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Arnold Creek Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 2402
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

(503) 246-2439 - Voice
(503) 245-1512 - Voice
(503) 922-0298 - Fax

Pacific Time


Contract Productions

Arnold Creek Productions, Inc. provides award-winning video, audio and presentation services to socially responsible businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations and educational institutions nationwide. We offer complete project development, scriptwriting, production and post-production services — even media related marketing communications consulting.

  • Award-winning media production in the "green" industry and education.
  • Deep knowledge about sustainability and CSR.
  • Extensive experience with multiple distribution & broadcast channels.

Contact us about your marketing, sales, training, educational, event, public relations, fundraising or edu-tainment project. After an initial discussion, we will develop a proposal tailored to your specific needs and budget.


Co-Production Opportunities

Arnold Creek Productions is always looking for new alliances to produce innovative media programs. Contact us if you are interested in a co-production or joint venture in the areas of sustainability and health. We focus on educational, training and informational projects.

We also offer complete production services for educational, training, marketing, public relations and fundraising media programs. These services are available through our award-winning production companies Mercury Productions, Inc. and Ideascape, Inc. Please visit our Web sites for more information.


Production inquiries

Voice or Fax

(503) 246-2439 Business Office

(503) 245-1512 Studio

(503) 922-0298 Fax



  © 2007 Arnold Creek Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved for images, media and content.