to live. But, both obese men and women will have less “active years’ than their non-obese fellow senior citizens. That’s what researchers have found in studying over 7,000 senior citizens. Read more...

How Old is Old?

Most Think Old is 71, Seniors Edge Their Choices Higher

July 27, 2005 - As might be expected, as age increases so too does the choice of an age as being “old.” Thirty percent of those under 30 say 61 to 70 is old, while more than two in three 50 to 64 year olds say over 71 is old. Almost six in ten over age 65 say over 71 is old. No one 65 and older thinks 41 to 50 is old. The MetLife Mature Market Institute commissioned Zogby International to conduct the telephone survey to determine what age Americans believed was old, and how old they wish they were. Read more...


Is Maria da Silva 125?


Oldest Living Woman Challenge Fades Away

Claims Brazilian is 125 never verified by world authorities

July 17, 2005 - Hendrikje Van Andel-Schipper, who turned 115 years old on June 29, is holding on to her title as the world’s oldest living woman, despite challenges that emerged earlier this year claiming a Brazilian woman, Maria Olivia da Silva of São Paulo, turned 125 in February. The story was reported by the Associated Press, but neither the Gerontology Research Group nor the Guinness World Records have verified the claim. Read more...

Aging Surge Poses Challenge for States

By Kathleen Murphy, Staff Writer

July 1, 2005 - State leaders are getting gray hair worrying about the impending impact of America’s aging population, but they're only slowly taking steps to meet the challenges that will arise as post-World War Two baby boomers start reaching retirement age in 2011. Read more...

Twins Pass 98, Going for Title as Oldest Female Twins



Edith and Grace in 1907

June 15, 2005 – Grace L. Campbell and Edith M. Ritzi celebrated their 98th birthday on May 22 and they many not be the oldest living female twins but they sure must be in the running. They were born in 1907 - Teddy Roosevelt was President, the Ziegfeld Follies were being introduced, Oklahoma became a state and a first class stamp cost two cents. Read more...

Husband in World’s Longest Marriage Dies at 105

He claimed the secret to his long marriage was “Yes Dear”

June 15, 2005 – The man who claimed the secret to his 80 years of marriage was “Yes Dear” has died at the age of 105, only two weeks after celebrating his anniversary on June 1 with wife, Florence, who is 100. Percy Arrowsmith died at his home in Hereford, England. They were honored on their anniversary by the Guinness World Records for the longest marriage of a living couple and the oldest married couple in aggregate age. Read more...

Profile of Older Americans: 2004 Released Online

May 31, 2005 - The online version of “A Profile of Older Americans: 2004” was released today by the Administration on Aging. This electronic version of the popular information package has the latest statistics on older Americans in key subject areas. It includes both narrative and statistical charts. Read more...

Which States Most Popular with Senior Citizens

May 31, 2005 - The states with the highest percentage of senior citizens (65+) might surprise you. Well, not Florida, we all know they are number one. But, the next ten are not exactly your easy living, soak up the sun and surf type states. Read more...

S. Korea Expects to Lead by 2050 in World Senior Citizen Population Boom, Beats Japan, Italy, U.S.

U.S. Seniors to increase 36 to 87 million by 2050

May 23, 2005 – A news story from the Korean Times says South Korea will have the highest proportion of senior citizens in the world by 2050 – 37.3 percent. They project to beat Japan (36.5%), Italy (34.4%), and the U.S. (21.1%). The global elderly population is expected to be 15.9 percent in 2050, according to projections by the United Nations. There are 36 million senior citizens in the U.S. today but this will grow to 87 million by 2050. Read more...

Strong Internet Use by Tomorrow's Seniors Means Big Changes for Market

May 19, 2005 - Marketers and the media are waking up to the power of older consumers online, as the oldest baby boomers prepare to turn 60 in 2006, says eMarketer in a news release touting their new Seniors Online report, which analyzes the changing usage patterns of the older adult and senior online populations. Read more...

