Republican Office, Committee on the Budget, Rep. Paul Ryan, Ranking Member
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floor statement

Paul Ryan, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, closes debate on the House Concurrent Resolution on the Budget on March 13, 2008




Budget Committee Press Release : US Treasury Announces that Entitlement Problem Grows to $56 Trillion [12/15/2008]

Dear Colleague [Rep. Ryan & Rep. Cooper: US Treasury Announces that Entitlement Problem Grows to $56 Trillion [12/15/2008]

Budget Boondoggle Award : Multi-Millionaire Farmers Reap What the Taxpayer Sows [12/11/2008]

Federal Loans for American Auto Manufacturers: H.R. 7321 [12/10/2008]


Rep. Ryan Congratulates Dr. Orszag: On Nomination as OMB Chief [11/25/2008]

Budget Boondoggle Award: Throwing Good Money After Chads [11/20/2008]


A $300 - Billion "Stimulus" Bill: With Questionable Economic Benefit [10/22/2008]

Budget Committee Hearing- Economic Recovery: Options and Challenges : Rep. Ryan Opening Statement [10/20/2008]

Treasury Final 2008 Monthly Statement: Rep. Ryan Statement [10/16/2008]

The Problem for Main Street: Why Economic Stabalization is Necessary [10/02/2008]


Second Stimulus: Just Another Excuse to Spend (H.R. 7110) [9/26/2008]

Budget Committee Hearing: Budget Reform Proposals for the 111th Congress Rep. Ryan's [Prepared] Opening Statement [9/24/2008]

The Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act 2009: CR + Minibus + Supplemental Spending (H.R. 2638) [9/24/2008]

Budget Committee Hearing: Federal Response to Market Turmoil: Rep. Ryan's Opening Statement [9/24/2008]

The Potential Budget Impact of Government Intervention: The Proposed Financial System Rescue [9/23/2008]

The Majority's Energy Bill: Higher Taxes, Higher Spending - Less Energy (HR6899) [9/16/2008]

Budget Committee Hearing: Iraq's Budget Surplus: Rep. Ryan's Opening Statement [9/16/2008]

Failures of the Democrats' First Budget: CBO's Update for Fiscal Year 2008 [9/09/2008]

Budget Committee Hearing: A Weakended Economy - How to Respond? Rep. Ryan's Opening Statement [9/09/2008]


Fiscal Year 2009 MILCON/VA Appropriatioins Bill: H.R. 6599 [7/30/2008]

Turning Off the Medicare Trigger: Worse Than Doing Nothing [7/23/2008]

Highway Trust Fund: The Broken Highway Trust Fund [7/23/2008]

Ryan Statement Commending CBO on its Analysis of Treasury GSE Proposal [7/22/2008]

Understanding the Dilemma of Fannie and Freddie: The Dilemma [updated July 22nd] [7/17/2008]


Monthly Economic Update: June 26, 2008 [6/26/2008]

The House Democrat's AMT Patch: Creating More Tax Uncertainty [6/25/2008]

The Medicare 'Doc Fix' (HR 6331): Abusing the Process with Budgetary Gimmicks [6/24/2008]

Budget Committee Hearing: Long-Term Fiscal Challenges: Rep. Ryan's Opening Statement [6/25/2008]

Emergency War Supplemental: Fiscal Year 2008-09 (HR 2642)[6/20/2008]

Democratic Budget & The Largest Tax Increase in History: CBO Removes Fig Leaf [6/18/2008]

Democratic Budget & The Largest Tax Increase in History: Letter from CBO [6/18/2008]

Budget Conference Report FY09: The Largest Tax Increase in History, However They Slice it. [6/04/2008]

Budget Conference Report FY09: The Democrats' Record Debt Hike [6/04/2008]

Budget Conference Report FY09: Higher Spending, Higher Taxes, No Reform [6/04/2008]




Farm Bill & PAYGO: Ryan Motion to Instruct Q & A [5/05/2008]

The 2008 Farm Bill: Subsidizing Wealthy Farmers, While Food Prices Soar [5/14/2008]

The 2008 Farm Bill: PAYGO Waived: Hiding Billions In New Costs [5/14/2008]

The Gas Tax Relief and Earmark Moratorium Act of 2008: Introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan [5/08/2008]

Farm Bill & PAYGO: Ryan Motion to Instruct Q & A [5/05/2008]


Motion to Instruct: Will the 2008 Farm Bill Dodge PAYGO? [4/30/2008]

Ryan Statement on 'Tax Day': Statement [4/15/2008]

Motion to Instruct: Will the 2008 Farm Bill Dodge PAYGO? [4/30/2008]

The Budget Boondoggle Award: Subsidies for Manhattan 'Farmers' [4/02/2008]

Motion to Instruct: Will the 2008 Farm Bill Dodge PAYGO? [4/30/2008]

The Budget Boondoggle Award: Subsidies for Manhattan 'Farmers' [4/02/2008]


Medicare, Social Security Financial Status: Fact Sheet [3/25/2008]

Medicare, Social Security Financial Status: Rep. Ryan's Statement [3/25/2008]

Introduction of Medicare "Trigger" Proposal:Rep. Ryan's Statement [3/18/2008]

Republican Substitute: Talking Points - Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2009 [3/12/2008]

The House Democratic Budget :Spend Now, Spend Later [3/12/2008]

The House Democratic Budget : The Majority's Entitlement Failure [3/12/2008]

The House Democratic Budget: Real Tax Hikes, Real People [3/12/2008]

Summary of the Republican Substitute :Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2009 [3/11/2008]

Budget Democrat's Choose- Pork Over Paychecks:The House Democratic Budget [3/06/2008]

The Status Quo - And then Some (Taxes, Spending, and a Lack of Reform):The House Democratic Budget [3/06/2008]

Raising Taxes on Your Constituents: The House Democratic Budget[3/04/2008]


The Presidents FY09 Budget: Key Facts [2/04/2008]

Fiscal Overview of the President's Budget: Summary [2/04/2008]

President's FY09 Budget VS Congressional Democrats' Budget Record: Comparison [2/04/2008]

Fiscal Overview of the President's Budget: Summary [2/04/2008]

Fiscal Overview of the President's Budget: Summary [2/04/2008]