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[Note that the Library of Congress microfilm number for this entire collection is 5042]



Microfilmed in full.

2. (old 71). (Greg. 050). John with Commentary.
    9th/10th cent. 8 f. vellum 5 ft.

37.5 x 26.1 cm.; 1 col.; 3-12 lines with
15-24 uncial letters to the line; .45 high,
on the line.
Contains comments of Ammonios, Cyril, John
Chrysostom, Eusebius, Origen, Severus of
Alexandria, Theodoros, Apollinaris. Bound
in a 10th cent. copy of Homilies and Festi-
val Discourses.
Text begins at Jn 2:17; ends at 3:8.

6. (old 14). (Greg. L 633). Evangelion. 11th-
    13th cent. 237 f. vellum 38 ft.

33.2 x 25.5 cm.; 2 cols. (22.5 x 7.5, total
17.6); 22 lines. f. 1-51, 167, 216, 223
paper by later hand.

8. (old 75). (Greg. 1100). Praxapostolos.
    1376 A.D. 241 f. vellum 41 ft.

34.3 x 24.8 cm.; 1 col. (21.9 x 13.6);
23 lines. f. 1-6 paper, (Note on the
Apostle lections).
On f. 241v a colophon identifies the
scribe as Joseph, and the date Sept. 4,

Athos monastery of Simonopetra

Athos Monastery of Simonopetra
From the Arnold Genthe Collection
Prints and Photographs Division
Reproduction Number: LC-G4085- 0258

Guide to Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mt. Athos

Table of Contents

Viewing or Ordering Copies of Manuscripts
Foreward to the 1957 edition
Manuscript Reproductions available at LC
      Monastery of Dionysios
      Monastery of Iviron
      Monastery of The Lavra
      Monastery of Pantokrator            [Pant]
      Monastery of Stravroniketa           [Stavr.]
      Monastery of Vatopedi                 [Vat.]
      Monastery of Iviron
      Anatolia College, Salonika
Other Collections

54. (old 8). (Greg. 927). New Testament (lacking
     Rev.). 1133 A.D. 280 f. vellum 44 ft.

22.3 x 18.0 cm.; 1 col. (16.3 x 12.7; also
16.9 x 12.2); 26 lines.
Contains Synaxarion and Eklogadion.
Miniatures: Mt (f. 10v); Mk (f. 45v); Lk
(f. 69v); Jn (f. 106v); Twelve Disciples
(f. 134v)
On f. 268v a colophon identifies the date
as April 30, 1133, during the reign of
John II (Comnenos) and Irene, by the scribe

55. (old 10). (Greg. 045, Q(some symbol)). Four Gospels.
     8th/9th cent. vellum 259 f. 39 ft.

22.3 x 15.9 cm.; 2 cols. (14.2 x 3.9,
total 9.8); 20 lines; 16 uncial letters
to the line; .15 - .2 high.
Miniatures: Mk (f. 81); Lk (f. 132);
Jn (f. 211).

56. (old 9). (Greg. 928, cf. 2165). New Testament
     (lacking Rev.). 1304 A.D. 328 f. vellum

48 ft.
22.2 x 16.5; 1 col. (15.2 x 10.2); 27 lines.
Jn 7:53-8:11 marked.
On f. 328v a colophon identifies the date as
October 10, 1304.

84. (old 19). (Greg. L 638). Evangelion. 11th-
     13th cent. 293 f. vellum 50 ft.

29.3 x 22.5 cm.; 2 cols. (21.3 x 7.0,
total 15.8); 22 lines.
Unnumbered folio following 184.

86. (old 21). (Greg. L 640). Evangelion. 7th-
     10th cent. 258 f. vellum 45 ft.

27.3 x 20.5 cm.; 2 cols. (21.4 x 6.4,
total 14.5); 19 lines; 13 uncial letters
to the line; .45 high.
f. 237, 250 vellum, other hand; 238-249
paper, later hand.

88. (old 80). (Greg. 951, cf. 2166). Four Gospels
     with Commentary. 1317 A.D. 373 f. vellum

62 ft.
26.8 x 20.3 cm.; 1 col. (11.8 x 8.6); 20 lines.
Jn 7:53-8:11 omitted.
Miniatures: Mt (f. 27v); Mk (f. 119v); Lk
(f. 178v) Jn. (f. 275v).
A colophon on f. 373v gives the date 1317 and
the scribe as Timothy.

90. (old 1). (Greg. L 627). Evangelion. 7th-
     9th cent. 237 f. vellum 39 ft.

26.4 x 18.8 cm.; 2 cols. (21.9 x 5.8,
total 14.1); 23 lines, 9/10 uncial letters
to the line; .55 high.