Senior Citizens, Younger Adults Optimistic About Personal Futures But Expect Nuclear War

Seniors least likely to see biological and nuclear war, or think society's problems will be solved

May 17, 2005 – Although they expect nuclear and biological attacks, senior citizens join other American adults in being optimistic about their personal futures. The seniors, however, are considerably less optimistic than the younger people. Read more...

Senior Citizen Facts Provided by Census Bureau for Older American Month

How many seniors are veterans? Employed? Below poverty?

April 25, 2005 – In May, the country will celebrate Older Americans Month with the theme of “Celebrate Long-Term Living.” To promote this year’s event older Americans and government agencies that serve them will join with the Administration on Aging on May 4 for a 30-minute walk on the National Mall in Washington DC. AoA will also provide tools and tips for healthy living, refreshments “and more!” The Census Bureau has added their contribution to the event with this list of facts and figures about today's senior citizens. Read more...

Senior Citizen Population Will Grow Faster Than All Others in All States by 2030

Census Bureau projects population growth to 2030 by state

April 21, 2005 – The U.S. Census Bureau released projections on the U.S. population by state for the year 2030 and the headlines were about which states are to grow the fastest. The real story, however, is the picture of the growth in senior citizens. Beginning in 2011, the population 65 and older will grow faster than the total population in every single state. Read more... see charts of senior growth by state.

MetLife Mature Market Institute

Quick Look at Facts About Senior Citizens Available Online

April 10, 2005 - The Mature Market Institute has recently published a Demographic Profile focusing on American’s 65 and older. Relying on a number of sources for data, the MetLife division has produced an interesting graphic presentation. Read more...

If Life Expectancy Starts to Drop, Blame Obesity in Children

March 17, 2005 – If the age of life expectancy stops its traditional climb, don’t blame older people for not taking care of themselves. The finger of blame will primarily be pointing at obesity in children, although, two-thirds of adults are also too fat. Read more...

Elderly Aged 85-Plus Lead Population Gain for Older Americans Since 2000

We are living longer and it shows in new Census Bureau Report

March 10, 2005 – New population estimates were released today by the U.S. Census Bureau that show clearly the growth in the senior citizen population is due to the longer life of Americans. The new estimates for July 1, 2004 show the number of Americans 85 and older increased by 14.6 percent since the 2000 census. All persons 65 and older increased by only 3.72% and the total population grew by 4.35 percent. Read more... see senior population numbers by state.

Senior Citizens Poor, Depend on Social Security and Growing in Number, Says New Study

March 8, 2005 – The senior citizen market – Americans 65 and older – is now projected at 36 million people with few assets, low income and 1 out of 10 live below the poverty level, says a new study. Read more...

Puerto Rican is Oldest Living Man and Oldest U.S. Veteran

March 2, 2005 – missed the announcement in January that Emiliano Mercado Del Toro of Puerto Rico was named the world’s oldest living man at 113, replacing Fred Hale, who died on Nov. 19, 2004. Del Toro is also the oldest living U.S. veteran, having served two months in the U.S. Army during Word War I. Read more...

Life Expectancy Hits Record High 77.6 Years

Men catching up with women in longevity

March 1, 2005 - Life expectancy for Americans has reached an all-time high, according to the latest U.S. mortality statistics released yesterday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The report, “Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2003,” prepared by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), shows life expectancy at 77.6 years in 2003, up from 77.3 in 2002. Read more...

Older Americans Big On Internet, Elderly Not There, Yet

Income appears as major obstacle for many senior citizens

Jan. 19, 2005 – With the Internet becoming an increasingly important resource for informed decisions about health and health care options, a recent national survey of older Americans by the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that less than a third (31%) of senior citizens (age 65 and older) have ever gone online, but that more than two-thirds (70%) of the next generation of seniors (50-64 year-olds) have done so. Read more...

