Nutraceuticals Market Reports

(19 Reports)  

Find the information you need on the nutraceuticals industry. The Packaged Facts collection of market research reports provides insights into product and market trends, analyses, projections, and sales and marketing strategies. Specifics on market share, size, and growth of the US nutraceutical markets are also featured. You'll find the latest information on vitamins and supplements, nutraceutical foods and beverages, functional foods, and more.

Title Publishedsort descending Price
Sport Nutritionals for Active Lifestyles in the U.S.
Sport Nutritionals for Active Lifestyles in the U.S. The sports nutritional products market in the U.S. is flexing its muscles and extending into a broader consumer market that is not so much about sports as it is about lifestyle. Take note of the robust market growth in 2006, which saw  |  more...
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Aug 1, 2007       $3,000.00
Functional, Fortified and Inherently Healthy Foods and Beverages: The U.S. Phood Market
Gauging 2006 sales at approximately $20 billion through all channels, including mass-market, health/natural, Wal-Mart, and warehouse clubs, Functional, Fortified and Inherently Healthy Foods and Beverages: The New U.S. “Phood” Market, a fully updated Packaged Facts report, covers functional foods and beverages with medically beneficial ingredients—also known as “phoods” and “bepherages.”  |  more...
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Mar 1, 2007       $3,000.00
Market Trends: New Age Carbonated Beverages
The soda industry has come full circle. In the beginning, carbonated water was an elixir of good health. This “health beverage” evolved into the multi-billion dollar carbonated soft drink industry we know today, although not necessarily for healthfulness. However, over the past twenty years, there has been a  |  more...
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Apr 1, 2005       $1,495.00
MarketLooks: The U.S. "Phood" Market
MarketLooks , from, are concise 15-30 page summaries of popular full-length market research reports published by Packaged Facts. This MarketLooks report has been compiled from the following full-length study: Title: New U.S. "Phood" Market: Functional, Fortified, and Inherently Healthy Foods and Beverages Published: January 2004 Each MarketLooks report includes top-level  |  more...
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Feb 1, 2005       $499.00
The New U.S. "Phood" Market: Functional, Fortified, and Inherently Healthy Foods and Beverages
With health and wellness a top criterion driving consumer food choices, this first-edition Packaged Facts report offers a unique perspective on a hot topic, examining pharmaceutical-benefit foods (i.e., “phoods”) and beverages including traditional (e.g., regular oatmeal, whole-grain  |  more...
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Jan 1, 2005       $2,250.00
MarketLooks: Fruit Products
MarketLooks , from, are concise 15-30 page summaries of popular full-length market research reports published by Packaged Facts. This MarketLooks report has been compiled from the following full-length study: Title: U.S. Market for Fruit Products Published: August 2004  |  more...
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Aug 1, 2004       $399.00
U.S. Market for Fruit Products
The U.S. Fruit Products Market: Translating Health Awareness into Sales Can fruit products capitalize on the growing concern about the overweight but poorly nourished American, particularly the American youngster? This Packaged Facts report examines the trends and products in the U.S. market for fruit juices and drinks, packaged  |  more...
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Aug 1, 2004       $2,250.00
Marketlooks: The U.S. Market for Nutraceutical Foods and Beverages
MarketLooks , from, are concise 15-30 page summaries of popular full-length market research reports published by Packaged Facts. This MarketLooks report has been compiled from the following full-length study: Title: The U.S. Market for Nutraceutical Foods and Beverages Published: August 2002 Each  |  more...
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Sep 10, 2002       $399.00
The U.S. Market for Nutraceutical Foods and Beverages
This Packaged Facts report analyzes the market for nutraceuticals -- packaged foods that promise some medical benefit. Currently worth $17 billion at retail, and expected to reach $21 billion by 2006, this market encompasses such products as infant formula, protein drinks, cholesterol-lowering margarines, heart-healthy breakfast cereals and breads, and  |  more...
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Aug 1, 2002       $1,500.00
The U.S. Market for Fortified Foods and Drinks: Expanding the Boundaries
This fully updated report from Packaged Facts analyzes three key categories of fortified foods: foods, beverages, and baby foods & formula. The report analyzes the lifestyle and demographic trends affecting this market, projecting market size and growth by product category. The study also unveils the competitive strategies and new  |  more...
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Apr 1, 2002       $1,500.00
The U.S. Market for Bottled Water and Related Water Products
This Packaged Facts study analyzes the dynamic $6 billion U.S. market for bottled water, which starts the new millennium as the fastest growing sector of the overall U.S. beverage market. This comprehensive report covers both trends and sales data for distilled, carbonated, and non-carbonated water, as well as commercial and  |  more...
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Nov 1, 2001       $1,500.00
The U.S. Market for Fruit Products
This two-part study from Packaged Facts covers the U.S. market for fruit beverages and foods, which experienced sales of $12 billion in 2000. The report divides the market into three categories: fruit juice products, including refrigerated drinks, aseptic drinks, shelf-stable bottled drinks, shelf-stable canned drinks, shelf-stable concentrates, frozen  |  more...
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Jun 1, 2001       $1,649.00
The U.S. Market for Fruit Juice Products
This Packaged Facts study covers the fruit juice products market, which experienced sales of $15 billion in 2000. The report analyzes the market according to two classifications: 1) storage method (including refrigerated, shelf-stable bottled, frozen concentrate, aseptic, canned, and shelf-stable concentrate products), and 2) flavor (including orange juice, fruit  |  more...
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Jun 1, 2001       $1,399.00
The U.S. Sports Nutritionals Market
The sports nutrition industry has seen phenomenal growth over the past several years, as research has led to one breakthrough after another in sports nutritional science. Despite this past success, the industry is beginning to show signs of slowing growth. A variety of complex factors, including questions of effectiveness,  |  more...
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May 1, 2001       $1,399.00
MarketLooks: The U.S. Market For Sports Nutritional Beverages
MarketLooks are concise, easy to read summaries of full-length market research reports. Full reports that cover more than one market segment are split into corresponding multiple MarketLooks to allow you to purchase only the MarketLooks that you need. MarketLooks for market research reports published prior to May 2001  |  more...
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May 1, 2001       $399.00
MarketLooks: The U.S. Market for Nutraceuticals
MarketLooks are concise, graphic-rich summaries of full-length market research reports. Reports that cover more than one market segment are split into corresponding MarketLooks to allow users to purchase only what they need. This MarketLooks was created in PowerPoint(R) for easy extraction of text, charts and tables for use in presentations  |  more...
Sep 1, 2000       $399.00
The U.S. Market for Nutraceuticals
With consumers demanding more control over their own wellness, nutraceuticals, also called functional foods and beverages, are worth a bullish $15.0 billion at retail. Now, a new Packaged Facts report examines the market for these products that are positioned on either preventing or treating diseases and medical conditions.  |  more...
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Sep 1, 2000       $1,375.00
The Fortified Foods Market
Americans' obsession with their health, combined with a high-pressure life style that leaves little time for food preparation, has created a $10 billion business in cereals, juices and other foods fortified with the vitamins and minerals missing from a hurried family's diet. Appearing as line extensions in a half dozen  |  more...
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Feb 1, 2000       $1,375.00
The U.S. Market For Healthy Prepared Foods
With the American consumer becoming increasingly savvy about nutrition, this new study from Packaged Facts analyzes the market for high vitamin/mineral and high fiber/protein prepared foods. This report analyzes the diet and demographic trends affecting the market today, tabulating and projecting market size and growth by product category  |  more...
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Feb 1, 1999       $2,750.00
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