121. (old 34). (Greg. 942). Four Gospels. 11th-
     13th cent. 383 f. vellum 54 ft.

14.3 x 11.8 cm.; 1 col. (9.4 x 6.4); 18
Unnumbered folio following f. 173. Two no.
364. Marginal notes in uncials.
Miniatures: Mt (f. 12v); Mk (f. 118v); Lk
(f. 186v); Jn (f. 297v).

122. (old 35). (Greg. 943). Four Gospels. 11th-
     13th cent. 214 f. vellum

29 ft.
14.4 x 10.9 cm.; 1 col. (10.1 x 6.7); 25
Two no. 59. Jn 7:53-8:11 obelized.
Miniatures: Mt (f. 11v); Mk (f. 75v); Lk
(f. 111v); Jn (f. 168v).

123. (old 36). (Greg. 944). Four Gospels. 11th-
     13th cent. 331 f. vellum 44 ft.

13.7 x 10.3; 1 col. (9 x 7); 17 lines.
No. 31 followed incorrectly by no. 30.
Two no. 125, 255.
Miniatures: Mt (f. 11v); Lk (f. 154v);
Jn (f. 249v).

124. (old 37). (Greg. 945). New Testament (lacking
     Rev.), and Beatitudes of the Eight Modes.

11th-13th cent. 347 f. vellum 46 ft.
14.5 x 11.0 cm.; 1 col. (10.1 x 7.1); 25
On f. 344v a colophon identifies the scribe
as Thomas of Euergetis, the date, July ...

159. (old 30). (Greg. 938, cf. 2161). Four Gospels.
     1319 A.D. 262 f. vellum 38 ft.

16.7 x 11.8 cm.; 1 col. (9.9 x 6.9); 21
On f. 267v a colophon identifies the scribe
as Chariton and the year 1319.

160. (old 29). (Greg. 937). Four Gospels. 11th
     cent. 256 f. vellum 38 ft.

16.0 x 13.2 cm.; 1 col. (10.8 x 8.6); 22
Three folios missing after f. 81. Text
ends at Jn 21:11. Jn 7:53-8:11 lacking.
f. 242 paper.
f. 10-35; 126-128 contain interlinear Latin
translation of occasional words.

172. (old 95). Troparia. 12th cent.
     130 f. vellum 17 ft.

10.9 x 7.9 cm.; 16 lines.

254. (old 317). (Greg. 959). New Testament (lacking
     Rev.). and Beatitudes of the Week. 1331 A.D.

356 f. vellum 59 ft.
20.2 x 13.9 cm.; 1 col. (17.1 x 9.7); 29
On f. 339v a colophon identifies the date as
February 23, 1331.

257. (old 320). (Greg. 962). Four Gospels.
     1498 A.D. 190 f. paper 30 ft.

19.8 x 13.3 cm.; 1 col. (13.7 x 8.2);
21 lines. Second section, 1 col.
(16.0 x 10.5); 23 lines.
New hand f. 83r to end. Third hand
f. 114.
On f. 190r a colophon identifies the
date January 31, 1498.

Microfilmed in part.

59. (old 167). Miscellany. 15th cent. paper
     6 ft.

John of Damascus: On Circumcision,
f. 143v-144v.

70. (old 162). Lives, Witness and Memoirs of
     the Saints. 17th cent. paper 6 ft.

John of Damascus: Miracle of the
Restored Hand, f. 136-145v.

87. (old 79). Inspirational History. 14th cent.
     vellum 9 ft.

John of Damascus: History of Barlaam and
Joasaph, f. 1-10v; 137r-147r; 261-271.

246. (old 148). Miscellany. 1540 A.D. paper
     6 ft.

John of Damascus: On Elijah, f. 486v-
489v. Life, by John of Jerusalem,
f. 618v-621v.

306. (old 194). Miscellany. 1363 A.D. paper
     6 ft.

John of Damascus et al: Excerpts on the
Akindynianoi, f. 24v-40v.

339. (old 168). Festival Discourses and Eucomia.
     1604 A.D. paper 6 ft.

John of Damascus, f. 42v-53r.

340. (old 169). Festival Discourses and Lives
     of the Saints. 1599 A.D. paper 13 ft.

John of Damascus, f. 59v-67; 312-322v;
371-385v; 434-462v.

388. (old 173). Festival Discourses and Lives
     of the Saints. 1636 A.D. paper 6 ft.

John of Dmascus, f. 4-9; 24-28.

392. (old 175). Miscellany. 13th cent. paper
     41 ft.

John of Damascus, f. 41r-260.

398. (old 180). Miscellany. 14th cent. paper
     6 ft.

John of Damascus: Colection of Writing
on the Creation, f. 115-125: 138-141.

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  May 13, 2004
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