Oldest Mom Story Still Full of Mystery

Jan. 17, 2005 – A new record for the oldest woman to give birth - and, maybe, the oldest to give birth to twins - was set in Romania on Sunday by Adriana Iliescu. But, there are conflicting reports on her age -  67 or 66 - and how many babies she delivered. More... 1/17/05*

How Much Longer Will You Live?

By Tucker Sutherland, editor

Dec. 29, 2004 - One of the things that always crosses a senior citizen's mind as a new year dawns is "how much longer am I going to live?" Maybe you have not thought about it, but the older you are now, the older you are going to get - up to a point. More... 12/28/04*

Census 2000 Special Reports

Aging in the U.S. Report Issued by Census Bureau

Dec. 23, 2004 – The U.S. Census Bureau has released their latest analysis of the senior citizen population of the U.S. in a Census 2000 Special Report entitled “We the People: Aging in the United States. There is not a lot of new information but the analysis and charts provide a good understanding of the status of senior citizens in 2000. More... 12/23/04*

Internet Growth Driven by Senior Citizens

Even those over 75 are becoming regular users

Dec. 17, 2004 - The younger age groups were the first to embrace the Internet but most of today’s growth is being driven by the older age groups. A recent survey projects 61.2 percent of all adults visit the Internet regularly, but that the percent of those 50 and older regularly on the Internet is now up to 47. The fastest growth in Internet use is being driven by the older age groups, starting at 55. More... 12/17/04*

Seniors Spending Four Times More for Healthcare Than Others: New Report Says

Dec. 5, 2004 – People age 65 and older spent $11,089 for personal health care goods and services in 1999, while those under 65 spent only $2,793 per capita, according to a recently release report prepared by the Office of the Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The cost per senior citizens was almost 400 percent greater than for those under 65. The average for all persons in the United States was $3,834 each. More... 12/05/04*

Life Expectancy Continues to Increase, Men Gaining on Women

Heart disease and cancer continue to be the primary killers, Alzheimer’s continues to grow

Nov. 29, 2004 – The final report on deaths in 2002 shows life expectancy at birth rose by 0.1-year to a record high of 77.3 years and death rates decreased for all age groups except those under one-year-old. Although life expectancy continued to increase for men and women, men are gaining on the women. This report by the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control presents the final national mortality statistics for 2002. More... 11/29/04*

Oldest Living Man Dies Days Before Turning 114, 111-Year-Old Takes Title

End of unusual era when oldest man and woman were Americans

Nov. 20, 2004 - The world’s oldest living man, Fred Hale, Sr., died in his sleep Friday, while battling pneumonia. He would have celebrated his 114th birthday on Dec. 1. He drew national attention earlier this year for his devotion to the World Champion Boston Red Sox. More... 11/20/04*

Older Americans 2004: Key Indicators of Well-Being

Senior Americans Multiplying, Doing Well, But There Is A Gap - Women, Minorities, Uneducated

Nov. 18, 2004 - In 2003, there were almost 36 million people age 65 and over living in the United States, accounting for just over 12 percent of the total population. Most are healthier, wealthier, and better educated than previous generations, but these gains have not been equal among today’s older Americans, according to a comprehensive study released today by the Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (Forum). More... 11/18/04*

World Not Ready for Aging Boom, Says Survey

Nov. 18, 2004 – The impact of the aging boom is well known around the world but opinion leaders in the leading industrialized nations, especially Italy, Germany and Japan, to not believe their countries are prepared to deal with the consequences, according to a survey released yesterday by AARP. More... 11/18/04*

Guardian Angel May Become Oldest in U.S. to Deliver Twins

Aleta St. James to deliver twins tomorrow, three days before turning 57

Nov. 8, 2004 – Aleta St. James, a highly publicized “life coach” and the older sister of Guardian Angels Founder Curtis Sliwa, is about to gain additional fame, when she gives birth to twins tomorrow just before her 57th birthday. She will not be the oldest woman to bear twins but will be among a handful in the world who have delivered twins in their late fifties. More... 11/08/04* Editor's Note: St. James did deliver healthy twins on Nov. 9, 2004. A 59-year-old is set to claim to crown in December. Click for story

