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[Note that the Library of Congress microfilm number for this entire collection is 5042]


Microfilmed in full.

25. (Greg. 2259). Apocalypse with Commentary.
     11th cent. 5 f. vellum 4 ft.

Bound into a codex of John Chrysostom:
Discourses on Virginity, etc. (12th cent.).
31.5 x 23.3 cm.; 1 col. (19.0 x 13.2); 26
Text begins at 13:14 and ends at 14:16.,

27. (Greg.  L745). Evangelion. 13th-14th cent.
     337 f. vellum 52 ft.

31.7 x 24.1 cm.; 2 cols. (21.7 x 7.0, total
15.0); 27 lines.

43. (Greg. 1110). Four Gospels. 11th cent.
     296 f. vellum   51 ft.

27.8 x 21.7 cm.; 2 cols. (12.9 x 5.2,
total 11.8); 19 lines.
The longer ending of Mk appears follow-
ing an explanation at 16:8.
Canon tables of magnificent design.
Miniatures of St. Anthony (f. lOr);
Mt (f. 1Ov); Mk (f. llr); Hosia Maria
the Egyptian (f. llv); Gregory the
Thaumaturgos (f. 12r); Lk (f. 12v);
Jn (f. 13r); St. Euthymios (f. 13v).

48.(Greg. 2286). Apocalypse with Commentary of
     Andreas of Caesarea; Writings of Chrysostom,
     Gregory of Nyssa, Basil of Caesarea. 13th

t. 178 f. vellum 31 ft.
23.9 x 19.7 cm.; 1 col. (14.6 x 17.9);
37 lines.
Text of the Apocalypse f. 63r - 106r.
Includes Chrysostom's Commentary on the
Gospel of John; Gregory of Nyssa on Easter
and the Resurrection; Basil's Commentary
on Isaiah.

Athos monastery of Simonopetra

Athos Monastery of Simonopetra
From the Arnold Genthe Collection
Prints and Photographs Division
Reproduction Number: LC-G4085- 0258

Guide to Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mt. Athos

Table of Contents

Viewing or Ordering Copies of Manuscripts
Foreward to the 1957 edition
Manuscript Reproductions available at LC
      Monastery of Dionysios
      Monastery of Iviron
      Monastery of The Lavra
      Monastery of Pantokrator            [Pant]
      Monastery of Stravroniketa           [Stavr.]
      Monastery of Vatopedi                 [Vat.]
      Monastery of Iviron
      Anatolia College, Salonika
Other Collections

56. (Greg. 1113). Four Gospels. 13th cent.
     188 f. vellum 34 ft.

21.3 x 15.3 cm.; 1 col. (14.8 x 9.6);
30 lines. Synaxarion by later hand.
Miniatures: Christ Pantokrator (f. 4v);
Mt (f. 1Ov); Mk (f. 62v); Lk (f. 95v);
Jn (f. 148v).

102. (Greg. L 747). Evangelion. 1319 A.D. 187 f.
     paper 33 ft.

27.5 x 17.8 cm.; 2 cols. (22.5 x 6.7, total
15.0); 23 lines.
Colophon on f. 182v specifies the date as
1319 and the scribe as Theodosios writing
under the patronage of the priest Michael.

[13]129. (Greg. L873). Apostolos. 1554 A.D. 162 f.
     paper 29 ft.

18.8 x 14.0 cm.; 1 col. (14.8 x 8.6); 17
lines. Folio unnumbered after f. 137.
Colophon on f. 161r identifies the date as
June 16, 1554. (1553 ?).
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  May 13, 2004
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