Telecommunications & Telephone Market Research, Cellular Business, Long Distance Industry, Fiber Optics, Internet Access, DSL, Wireless, Services, TV Over IP, IPTV, Fiber to the Premises, Telecom Equipment, Networks, Switches, VOIP, ILECs, CLECs, Broadband, Telephone Technologies, Regulation, Mergers, Cable, Trends, Companies & Statistics

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Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac
2009 Edition, 621 Pages
ISBN: 1-59392-141-1
Price: $299.99
Published Date: August 2008
(Next Edition: August 2009
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Telecommunications industry trends analyzed

The following trends tables are provided in our research products:
  1. Introduction to the Telecommunications Industry> (View Sample Data)
  2. A Brief History of Deregulation
  3. Mergers and Acquisitions Redefine Telecom Providers
  4. Local Landline Service Suffers; Bundled Services Pick Up Some of the Slack
  5. Wi-Fi Accelerates
  6. WiMAX Extends Wireless Range Far Beyond Wi-Fi
  7. Municipal Wi-Fi Broadband Systems Falter
  8. BlackBerry Use Soars, but Competition Grows
  9. Apple’s iPhone Makes a Splash
  10. New Dual Mode Handsets Switch from Cellular to Wi-Fi
  11. Chinese, Indian and African Cellphone Markets Skyrocket
  12. VOIP Use Soars and Threatens to Revolutionize Telecom
  13. Telecom Equipment Makers for VOIP Face Intense Competition from Manufacturers in China
  14. New Technology Will Give Fiber-Optic Network Owners a Break on Costs
  15. TV over IP—Telecom Companies Enter the Television Market
  16. Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Gains Traction
  17. Videophones Take Hold
  18. Last Mile Challenges Tumble; Mass Broadband Markets Emerge
  19. Cable Providers Compete Aggressively For Telephone and Internet Access Business
  20. UHF Spectrum Auction Sends InfoTech, Telecom and Cable Companies Scrambling
  21. Services Available via Ultra-High-Speed Broadband are Imaginative, Futuristic
  22. U.S. Broadband Connections Rank Behind Other Nations
  23. Telecommunications Systems Move Online Including Unified Communications, Telepresence


Telecommunications industry business statistics analyzed

The following statistical tables are provided in our research products:
  1. Telecommunications Industry Overview> (View Sample Data)
  2. The Baby Bells: Then and Now
  3. Quarterly Telecommunications Industry Revenue by Class of Customer, U.S.: 2nd Quarter 2007 - 1st Quarter 2008
  4. Wired Telecommunications Carriers, Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2004-2006
  5. Wired Telecommunications Carriers, Estimated Breakdown of Revenue by Type of Customer, U.S.: 2004-2006
  6. Top 10 Wired Telecommunications Carriers, U.S.: 2006-2007
  7. Statistics of Communications Common Carriers, U.S.: 2005-2006
  8. Top 25 Non-U.S. Wired Telecommunications Carriers: 2006-2007
  9. Household Wired Telephone Subscribership, U.S.: November 1983-November 2007
  10. Average Annual Household Expenditures for Telephone Service, U.S.: 1981-2006
  11. Average Monthly Household Telecommunications Expenditures by Type of Provider, U.S.: 1995-2005
  12. Annual Personal Consumption Expenditures on Telecommunications, U.S.: 1980-2007
  13. Number of Payphones, U.S.: 1997-2006
  14. Telecommunications Resellers, Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2004-2006
  15. Cellular & Other Wireless Telecommunications, Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses: 2004-2007
  16. Top 20 Cellular Telephone Service Companies, Worldwide: 2006-2007
  17. Top Mobile Operators by Number of Subscribers, Worldwide
  18. Wireless Standards & Speeds
  19. Satellite Telecommunications, Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses: 2004-2006
  20. Paging, Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2004-2006
  21. Internet Service Providers: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2004-2006
  22. Internet Access Technologies Compared
  23. Number of Business & Residential High Speed Internet Lines, U.S.: 2000-2007
  24. Number of Residential High Speed Internet Lines, U.S.: 2000-2007
  25. Cable & Other Program Distribution, Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2004-2006
  26. Cable & Other Program Distribution, Estimated Cable System & Multichannel Video Distribution Revenue by Type of Customer, U.S.: 2004-2007
  27. U.S. Cable Network Statistics, 1986-2008
  28. Top 25 U.S. Cable MSOs As of March 2008
  29. Quantity & Value of Quarterly Shipments of Telecommunications Equipment, U.S.: 1st Quarter 2007-1st Quarter 2008
  30. Imports & Exports of Telecommunications Equipment, U.S.: 2002-1st Quarter 2008
  31. Top 10 Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Companies, Worldwide: 2006-2007
  32. Employment in the Telecommunications Industry, U.S.: 1990-2007