Older Men Leading the Way in Weight Gain Since 1960

Older women gain less than younger women 1960 to 2002

Oct. 27, 2004 – We are all getting a lot fatter but older men are leading the way, according to a study that reports men 60 to 74 were 33 pounds heavier in 2002 than in 1960. Older women are doing much better, in fact, women in this older age group were only 17.5 pounds heavier than 1960 – a smaller gain than for younger women. More... 10/27/04*

Over 10 Percent of In-Home Workers Are 65 or Older, Says Census Bureau

Oct. 20, 2004 – A report released by the Census Bureau today estimates about 4.2 million Americans worked at home in 2000, and about ten percent of those were 65 or older. Senior citizens were only three percent of those working outside the home. (See table below story) More... 10/20/04*

About 1 of 6 Celebrating National Singles Week Are 65 Or Older

Sept. 19, 2004 – Today marks the start of Unmarried and Single Americans Week. When we hear the word singles, what most often comes to mind are the swinging young people and we may fail to consider that 15 percent of all unmarried American adults are age 65 or older. More... 9/19/04*

Fraud, Personal Health Crises Top Terrorism as Senior Citizen Fears

Sept. 9, 2004 - When asked to rank a list of fears, Americans aged 62 –75 ranked fraud ahead of a health crises and terrorism, according to a study commissioned by Financial Freedom, the nation’s largest lender and servicer of reverse mortgages. More... 9/09/04*

Older Motorcycle Riders Driving Death Rate Higher

Sept. 1, 2004 – Older motorcycle riders are increasing rapidly and are driving the death rate upwards. Last year, 46 percent of motorcycle fatalities were riders 40 and over, an increase of 21 percent since 1993, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. More... 9/02/04*

German Ancestry Leads in U.S.

Other large groups include Irish, African-Americans, English and Mexican

June 30, 2004 – If your ancestors were German, then you are a member of the largest ancestry group in the U.S., according to the Census 2000, that reports nearly 43 million Americans claim German ancestry. More... 6/30/04*

Older Americans Most Likely to Believe Religious Differences are Biggest Hurdle to Peace

Majority of Americans Agree With Their Seniors

June 23, 2004 – Older Americans are the most likely to believe that religious differences are the biggest hurdle to global peace, although a majority of Americans (69 percent) agree, according to a survey by Harris Interactive. More... 6/23/04*

Facts About Older Americans

Census Bureau Collects Data on Seniors for Older Americans Month 2004

April 28, 2004 - Older Americans Month originated with a presidential proclamation in May 1963 and it has been proclaimed each May by presidents every year since. Last year, President Bush stated, "Older Americans continue to work in a variety of jobs -- from teachers, to engineers, to business owners and entrepreneurs -- and in so doing bring invaluable experience and leadership skills. Additionally, their wisdom, strength and compassion reflect the character of our great nation." More (all statistics)... 4/28/04*

Seniors Citizens on Internet Jumped 47 Percent Since 2000

22% of Americans age 65 and older go online

March 25, 2004 – The percent of seniors who go online has jumped by 47% between 2000 and 2004. In a February 2004 survey, 22% of Americans age 65 or older reported having access to the Internet, up from 15% in 2000. That translates to about 8 million Americans age 65 or older who use the Internet. By contrast, 58% of Americans age 50-64, 75% of 30-49 year-olds, and 77% of 18-29 year-olds currently go online. More... 3/25/04*

How Long Men Live May Depend on Their Parents, Childhood

March 22, 2004 - How long a man lives is partially determined by his childhood conditions and experience, according to an extensive study, which concludes that men face higher risk of early death if they grew up in blue-collar homes, lived in urban areas, lived with their biological fathers and a stepmother, had a mother who worked outside the home, whose parents were both native born and had few economic resources. More... 3/22/04*

Older Workers Increasingly Turn to Self-Employment

March 22, 2004 - Last week AARP released a study showing many older workers are joining the self-employed and they conclude some are “pushed” and some are “pulled,” but the trend is clear. More... 3/22/04*

(Note: Click here to research saying seniors would work longer if offered phased retirement)

Seniors Not Likely To Do Two Things At Once

We just discovered some research from last year that once again proves senior citizens are not as likely as younger people to do two things at once. This study tried to learn how likely people are to use another media while also watching television. More... 3/8/04*

114 year old was only 92!

