Links for Fishermen

7 Day and YTD Reports

Comparison between this year, last year, and the ten year

  • Adult Return Comparison Report - This webpage compares the comparative (counts starting March 15 at BON) adult ladder counts to last year and the ten year average. This webpage queries the database each time it is selected, so the data is always the most current we have.

Fish and Wildlife Agencies


Fishing Forums/Organizations

River Data

USGS Real-Time Streamflow Data

USACE Turbidity Data

  • Army Corp of Engineer's Data Query Page - spell out the name of the dam you are interested in and when you get the results scroll down to Turbidity (JTU) and select, then enter the dates and you can retrieve the turbidty data. Only Bonneville, McNary, Ice Harbor, Little Goose, Lower Monumental and Lower Graite appear to have data at this point but John Day and The Dalles do list turbidity, so it may be available later.

FPC Daily Reports

Weather, Sea and Tide Reports


Web Cams

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Page last updated on: May 12, 2008

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