ADOPT: APRIL 8, 1985
REVISED: JUNE 10, 2003

The Board of Trustees recognizes the need for complaint/grievance processes for all employees and students that provide for timely, equitable settlement of grievance and/or complaints at the lowest level possible.

The Board of Trustees encourages any individual seeking assistance with a complaint or a grievance to seek the advice of the appropriate individual or group listed below. In some cases, individuals associated with the groups named below may also be able to refer individuals to other agencies with information regarding complaint issues.

The following paragraphs outline recognized complaint/grievance processes within the District. The groups listed below have each committed to the concept that the first step in any grievance or complaint should be an informal one and that timely and equitable settlement of complaints and/or grievance at the lowest level possible shall be ideal. If a complaint or grievance is not resolved informally, formal steps through the appropriate complaint or grievance processes that are identified below shall be followed.

  1. The principal written sources for grievance and complaint information within the District include:

    SEIU Contract (Service Employees International Union for Classified Staff)
    AFA Contract (The All Faculty Association for Faculty Unit A)
    AFT Contract (The American Federation of Teachers for Faculty Unit B)
    District Policy 2.7 (Discrimination and Complaint)
    District Procedure 2.7P (Discrimination and Complaint)
    District Policy 4.14a (Employee Conduct)
    District Procedure 4.14aP (Employee Conduct)
    District Policy 4.14b (Employee Conflict and Crises Intervention) - formerly 4.16a
    District Procedure 4.14bP (Employee Conflict and Crises Intervention) - formerly 4.16aP
    District Policy 4.14c (Workplace Violence Prevention) - formerly 4.22
    District Procedure 4.14cP (Workplace Violence Prevention) - formerly 4.22P
    District Policy 8.22 (Student Greivance/Complaint)
    District Procedure 8.22P (Student Greivance/Complaint)
    Academic Senate Professional Relations and Ethics Guidelines

  2. The Human Resources Department will maintain a list of officer's names for each of the organizations listed below.

    Areas of Grievance or Complaint:

    1. Violation of Employee Contract

      Classified Staff - Contact SEIU Grievance Officer or SEIU President
      Faculty, Unit A - Contact AFA Grievance Officer or Unit A President
      Faculty, Unit B - Contact AFT Grievance Officer or Unit B President

    2. Discrimination or Sexual Harassment

      All Employees & Students - Contact the District Compliance Officer
      Classified Staff - Contact SEIU Grievance Officer or SEIU President
      Faculty, Unit A - Contact AFA Grievance Officer or Unit A President
      Faculty, Unit B - Contact AFT Grievance Officer or Unit B President

    3. All Faculty - Contact Academic Senate President and the Professional Relations Committee of the Academic Senate

    4. Students - Contact the Department Chair in the appropriate instructional area or the Office of the Vice President for Student Services

  3. Individuals not able to visit the Santa Rosa Campus to use resources listed above are encouraged to contact the appropriate Santa Rosa office or individual by phone or email to receive additional information and/or advice. Individuals may also consult a Petaluma Campus or off site administrator for additional referral advice.

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