Maybe he told them how old he felt!

March 2, 2004 - Maybe he misunderstood the question. When they asked him how old he was, perhaps he answered with how old he felt. Anyway, William Coates who was reported to be 114 when he died last week, was really only 92 – a youngster among the oldest living people tracked by the Gerontology Research Group.

They report that U.S. Census records reveal Coates’ true age. The GRG, a nonprofit organization, keeps what it says is a carefully documented roster of people 110 or older.

The Clinton Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, where Coates last lived, had his birth date as June 2, 1889. But it's not clear where that information came from.

Senior Citizens Lead Internet Growth

Dec. 5, 2003 - According to recent findings from Nielsen//NetRatings, senior citizens age 65 and older were the fastest growing age group online, surging 25 percent year over year to 9.6 million Web surfers from home and work in October 2003. Additionally, within the senior citizen age group, Nielsen//NetRatings found that the number of female seniors online jumped 30 percent, while male seniors jumped 20 percent. More... 12/05/03*

By the year 2050, population could add 2.6 billion people

20th May Have Been Last Century Where Young Outnumber Old

Nov. 15, 2003 - It took from the beginning of time until 1950 to put the first 2.5 billion people on the planet. Yet in the next half-century, an increase that exceeds the total population of the world in 1950 will occur. More... 11/15/03*

Bad Month for Oldest Living

World's Oldest Person Dies, As Do Oldest Men, American

Nov. 2, 3003 - October was a bad month for old-age record holders. The oldest living woman, oldest man and oldest American all died. More... 11/02/03*

HHS Issues Report on Health, Life Expectancy

Steady Gains in Americans' Health, Though Diabetes Remains Growing Concern

Oct. 20, 2003 - Life expectancy in the United States reached an all time high in 2001, and the gap between blacks and whites has narrowed, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) annual report on the Nation’s health issued earlier this month.  The report also finds evidence that the diabetes epidemic is getting worse; between 1997 and 2002, the percent of Americans diagnosed with diabetes increased by 27 percent. More... (Includes link to life expectancy chart) 10/20/03*

Gene Mutation Causes People to Live Longer Lives

Researchers Find it in Centenarians and Their Children

Oct. 15, 2003 - Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and colleagues have discovered that a gene mutation helps people live exceptionally long lives and apparently can be passed from one generation to the next. More... 10/15/03*

Older Americans Less Optimistic About Financial Future

Less Than Half of All Adults Think Things Will Get Better

Oct. 1, 2003 - New research in 85 markets shows that 45.5 percent of all adults are optimistic, at least in the short-term, about their financial future but for senior citizens over 65 it is only 11.6 percent. More... 10/01/03*

Title of “First Wireless Retirement Center” Claimed by New Jersey Home

Pompton Plains, NJ, Aug. 22, 2003 - The computer world is going wireless and a retirement center in New Jersey has claimed the honor as the first wireless retirement center in the U.S. Just like the telephone, computers no longer have to be wired to the wall to make a connection. Click 8/22/03*

Aging Boomers Drive Up Doctor Visits, Diagnostic Tests, Prescriptions

Over half (53 percent) of patients visiting the doctor in 2001 were over age 45, according to the latest annual report from CDC’s National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, which looks at the medical care provided in physicians’ offices.  That’s compared to 42 percent in 1992. Click 8/13/03 Nat. Center for Health Statistics

Seniors More Worried About Personal Well-Being Than Global Threats

July 29, 2003 - A new survey by The National Council on the Aging (NCOA) shows that more older Americans are likely to be worried about threats to their own personal well-being than global threats. Click 7/29/03*