Table of contents for the book version 

A Short Telecommunications Industry Glossary
How to use this book
Chapter 1: Major Trends Affecting the Telecommunications Industry

> List Continues

Individual data profiles of the Telecommunications 400 firms are provided in our research products

> View Sample Profile  


> List Continues

Overview of Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry coverage


The telecommunications sector is generally in much better shape to move forward than it was in 2000 through 2002. To understand the state of the industry today, you should bear in mind that a) telecommunications firms worldwide suffered some of the heaviest blows in the technology stocks collapse of the early 2000s, b) mergers, consolidation and financial restructuring have completely changed the landscape, c) globalization is heating up competition, d) deregulation and privatization will have a continual effect on the telecom sector worldwide, and e) rapid advances in telecom technology, including WiFi and VOIP will continue unabated.

No other industry touches as many technology-related business sectors as telecommunications, which by definition encompasses not only the traditional areas of local and long-distance telephone services, but also advanced technology-based services including wireless communications, the Internet, fiber optics and satellites. Telecom is also deeply intertwined with cable TV systems, since cable companies are now aggressively offering local exchange service and Internet service. The relationship between the telecom and cable sectors has become even more complex as telcos are now selling TV via IP (Internet protocol) services, competing directly against cable for consumers' entertainment dollars.

The Baby Bells are adapting to today’s environment which includes a flat market for local landlines, continued growth in cellular subscribers, and rapid adoption of broadband access to the Internet by homes and businesses. Much of their strategy for the future is based on bundling of multiple services.  Meanwhile, traditional telecommunications providers face rapidly growing competition from VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) and voice over cable.

Many services companies are taking advantage of existing fiber optics systems to create new products and service offerings. Fiber to the home and fiber to the business are becoming realities. In particular, Verizon has launched very aggressive, long term fiber to the premises projects.

In this exciting reference report, we take a broad look at the business of telecommunications. This carefully-researched book (which includes a database of leading companies on CD-ROM) is a complete telecommunications market research and business intelligence tool-- everything you need to know about the business of ILECs, CLECs, Baby Bells, long distance, local, VOIP, and cellular including Market Research, competitive intelligence and business analysis of telecommunications sectors

1.       ILECs (incumbent local exchange companies) and Baby Bells, including Qwest, AT&T Inc., and more.

2.       CLECs (competitive local exchange companies).

3.       Long distance

4.       Cellular telephone services, wireless trends and wireless access including Wi-Fi and WiMax.

5.       Voice over Cable, and a discussion of telephone competition from the major cable providers such as Comcast and Cablevision.

6.       Mergers, acquisitions and finances, including the SBC acquisition of AT&T, and the resulting renamed company: AT&T, Inc.

7.       Telecommunications equipment, switches, fiber optics and satellites.

8.       Internet access service and broadband access trends, including advanced DSL services and providers.

9.       Fiber to the home (FTTH) and fiber to the business (FTTB).

10.   Global telecommunications, landline and cellular statistics and trends.

11.   Television via the Internet, IPTV.

12.   Bundled services and consolidated billing.

13.   VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) including exciting new companies like Sype and Vonage.

You’ll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industry glossary and thorough indexes. The corporate profiles section of the book includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of the 500 leading companies in all facets of the business of telecommunications, systems, services, long distance, landline, VOIP and telecom systems. Here you'll find complete profiles of the hot companies that are making news today, the largest, most successful corporations in the business. Purchasers of either the book or PDF version can receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM, enabling key word search and export of key information, addresses, phone numbers and executive names with titles for every company profiled.


"This guide is a comprehensive overview, from a business and investment perspective, of the companies participating in the worldwide telecommunications industry. Overall an excellent guide to the industry."

American Reference Books Annual

"…An excellent resource for an overview of the industry as well as a source for detailed information on the companies involved in the variety of sectors in the industry. The information is presented in a consistent format so that comparisons can be easily made. Additional tools are available like the rankings, the glossary, and the list of contacts to increase the value of this resource. All of this plus a copy of the volume on CD-ROM make this an excellent value as well as an excellent resource for most any business reference collection."

Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship

"A wealth of information about the industry…Useful to anyone interested in the
telecommunications industry."

CHOICE magazine of the American Library Association

"Provides complete profiles on the top companies and their latest trends, from international to domestic markets…loaded with industry indicators and facts... These books go beyond the usual business listing service to provide important criteria and details essential for long-term business analysis and industry trends."

Midwest Review of Books

Key Telecommunications industry topics

The Business of Telecommunications
Telephone Landlines
Fiber Optics
Long Distance
Local and Voice Over Cable

Bundled Services
Television Over the Internet
Consolidation and Profiles of Leading Companies
Executive Mailing Lists

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