The Number of Centenarians is Growing Worldwide

June 2, 2003 - Although the proportion of people who live beyond the age of 100 is still very small, the worldwide number is rapidly growing, especially in more-developed nations. In the United States, the 2001 Census Bureau estimated that there were over 48,427 individuals over 100. The United Nations estimates that in 2000, there were 180,000 centenarians throughout the world. By 2050, this number is projected to number 3.2 million, an increase of about eighteen times. Click 6/02/03*

Oldest Living American Dies Easter Sunday at 113

April 22, 2003 – Mary Dorothy Christian, who was born in Taunton, Mass., June 12, 1889, died on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2003, only months after being recognized last November as the longest living person in the United States. Click 4/22/03*

Seniors Have Different Attitudes Than Other Adults

Especially about God, Devil, Ghosts, Astrology and Reincarnation

April 10, 2003 - Senior Citizens 65 and older do have some ideas that are quite different from other adults, and that are sometimes puzzling. For example, 95 percent believe in God, but only 62 percent believe there is a devil. On average, only 90 percent of American adults believe in God, but 69 percent believe in the devil. Maybe the closer we get to the inevitable; the more we want to believe there is a good God and not a bad devil. Read more and see graphs.. 4/10/03*

U.S. Life Expectancy Grows to 77.2 Years

March 15, 2003 - Life expectancy hit a new high of 77.2 years in 2001, up from 77 in 2000, and increased for men and women as well as whites and blacks, a new report released yesterday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Click 3/15/03*

Seniors Online Increase

72% Use Web for News and Events

Feb. 4, 2003 - The number one activity of senior citizens on the Internet is staying in touch, but close behind is the search for news and events, according to a recent SeniorNet report. This follows a recent report by Forrester Research that found almost half of North Americans 58 and older are using the Web. Click 2/4/03*

Three Graphs by General Accounting Office on Crisis of Aging U.S.

Jan. 15, 2003 - These three graphs were prepared by the U.S. General Accounting Office from data in their 2002 Trustees Report. They show 1. Social Security-Medicare Trust Fund Deficits as Boomers retire, 2. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Percent of GDP, and 3. Percent of Population 65 Plus to 2075. Click 1/15/03*

"Profile of Older Americans: 2002" Released by Administration on Aging

Jan. 11, 2002 - On this page are the highlights of the facts available on older Americans in 2002 that have been compiled and published by the U.S. Administration on Aging. Much of the data is for years prior to 2002, because it is the latest available. Click 1/11/03*

Oldest Newspaper Columnist Hits 60 Years

Oct. 21, 02 - Sixty years ago today, a young Maine writer's essays began to appear regularly in the pages of The Christian Science Monitor. John Gould was already a seasoned newspaperman, having filed stories for local papers since he was a freshman in high school. Today he surely holds the record for the longest-running columnist in any newspaper in America. Click 10/21/02*

Things Are Changing Among Oldest Living

Oldest Man Alive
Yukichi Chuganji of Ogori, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, became the oldest man in Japan on 18 January 2000 and took the world record title on 4 January 2002 at the age of 112 years 288 days. Yukichi, born March 23, 1889, is a retired silkworm breeder and lives on the southernmost Japanese island of Kyushu.
Guinness Book of World Records

Oldest Human Ever
The oldest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived is 122 years and 164 days, by Jeanne-Louise Calment. She was born in France on February 21, 1875, and died at a nursing home in Arles, southern France on August 4, 1997. President Jacques Chirac once said Jean Calment was a little bit like a grandmother to everyone in France. She was 14 when the Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889. She led an extremely active life, taking up fencing at 85 years old, and was still riding a bicycle at 100. She portrayed herself at the age of 114 in the film Vincent And Me, to become the oldest actress in film.
Guinness Book of World Records

Cadillac Turns 100, Reaching for $100M

Aug. 26, 2002 - Cadillac turned 100 on Aug. 22, 2002, and also announced they want to push their price past the century mark. Officials say they want to compete in the $100,000 price market.

Oldest Living American Dies at 114

Aug. 25, 2002 - Adelina Domingues, who a couple of weeks ago thought she was 115, died in her sleep at a San Diego, CA, nursing home at the age of 114. Domingues, who was born on Feb. 19, 1888, outlived her husband and her four children. She had been declared the oldest person in the United States and the second oldest in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records.

She lived in the Spring Valley area near San Diego, CA,  and thought she was born in 1887. But documents from the Cape Verde Islands off West Africa, where she was raised, indicate she was born in 1888.

Guinness says Kamato Hongo of Japan, who was born on Sept. 16, 1887, is the world's oldest person.

The oldest living member of the U.S. Senate, Strom Thurmond, will retire in January at 100 years young. (Thurmond Biography). The new senior Senator from South Carolina will be 80 years young Fritz Hollings (Click to story). The oldest Senator will become Sen. Robert Byrd, 84 years young (Click to Biography).

• Oldest Living Photojournalist - Click* F

• Oldest Living Reporter - Click*

• Oldest Living Buffalo Soldier Turns 108 - Click

• Oldest Living NFL Player is 97 - Click

• Oldest Member of Grand Ole Opry - Click

• Oldest Woman in Australia Dies - Click

Seniors 65+ Only Age Group Where Most Don't Drink, Says Gallup Poll

Aug. 13, 2002 - Three quarters of adults under age 30 are drinkers but less than half of those who are 65 are older are still drinking, according to a new Gallup poll. Most Americans drink. Click 8/13/2*

New Profile of Senior Citizens Published by Administration on Aging

Feb. 2002 - About one out of every eight Americans is now 65 or older. Since 1900, the percentage of Americans 65+ has more than tripled (4.1% in 1900 to 12.4% in 2000), and the number has increased eleven times (from 3.1 million to 35.0 million).  The older population itself is getting older. In 2000, the 65-74 age group (18.4 million) was eight times larger than in 1900, but the 75-84 group (12.4 million) was 16 times larger and the 85+ group (4.2 million) was 34 times larger. 

• To view report as web pages - Click Here

Four Million Americans 65 and Up Are Online Sending Email, Seeking Information

Sept. 10, 2001 - Only 15% of those aged 65 and older go online, but as a group they are fervent users of the Internet who love email and often use the Web to gather important information such as material to help them manage their health. Click 9/10/01

Country's Older Population Profiled by the U.S. Census Bureau

  June 4, 2001 - Among people age 65 years and over, 14 percent were in the civilian labor force, 55 percent were married and living with their spouse and 9.7 percent had incomes below the poverty level, according to tabulations released today by the Commerce Department's Census Bureau. click 6/4/01

• Here Are Some Random Facts About Seniors from Census Bureau with Links click 6/4/01

• Internet Use by 55-64 Age Group Reaches 43%

E-mail driving seniors to the web

May 24, 2001 – Use of the Internet among those ages 55-64 grew to 43 percent in the past six months from 36 percent six months ago and 31 percent eighteen months ago, according to the semi-annual Cyber Stats report from Mediamark Research Inc. released today. click to story

4 in 10 Americans over 60  will experience poverty: AARP Study

May 23, 2001 - Americans age 50 and over are "unquestionably" better off financially than people the same age were 20 years ago. Yet, there are troubling signs that not all boats have been lifted by the rising tide of prosperity. click to story 5/23/01

Retirees on Web Increased 84% Since 1998

May 21, 2001 -- Almost 25 % of retired households are on the web. That represents an increase of 84 % since l998. click to story

Nation’s Median Age Highest Ever, But 65+ Population’s Growth Lags: Census 2000

The median age of the U.S. population in 2000 was 35.3 years, the highest it has ever been. The increase in the median age reflects the aging of the baby boomers. However, the 65-and-over population actually increased at a slower rate than the overall population for the first time in the history of the census. click to story 5/15/01 click here to population graph 5/16/01